Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1341: Koi players (7)

How did Chuzheng get out of Xinshou Village at level zero? It has become a hot issue in the world.

I am not a tutu in the world, and I will learn about Chuzheng again.

Unexpectedly, this zero-level rookie is so extraordinary.

[World] I’m not a Bunny: Do you know what she was doing just now?

[World] Do you want to get rich overnight: what to do?

[World] I am not a rabbit: dig a grave!

[World] Brother Tu’s brain fan: Tutu, you still not sleeping? What are you gossip about here? What are you digging for?

[World] Tutu's girlfriend deity: No, Tutu, I have a question, why do you know she is digging a grave? How can you watch other girls dig graves! !

[World] Boldly spoil the people: Isn’t the point of digging a grave?

[World] Galloping Pork Belly: The current games are so frantic that they have dug their graves! !

[World] I’m not a Bunny: I also want to know what to do for digging a grave. Who of you has done this task?

[World] Is Brother Rabbit online today: No.

[World] Brother Rabbit’s stubborn fan: No.

[World] Bunny Girlfriend: No.

The hotly discussed objects in the world are doing tasks according to instructions.

Bury Zhang Dahai, then get what Zhang Dahai left behind and give it to Zhang Tianzhu...

The task is very cumbersome, and Chuzheng is upset.

Angrily went off the assembly line and went to sleep.

Thinking of lying in bed, there is still a play.

The boss who just decided not to play was beaten in the face within minutes and climbed the line again.

She glanced at the world first, and the group of people was still discussing about the zero-level newbie village.

Under the confession that I am not Tutu, this is novice village, she also spanned the entire map to reach the novice village on the other side.

Chuzheng glanced at it for a few moments, showing no interest.

But I am not a tutu, and keep applying to add her as friends.

It's a match for the former actor who painted the West Tower.

Don't sing well and play games all day, what would it look like!

Chuzheng ignored this Mr. Tutu and looked at the time. At this point in time, Fang Zhouan should be online soon.

In the memory of the original owner, Fang Zhouan left Hupengouyou and went back to the room by himself before the birthday dinner was over.

The original owner didn't worry about it and followed him to see, but Fang Zhouan drove home.

Probably out of a woman's intuition, the original owner boarded the game.

So I saw the scene of Ark An Sheng's confession.

Chuzheng Dama Jindao sits under the big tree in Xinshou Village.

At this time, there were no people in Xinshou Village, and the occasional players passing by were hurrying and no one paid attention to her.

Chuzheng waited impatiently, and then went on the task for a while.

As a result, she brushed for half an hour, and Fang Zhouan hadn't appeared yet.

Why is Fang Zhou An not online yet?

Was Fang Zhou'an taken away by the aliens?

How fat is Fang Zhou An! !

I'm still waiting! !

Fang Zhouan has not been online, but Chuzheng finally couldn't stand it, and went to sleep when he went offline.

It was already more than nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

The main line on the Chuzheng panel is still only ‘Zhang Tianzhu’, the level remains firm, and there is no experience.

Chu Zheng exhaled.


Isn't it just a game!

As a girl, how can I be stumped by this.

Chuzheng continued to do the breaking task.

She didn't believe it!

[Main line: Picking jasper fruits (0/10)]

Suddenly a bit normal?

So here comes the problem.

Where is the Jasper Fruit?

In normal games, shouldn't there be a map guide behind it?

Why is there nothing in this game! !

Chuzheng turned around for a long time, but didn't see the jasper fruit.

Prove that this thing is not something common in games...

Chuzheng, a little white who just entered the game, didn't understand anything, so she decided to ask.

[World] One Billion One Step Lose: Where is the Jasper Fruit? Paid!

Chuzheng's words were posted, and the World Channel was quiet for a second.

[World] Galloping pork belly: My grass! Miss Grave Digging is online!

Chu Zheng: "???"

[World] People who eat melons: Miss sister, did you throw back the blood pills today?

[World] One billion defeat in one step: Don't throw.

[World] Watching the End of the World: When will Miss Sister throw it away? I can wait.

[World] Pineapple blowing snow: The jasper fruit is on the Yuhan Snow Mountain, Miss Sister, what do you want this for? Isn't this a landscape plant?

[World] One billion defeat in one step:...

Chuzheng clicked on the pineapple blowing snow and transferred the 1000 to him.

[World] Pineapple Chuuxue: Miss Sister’s news is not worth 1,000 yuan.

[World] One billion defeat in one step: rich.

[World] Pineapple blowing snow:...

[World] Galloping Pork Belly: Pineapple, did you really get 1,000?

[World] Pineapple Fuxue: Yes.

[World] Boldly spoil the people: I am grass!

[World] Do you want to get rich overnight: I am grass!

[World] Yemei but bleak: I am grass!

【World】Look at the end of the day: I am grass!

None of them expected that Chuzheng would be real.

Yuhan Snow Mountain is a level 30 field map, and the level of Chuzheng is only one number away from it, a difference of 3.

She can teleport to Yuhan Snow Mountain, but there are so many wild monsters that it is not easy for her to go up and pick it.

and so……

[System News] Players will be recruited for the guards with ‘one-step defeat by one billion’. Players can click to enter the recruitment interface to apply...

An **** is not the same as a team.

Crudely speaking, teaming is an equal relationship.

The guard is who gives the money and who is the father.

[World] Do you want to get rich overnight:...

【World】Boldly spoil the people:...

【World】Professional Face Slappers:...

The gameplay of rich players is different!


The first application that Chuzheng received was Pineapple Blizzard.

Chuzheng glanced at his grade and passed his application.

Pineapple Chuuxue was teleported to her in an instant.

"Miss." Pineapple Chuuxue greeted her with a grin: "Good morning."


Pineapple Chuuxue: "Miss, what do you want Jasper Fruit"

Chu Zheng's words are concise and concise: "Do tasks."

The pineapple blew the snow and scratched his head, confused: "Why haven't I heard of which task requires jasper fruit?"

Chu Zheng looked at him.

Pineapple Chuuxue immediately said: "I have researched all aspects of the game, and I have never heard of any task that requires jasper fruit."

The setting of jasper fruit itself is a landscape plant.

Only on Yuhan Snow Mountain.

Chu Zheng said calmly: "Landscape plants don't need names."

Pineapple blowing snow: "..."

Although I always think something is weird, I can't refute what's going on.

Why do landscape plants have names?

Just at the moment when Pineapple Chuuxue wondered, several players appeared in front of Chuzheng.

"Hello, Miss Sister, I am still the peach blossom." The first person who greeted me was a female player, who played the same feather clan as Chuzheng.

The clothes on her body are gorgeous and beautiful, and she will shine when she stands there.

[Miss sister, we also do a set? Do not! The rich can't make one set, they have to make thirty sets, and don't repeat the same one month! 】

"..." Don't!

Rich people like to wear novice clothes!

[Main task: Please collect the feather clan fashions. (0/30) The time limit is two months, and the market price of each set of fashion is not less than two thousand. 】

[Miss sister, come on! 】

[I got out~]