Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1342: Koi players (8)

The King slid so fast that Chuzheng almost missed it.

damn thing!

The boy next to Taohua still smiled shyly: "I am Xingyun."

Xingyun is playing with the ghost race, very capable of dressing up.

The boy next to Xingyun raised his hand and waved: "I'm bold and spoiled."

Bold Diao Min Chuzheng is a bit familiar, this person is a resident of the world.

After introducing himself, Chuzheng went straight to the topic: "You **** me to Yuhan Snow Mountain."

"Yuhan Snow Mountain is a 30-level map..." Xingyun said hesitantly.

They can see it at level 0 of Chuzheng.

Be bold: "Brother, don't you know that? This local tyrant sister can span the entire map at level zero!"


Xingyun obviously didn't know about it.

He was not online yesterday.

Be bold: "Sister Tyrant, can you tell me how you crossed the entire map at level zero?"

The peach blossom is still: "I want to know too."

Pineapple Fuxue: "Second."

Xingyun: "Uh..."

Chuzheng ignored them and ordered the coachman.

The coachman gave him only one option, and Chuzheng poked him hard.

The other four people don't know why.

After the coachman repeated his destination countless times, he suddenly jumped out of a bullet frame.

Chuzheng skillfully enter the amount and report the address.

"Yuhan Snow Mountain."


Looking at the vast snow-capped mountains in front of him, several players are a little bit indigestion.

Peach Blossom still whispered: "I remember... Yuhan Snow Mountain can only be transmitted from Linyuan City."

Boldly spoil the people: "I remember correctly, it is indeed... you are a BUG?"

Xingyun stared at the question mark and said nothing.

Chu Zheng: "No." How can I have such a beautiful BUG!

Pineapple Chuuxue didn't believe it: "Miss, you are actually an NPC, right?"

Chu Zheng has a serious face: "I am a normal player."

Pineapple blowing snow: "..."

You are a normal ghost!

A normal player can directly teleport to Yuhan Snow Mountain from Novice Village, across Linyuan City.

Which normal player can span the entire map at level zero?

Xingyun asked puzzledly: "Zero level should be a novice mission, why come to Yuhan Snow Mountain?"

Chu Zheng: "I'm just doing a novice mission."

Pineapple blowing snow: "..."

The peach blossom is still: "..."

Boldly spoil the people: "..."


Chu Zheng felt that they had been asking about it all the time, so he simply stated the task.

Being able to get out of the village at level zero is just because of the pass given by the mission.

It's not a bug!

She is really a normal player.

He dared to make people feel bold: "Zhang Tianzhu? He has a mission, but isn't he looking for his grandson? And it's a mission after level 10. You can't receive a mission from him at level zero. Talk to him and talk to him. I will say that you can't, let you go to another level...How did you take the task?"

Several people looked at Chu Zheng at the same time.

It's not normal to receive a level ten mission at level zero!

You are a bug!

Chu Zheng: "..."

I blamed me for being cheap, so I asked for your uncle.

But can this matter be said?

Want a face!

"How do I know." Chu Zheng said with a straight face, "I can't complain now."

Everyone: "..."


The trumpet has no human rights.

"This game originally has a lot of strange settings, maybe you accidentally triggered something..." Pineapple Chuuxue said: "But your mission is really difficult."

If this is a novice task, it is definitely a **** mode.

Chu Zheng felt the same way.

Isn't it?

God likes to start with a poor little helpless like me.

Be bold: "Then how did you pass it here just now?"

They only saw Chuzheng poking the coachman.

Then popped out.

But what content they can't see.

"You have money." Chu Zheng said: "You can send it with money."

Everyone: "???"

What the hell?

Is the way they opened it wrong?

They play games for so long, have they played for nothing?

The atmosphere suddenly quieted strangely.

"How to get up?" Chu Zheng broke the strange silence.

Boldly, the highest level, he suppressed doubts: "I will lead the way, pineapple postponed, you go in the middle."

Peach blossom is still: "Miss Sister, I am very powerful, I will protect you personally!"

Chu Zheng glanced at her, Tao Hua still clenched his fists, her face full of determination.

Peach Blossom is still really high-level and equipped with good equipment, otherwise Chuzheng will not pass.

She didn't say a word, and followed boldly to the snow-capped mountains.

There are all kinds of wild monsters under the snow mountain. If you want to go up, you must clear a way.

But Chuzheng's zero-grade crispy skin will kill you if you get caught.

The four people surrounded Chuzheng lying on the ground, silent.

Pineapple Chuuxue: "That young lady... you first click to resurrect and then teleport over. We will wait for you at the teleportation array.

Chu Zheng: "..."

What a broken game!

Although Chuzheng was lying down, he could still open the mall.

She ordered the resurrection pill in the mall and resurrected directly.

Everyone: "..."


Rich people don't need to run to resurrection point.


This time, Chuzheng learned well and stood far away, waiting for the mobs to fall to the ground.

"Strange, why did you drop something?" Pineapple Chuuxue looked at the things falling out of the ground strangely.

Boldly ask the people: "What's missing?"

Pineapple Fuxue: "Ordinary stones are useless."

The peach blossom is still the same: "I also dropped the herbs."

Boldly make people look at Xingyun, Xingyun nodded, indicating that there is also.

Everyone: "..."

I never heard that the mobs under the Yuhan Snow Mountain are going to drop something!

Could it be the last update?

What was dropped was useless, and everyone didn't think much about it, so they continued to go up with Chuzheng.

There are two big bosses in Yuhan Snow Mountain. The jasper fruit that Chuzheng wants to pick is next to one of them.

"We will lead it away in a while, and you will pick the fruit." Boldly deploy a strategy: "Leave the peach blossom just in case."

Peach Blossom still made an OK gesture.

Boldly Diaomin brought Xingyun and pineapple to blow the snow, and soon led the big boss away, and Chu Zheng went to pick the fruit.

The picking process is very slow, a full minute for a fruit.

"Done yet!!"

Boldly make people roar on the other side.

"Not yet." Taohua still looked at Chu Zheng: "Miss Sister, how many have you picked?"


Peach Blossom still yelled over there immediately: "There are six more, you guys hold on!!"

"My grass!"

There was a scolding over there, the voice was too noisy.

I don't know who scolded it.


Chuzheng and Taohua remained the same, and they heard voices at the same time.

It seemed that something was running down the mountain.


"How did it come!"

There was a scolding sound from Pineapple Chuuxue.

Taohua still ran over and took a look, and found that the big BOSS who should have been on the other side unexpectedly ran over and joined the battle.

The 30th-level BOSS should not be difficult for them to deal with.

But I don't know why, these two BOSSs are like opening up, their health bars thicken a lot.