Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1340: Koi Player (6)


She didn't expect that when hiring someone with an NPC, it would be a player.

The city will play.

"What are you going to do?" I'm not Tutu. I checked her profile and said softly, "You're still a new account, upgrade to Daguai?"

Chuzheng's indifferent face: "No."

Oh, naive, would a big brother do such a naive thing? !

The boss is going to do big things!

I'm not Tutu wondering: "Huh?"

At this level, what can you do if you upgrade without fighting monsters?

Chu Zheng brought me to the graveyard, not a rabbit, and pointed to Zhang Dahai's grave: "Dig the grave."

I am not a tutu: "???"

Chuzheng seemed to see the bold question mark on the face of I am not a tutu.

Did he hear it wrong, or did she say it wrong?

I'm not Tutu's skeptical sight at the grave, moving back and forth before Chuzheng.

I am not a tutu who said dryly for a long time: "Are you serious?"

Dig a grave?

Is this a new way to play the game?

Or no one has found it before?

Chu Zheng: "Of course."

I am not a tutu: "..."

All tasks are accepted.

If this task is not completed, experience points and credits will be deducted.

I am not Tutu. Although Chuzheng's request is a bit weird, it is just a game, so he didn't think much about it.

Soon, it was buried in the mall to dig graves.

I am not a tutu who started digging a grave.

"Why are you digging a grave?" he asked Chu Zheng as he digged.

Chu Zheng leaned on the trunk beside him: "What do you care about so much."

"..." I'm not Tutu throwing off his bangs: "Can't you say it? Hidden mission?"

Chuzheng ignored him.

I am not persevering: "It's just playing games, there is nothing I can say."

Chu Zheng still ignored him.

I'm not a tutu who asked several questions one after another, and finally stubbornly digs the grave with his head down.

Never expected that one day he could do such a thing.

Why does he have to be cheap and take this task! !

Obviously it's just data, but for the sake of authenticity, this stuff has to be digging up.

The grave is not easy to dig.

I'm not Tutu's stamina draining fast, he looked at the grave where he hadn't seen anything, and sat aside.

He freed his hand and waved in the air: "I'll rest for a while and get back some strength."

Chuzheng silently bought him a rejuvenating medicine at the mall.

I am not a tutu: "..."

He is here to play games, not to do hard work-even if it is a game, it is hard work!

He looked towards Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng was also wearing the black and white rookie uniform of the Yu clan, leaning on the withered old tree, in a casual and chic posture.

There is no girl's tenderness and grace, but a bit of heroic arrogance.

I am not Tutu looking back, more curious about what she did for digging the grave.

So I'm not a tutu to keep working hard.


After half an hour.

I'm not a tutu sitting on the dirt, pointing to the hole he dug out: "I dug the bones."

But there was nothing but bones.

Chu Zheng saw that the bones had symbols that could be picked up, and she went over and jumped into the pit.

Pick up the bones in front of me, not a rabbit.

The bones disappeared from her hands and were put into a backpack.

I am not a tutu: "..."

I go!

This is to dig someone's body outside! !

Game planning is toxic! !

Chuzheng got the things, turned around and left.

I’m not Tutu’s mission completed, and I have received the reward, but he still followed Chuzheng.

"No, what is your mission?" I am not a bunny who is curious: "You should be a novice mission at your level. I have never heard of novice missions like this?"

Novice missions for each race are different.

But generally it will not deviate from the same frame.

If there was such a peculiar task, it would have been exposed long ago.

However, he had not heard of it, proving that no one had done this task.

"Don't go so fast!"

"Make friends!"

"I am a good person!"

Chu Zheng: "..."

And grab a job with me!

Chuzheng ignored him and directly sent him to the coachman.

There is only one option for this teleportation, but when I am not a Tutu teleportation, I didn't find Chuzheng.


and many more!

There seems to be something wrong!

Why can she send a zero-level trumpet out of Novice Village?


I'm not Tutu feeling strong malice.

He clicked on the world, and as soon as he unblocked the shield, he was stunned by the news of the world.

[World] Brother Rabbit is online today: I saw Tutu! !

[World] Brother Rabbit’s stubborn fan: I saw it too. Didn’t you say you want to retreat and write a new song, Rabbit? Why do we meet in the game! ?

[World] You are so ugly to me: ask for coordinates!

[World] Boldly spoil the people: Brother Rabbit is here.

[World] Do you want to get rich overnight: A large wave of rabbit fans is approaching, please be prepared for defense, and you will have a chance to catch a wife.

[World] Galloping Pork Belly: Maybe it's an old attack?

[World] Tutu's girlfriend deity: Tutu, you are not good at writing a song, what are you doing here? Don't worry about me, I am strong, I can play the game alone! ! I can also help you play your share! !

[World] Slow heat is over: I am not a bunny who is it?

[World] My rabbit is so handsome: you can eat it.

I'm not Tutu's chest hurt by the words of Tutu's girlfriend.

Who are these people!

[World] I’m not a Bunny: Do you know what the situation is, can you leave the Novice Village for the zero trumpet?

[World] Be bold and unreasonable: Brother Rabbit, are you crazy about writing songs?

【World】Professional Face Slap: Watch Brother Rabbit cheating fans online.

[World] I’m not a rabbit: I’m serious. Just now there was a one-step defeat of one billion, level zero who left the Novice Village! !

【World】Boldly spoil the people:...

[World] Ruoye:...

[World] Do you want to get rich overnight:...

[World] Professional Face Slappers: Who do you say?

[World] I am not a tutu: defeat a billion in one step?

[World] I’m not a rabbit: this name is a bit special.

[World] I’m not a Bunny: Is this a bug, can I report her?

When Chuzheng opened the world, he happened to see this sentence.

[World] One Billion One Step Loss: Report I Have Money?

[World] I am not a rabbit:? ? ?

Obviously, I am not the only one who is puzzled, and all players in the world are puzzled.

Chuzheng is looking at the previous news, the sentiment is quite famous...

Chuzheng found out the forums that can be logged in in the game, and searched it that I am not a tutu.

Many posts popped up soon.

I am not Tutu who is famous in this server.

Of course not because he is great.

But because he is a star himself.

Tens of millions of fans on Weibo.

But the star Tutu doesn't sing well all day long, so he can't extricate himself from being addicted to games.

An e-sports player who was delayed by singing!

It is said that he is currently applying to be a spokesperson for the game, but according to the latest news, he was ruthlessly rejected...