Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1294: True and false daughter (12)

Haven't read the review! !

He Shan looked solemnly as if sworn: "At the beginning, I will always be your friend. I will support you no matter what happens!"

Chu Zheng: "..." Do you still support writing a review?

He Shan made a fist and made a cheering gesture: "Come on!"

Chu Zheng: "..." Isn't it ill? !

The class bell rang, and He Shan quickly sat back in position.

Chuzheng held his chin to write her review, and He Shan later realized that she was writing a review.


Didn’t you say it’s okay?

Why write a review?

Chuzheng didn't hide anything when she wrote the review. The classmates in the front and back seat saw it. So before a get out of class was over, she wrote the review and spread it throughout the whole year.

People in each class are discussing secretly in the class group.

[If you steal 200,000 and write a review, it’s too easy, right? ]

[Why can't that matter? No matter how she was raised by the Du family, she could still send people in? ]


[But I didn't think she was such a person, I didn't see it before. ]

[People shouldn't look like. ]

[The most important thing is to become the daughter of the trash picker from Miss Jinjin overnight. You can experience this gap. ]

[The post on Tieba seems to have been deleted. ]

Someone found that the post on Tieba had been deleted.

Although weird, I think about it, I have already called out relevant departments. The school will definitely intervene, so it is normal to delete it.


When school was over, Chuzheng stuffed things into his schoolbag casually, flung it over his shoulder and left the classroom in a cool and handsome manner.

It may be that her aura is too strong, and the classmates in the classroom did not dare to move.

After she left the classroom, the discussion gradually increased.

"Xiaochu, wait for me." He Shan caught up with her: "What are you doing in a while?"

Chu Zheng asked casually: "What's the matter?"

What else can I do? Go back and write a review.

"No..." He Shan shook his head: "None of us have gone out to eat together recently. May I invite you?"

They used to be AA when they went out. He Shan worried that Chuzheng's current family situation would not have so much pocket money.

Chuzheng didn't want to go, the **** dog would definitely meet the task of stitching.

He Shan was even more worried about Chuzheng: "Xiaochu, you have not been with me lately, so let's go."

Don't go! !

The boss wants to go back and write a review!

He Shan entangled Chuzheng, but the boss couldn't help but reluctantly agreed.

As soon as they walked to the school gate, Chu Zheng was stopped by someone.

It was Mrs. Du who was not calling Chu Zheng.

Mrs. Du, wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, stood out among the students and looked outstanding.

The generous life makes Mrs. Du look young and beautiful. The years seem to leave no trace on her, she is still a beauty.

Mrs. Du and Yan's mother are not much different in age, but if they stand together, it is estimated that everyone will think that they are mother and daughter.

Chu Zheng had no feeling for Mrs. Du, and his tone was calm: "Is something wrong?"

Mrs. Du took off her sunglasses: "Chuzheng, let's go next to chat."

"I have something else, just say it here."

Mrs. Du looked at the girl in front of her in a daze.

She grew up on her own.


That girl is gentle, soft and white like floating clouds in the sky.

However, at this time, the girl standing in front of her was so coldly alienated that people did not dare to approach her at will.

It's more like freezing ice in winter, looking beautiful, but full of thorns when touched.

She has been spoiled for more than ten years, not her own biological daughter, but her biological daughter was raised up like that.

Mrs. Du naturally has a lot of dissatisfaction in her heart.

The relationship of more than ten years naturally cannot match the guilt and affection of Mrs. Du for her own daughter.

Mrs. Du frowned, looked at the noisy surroundings, but did not insist: "I heard Teacher Guo said about the post. Xia Xia did not do it right. I will ask her to apologize to you, but you are right. As the whole school reviews, can this matter be forgotten?"

"Why forgotten?"

The girl's voice is cold and clear under the noisy background.

The voice is still the same, but the tone is too cold...

Mrs. Du caught up.

"Chuzheng, how can I raise you for more than ten years? Do you have to worry about this?"

Du Xia has been suffering outside for so many years, and Mrs. Du is willing to let her be wronged.

Now Chuzheng wants Du Xia to apologize in front of the whole school. Could she do it on purpose?

Chuzheng's eyes filled with coldness: "Do you think this is a trivial matter?"

"Isn't it just a post?" Mrs. Du paid little attention: "Xia Xia has been deleted, and I will apologize to you in private."


Chuzheng did not say the desire to go on.

They settled it privately. Du Xia did not apologize in front of the whole school. Even if the post was deleted, she would still be burdened by the public opinion of'stealing parents' 200,000'.

If it is the original owner, it is estimated that it will not be long before he is depressed and suicidal by these comments.

Du Xia's fault, why should she give in?

What is she?

It's not my good person card!

In the memory of the original owner, Mrs. Du treated her very well, but that was based on the fact that she was Mrs. Du's daughter.

Since discovering that she is not her daughter, Mrs. Du's eyes always look faintly obscure.

When the original owner left the house, she didn't let her take away.

Mrs. Du frowned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Zheng: "Nothing else, I'm leaving now."

"You stop!" Mrs. Du stopped Chu Zheng: "How long is it that you are so rude?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

"Did you remember what I said to you? Go to the director tomorrow to make it clear, let's solve it in private."

Chu Zheng: "???"


Lady, did I promise you?

Did you make a decision for me?

Chu Zheng lowered his eyebrows coldly: "I didn't agree."

Mrs. Du was upset and quickly wrote on her face: "The Du family has not treated you badly these years. You enjoy everything that should be Xia Xia, you..."

Chuzheng cut off Mrs. Du: "It has nothing to do with me. It is the responsibility of the hospital. If you want to be held accountable, it is recommended to sue the hospital."

Mrs. Du did not expect that Chuzheng would say such a thing.

She also thought about what it would be like to see this daughter again.

But she never thought that it would be like this.

"You..." Mrs. Du took a deep breath, and slowly said, "I know you can't accept your identity for a while, but this is the reality. You can't hurt Xia Xia because you're also angry."

"I know you are a good boy. Xia Xia is wrong this time. I didn't deny it. I will let Xia Xia apologize to you."

Speaking of the back, Mrs. Du began to play emotional cards.

"I'm not a good boy." Your good boy is dead early! Chu Zheng looked unappreciatively indifferent: "This matter has not been discussed."

Chu Zheng no longer gave Mrs. Du a chance and turned and left.

After two steps, He Shan didn't follow.

She turned back and dragged her away with her schoolbag.