Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1369: Koi Player (35)

Relevant departments received a report that someone kidnapped a senior employee of a company with weapons and rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

However, when they opened the door fully armed, the scene inside was a bit weird.

The group of people who were held captive sat downright, and the group of people who were held captive lay down, dizzy.


What's the situation?


Chuzheng handed over the certificates and documents of the group to the relevant departments.

Seeing such a certificate, those who came were also shocked, and quickly called their boss.

The boss called to ask the above for help to verify.

The verification result is that there are indeed such people whose names and documents are real.

Chu Zheng: "..."

How can I exonerate myself for a while?

"But..." The boss gasped, "I can't match it."

Chu Zheng: "..."

If Chuzheng hadn't squeezed the boss's airs, he might want to beat the boss a few times now.

"In other words, these are fakes?" I played fine, right!

"Yes, I also uploaded the documents. After verification, there is nothing like that."

Nothing wrong.

Startled me.

When the group was taken away, they still looked incredulous.

I probably didn't expect them to be caught like this.

Chu Zheng stood at the door watching them.

When everyone was gone, the executive cautiously rubbed against Chu Zheng: "Boss, why are these people coming to our company?"

Chu Zheng fooled around casually: "How do I know, I just became the boss, and I don't know what your company has done before."

Executive Officer: "..."

These people are no accident, they must have come to Qin Luo.

But where is Qin Luo now?

Chuzheng didn't know and couldn't guess.

She convened a simple meeting to let people take care of the company first, and don't make any surprises.

When Chuzheng returned home, Aunt Deng had already fallen asleep, and she entered the room quietly.

The room was dark, and Qin Luo was still not there.

Chuzheng took another look at the game, but he was still there.

Just as she was about to go down, she boldly sent a message to the people.

[Private chat] Boldly spoil the people: Miss Tyrant, what have you been doing recently?

[Private chat] Lose a billion in one step: Prodigal.

[Private chat] Boldly spoil the people: There is no way to chat this day.

[Private chat] Boldly spoil the people: Let’s get down, are you coming?

[Private chat] Lose one billion in one step: busy.

[Private chat] Boldly spoil the people: What are you up to this evening?

[Private chat] Lose a billion in one step: Prodigal.

[Private chat] Boldly spoil the people:...


He can't afford to be so poor.

Chu Zheng turned off the private chat panel. She was sitting in the Night Return Hall, quickly sorting out the things before Qin Luo disappeared in her mind.

Qin Luo is no different in peace.

So this disappearance may not be what he thought.

Qin Luo's core server.

Must find this.

Chuzheng went offline and went to the game company's information.

The server of the game company is rented, and the rent for a year requires a lot of investment.

Chuzheng asked people to contact the company there first.

The next day, Chuzheng took the person directly. On the way, Chuzheng felt that someone was following her, and asked the driver to make two laps to get rid of the people behind, before arriving at the company.

The person in charge of the company received her: "Boss Jiang... I didn't expect you to be so young."

Chu Zheng nodded politely: "Take me to see first."

The person in charge did not expect Chu Zheng to be so direct: "Okay."

Chuzheng looked at the computer room on the monitor and could see every blind spot.

"These are owned by Mr. Jiang's company, and we have been maintaining it very well." The person in charge introduced aside.

Chuzheng's line of sight swept through all the monitoring, basically all the servers were running.

"Is there anything unusual here?"

The person in charge thought that the newly appointed boss was worried, and immediately patted his chest to guarantee: "Boss Jiang, don't worry, although we are not very large, we are absolutely responsible and there will be no problems."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chu Zheng pointed to the room next to their company: "Why didn't these open?"

"Hey, these are from a research room. After the expiration, they haven't come to renew the fee, and they can't be contacted. I'm not doing charity, right, I won't let people give them..."

The person in charge showed a helpless expression.

"When did you turn it off?"

"Only these two days." The person in charge doesn't know how Chuzheng asked others, but it is not impossible to say: "Just the day before yesterday? There have been many things in these two days, and I am not sure when the people below did it. Yes, it was either the day before yesterday or yesterday."

Chu Zheng's eyes sank.

It's almost time.

Research room...

Chu Zheng asked him: "What research room is this?"

The person in charge began to speak official words: "Boss Jiang, I can't say that, after all, it's customer privacy, right."

"Let's go out and talk."

The person in charge left with Chuzheng.

After half an hour.

Chu Zheng sat in his office and looked through documents.

Those servers are renting a scientific research room.

What the company does is not clear here.

This company is not very dark either. It has been given a grace for more than two months and the other party has not come to renew the rent.

Chuzheng was silent for a while, and said to the person in charge: "I will pay the rent for those servers, and you can guarantee that they are running normally."


Chuzheng came home, looked around, and refreshed his heart.

Qin Luo is still not there.

Chu Zheng held the desk and flipped through the things on the desk irritably.

However, the more I look, the more upset it gets.

She kicked the desk, and the sound was a little louder in the silent night. Chuzheng held the table and walked to the side to sit down.

She tilted her head back on the chair.

This is just great.

I don't know where the good guy card goes! !

The **** hasn't howled yet, that proves that the good guy card is temporarily safe.

Chuzheng thought so and felt a little more relaxed.

The good person card is already a mature card, so learn to take care of yourself.

Chuzheng exhaled and took the clothes to wash.

When she came out of the shower, she was planning to sleep, but she swept over the game helmet in the room, and finally thought about it, put on the game helmet and log in to the game.

It was late at night, and the world was quiet.

Chuzheng originally planned to take a look and go offline, but somehow she went upstairs and stood at the door of the room where Qin Luo often stayed.

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand to press the knocker.

One minute later, Chu Zheng retracted his hand and turned to leave.

When she reached the top of the stairs, she fell back, kicked the door open, and stepped into the room.

It was at night, and the visibility in the room was very low. Chu Zheng hadn't had much hope, but he suddenly stopped when his eyes swept over the bed.

There are people on the bed.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chu Zheng walked over and took a closer look.

It was indeed Qin Luo's face.

He spread his limbs and lay on the bed in a big font, half of his cheeks pressed against the pillow, slightly deformed.

This sleeping position is really...


But do you need to sleep as a smart one? !

"Qin Luo."

Chu Zheng gave him a rude push.

Qin Luo moved his fingers first, then turned his cheeks to one side, and his eyes opened slowly.

"Little Chu..."

He whispered.