Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1314: True and false daughter (32)

Carrying a schoolbag, Chu Zheng walked slowly out of the demolition building.

The roar sounded abruptly from behind, Chu Zheng looked back, and the black car rushed over and stopped beside her.

The door was pushed open, and Shu Jun got out of the driver's seat with a calm face.

Shu Jun almost ran up to her and grabbed her arm: "What are you doing?"

There was an unbearable anxiety in his tone.

"How did you find me?" Chu Zheng asked instead.

She asked the King to hide all her information. How could the good person card find herself? Is it not possible? !

Shu Jun held her arm tightly: "I want to find you, there will always be a way."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Line horn.

You rock.

You are great!

Chuzheng held his hand back without changing his expression: "You came just right, show you something."

I don't need to pick it up. Good guys are really sensible.


"If you ask so much what you are doing, you will know after reading it."

Chu Zheng took him to the building she had just come out to be demolished.

Shu Jun: "..."

its not right!

What am I here for!

She ran to such a dangerous place alone, he came to educate her.

Why is he being led by her nose now! !


ten minutes later.

Shu Jun looked strangely at the people **** in a circle in front of him.

Everyone was wearing blindfolds and their mouths were sealed.

At this moment, he was turning his head constantly, probably trying to figure out where he was.

The picture looks a bit funny.

However, Shu Jun was not funny at all.

A cold sweat rose on his back.

Who is she……

Chuzheng gave him a mop of a chair and sat down under him.

She put her hands on his shoulders, approached him slightly, and said in his ear: "You pick, who do you want to sell to."

Shu Jun: "..."

If he read it right, everyone on the list is here.

Anyone taking it out here can cause a sensation, but she got everyone here.

How did she get in? !

Do these people need no formalities for entry and exit?

Shu Jun turned his head stiffly and looked at the person behind him: "Are you serious?"

These people are all big brothers! !

She actually tied all people here.

How did she catch them?

Chu Zheng raised his hand casually and said concisely: "Who to choose?"

In this tone, it seemed that the opposite was not a person, but a bunch of Chinese cabbage.

He chooses which cabbage he likes.

Shu Jun's throat rolled, and a little cold sweat leaked out on his forehead: "Why did you get them here?"

"You don't need to worry about this, who do you want to choose?"

Don't need him to care...

He didn't want to control either.

But now this situation...

Can he leave it alone?

Shu Jun retrieved his voice for a while: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Chu Zheng casually said: "I know."


I don't think you know anything!

Shu Jun took a deep breath: "Do you know who they are?!"

Chuzheng still had those two words: "Know."

Shu Jun felt that he was about to collapse: "Then do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Chu Zheng's fingertips rubbed his shoulders: "What is the consequence?"

"You tie them here, do you think they will let us go casually?" Shu Jun said: "You are too naive to think."

Which of these people is not a big brother who is used to seeing life and death.

After being so humiliated by people who have reached their current position, how could they just forget it.

Even if they really sell things, they won't have a good life.

"They dare not do anything."

"...What do you mean?"

Chuzheng thought for a moment, and said nonsense: "I poisoned them."

Shu Jun: "???"

"Choose quickly, don't talk nonsense." Chuzheng became impatient, with a ferocious tone in his tone: "I have chosen to go back early, I have to go to school."

Shu Jun: "???"

At this time, what do you still want to go to school!

Shu Jun wanted to see if Chu Zheng was joking, but the serious expression on her face indicated that she was not joking.

She was serious.

"Have you decided who to choose?"


The people **** there struggled, obviously there was something to say.

Chu Zheng raised his eyes and glanced: "Be quiet, don't make noise!"

The struggling person went quiet for some reason, and looked a little scared at that.

Shu Jun: "..."


"Don't be afraid, if you have me, you can choose whoever you want." Chu Zheng patted him on the shoulder.


People are already tied up.

The offense is over.

Now Shu Jun doesn't choose.

Shu Jun forced himself to calm down, walked around the crowd, and finally ordered someone.

Without saying anything, Chu Zheng took the person out and pushed into the next room: "You go to talk, or I go to talk?"

Shu Jun: "..."

Shu Jun didn't dare to let Chu Zheng go, he went to talk about it himself.

Entering the room, the sealant of the boss was removed, but it was still tied and the blindfold was not removed.

Hearing someone coming in, the person immediately said: "What are you going to sell? I buy, I buy, you make a price!!"

Shu Jun's mouth twitched, "You don't know what I want to sell?"

He gave Chuzheng a USB flash drive.

These people can understand what is inside at a glance.

The boss snarled desperately: "Where do I know if I am riding a horse!!"

Compared with your own fate, buying something is nothing.

That woman doesn't know what it is, she is a devil.

Shu Jun was also a little desperate.

Of course, at this time Shu Jun also knew that she was definitely not sent by those people.

With such an ability, why waste time on him.

Shu Jun exhaled, pulled out the chair and sat down: "You must be interested in what I want to sell, but before that, I have a question."

The boss is very humble: "You ask."

"How did she invite you here?"

Shu Jun's words are considered polite.

More accurately, it should have been caught.

So the boss is very angry.

Can you not ask such insulting questions? ! !

He stayed well in his villa, the ghost knew how to suddenly wake up on the private plane, and then saw the girl.

Sitting in a chair arrogantly, his expression indifferent and casual.

Obviously he looks young, but his temperament is hard to ignore.

Also seeing the people outside.

At first they were not blindfolded or sealed, until they were brought here, they were blindfolded and gagged.

Only a few people have fought with her, and the rest are inexplicable and are here when they wake up.

"What are you going to sell!" The boss is unwilling to answer this question.

Shu Jun was silent for a few seconds, and did not continue to ask: "You can see for yourself..."

"What do I think!" the boss roared!

Shu Jun looked at the boss' blindfold and was about to take it off for him.

Chuzheng standing at the door stopped him: "What are you going to show him? Give it to me, you go out."