Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1439: Seven Zero Notes (27)

Wensheng's parents went early, and grew up with his uncle.

It's conceivable to live in someone else's house.

Hearing the sound was pretty and pretty when he was a child, and no one would doubt if it was a girl if he didn't look carefully.

Uncle's family has a child about his age, Wen Yu.

Wen Yu has always liked bullying him since he was a child, and he especially liked to say that he is like a girl, looks alike, and has a similar voice.

Wen Yu always makes him look like a girl.

With Wen Yu taking the lead, the other children in the yard also said the same about him.

Even uncle and aunt would talk about him every time.

The scoldings of relatives and the teasing of children of the same age are all like spikes, piercing in the heart of hearing the sound.

A child has been exposed to verbal violence for a long time, resulting in not speaking, and unwilling to interact with others.

It gradually became what it is now.

What can Chuzheng say?

The good guy card is so miserable.

It's either miserable when I was young, or miserable when I grew up.

Anyway, it's not miserable or blackened.

Chu Zheng coaxed Wen Sheng to sleep, and she left the room to find Ling Jun to find out about Wen Yu.


Wen Yu was waiting outside the examination room early the next day, obviously waiting for the sound.

Wen Sheng and Chu Zheng arrived at the examination room. When Wen Yu saw Chu Zheng, he seemed to remember the pain that was similar to fear. The wise one did not come, but took a look at Wen Sheng from a distance and entered the examination room with his companions.

"Take the test well."

Hearing the sound, nodded.

Chuzheng was waiting outside the examination room. Hearing the sound was probably because he was afraid of encountering Wenyu, he came out the first batch after the examination.

When Wen Yu came out, Wen Sheng and Chu Zheng had already left.

It was not until the end of the final exam that Wen Yu looked for a chance to be in the examination room and stopped Wen Sheng.

"Heard, who is the woman with you?"

He didn't say anything, just trying to bypass him and leave.

Wen Yu stopped him, raised his eyes after hearing the sound, looking at him with gloomy eyes.

Wen Yu didn't care: "I have gone to the countryside for a few years, and my temper has grown a lot."

Why does he go to the countryside?

The person who was going to go at the beginning was obviously Wen Yu...he refused to go, and Wen Jia thought of a way, and finally let him go instead.

But after hearing the sound, I don’t think it’s bad to go. If he doesn’t go, how could he meet her...

Hearing the sound, clenched his fists: "Get out of the way."

"I won't?" Wen Yu provoked: "What, do you still want to beat me? If you dare to beat me, your grade will be cancelled..."

Hearing the sound, his nails pinched fiercely into the meat.

"Hear the sound."

When he heard the sound and couldn't help himself, Chu Zheng's voice reached his ears.

In the noisy background sound, her voice was exceptionally clear, as if it could penetrate the dark clouds and reach the bottom of his heart.

Hearing the sound, he raised his eyes and saw her in the crowd.

Everyone is walking towards the school gate, only she is coming retrograde.

Chu Zheng quickly walked to his side and glanced at Wen Yu coldly.

This dog...

It seemed to be kicked lightly last time.

"Wen Yu?"

Wen Yu was a little surprised: "He told you about me?"

"Of course." Chu Zheng glanced around: "Go out and find a place to say?"

There are so many people here that it is hard to play.

"Okay." Wen Yu was not afraid either.



There was some water on the pitted ground, stains were smeared on the walls, and a garbage dump was not far away. At this time, it was exuding an unpleasant smell, floating over in waves.

The man paled, his hands propped on the ground, and he wanted to step back.

But there is a wall behind him, there is no way back.

The girl standing in front of him slowly squatted down, with the knife in her hand inserted next to him, one centimeter away from the base of his thigh.

"Don't you dare to trouble me, I promise you will be there next time you show up." Chu Zheng pointed to the garbage dump not far away: "And your family may be going to see you in the morgue."

Wen Yu swallowed, her eyes filled with panic.

He can also be regarded as a bully who walks sideways, and has not lost much in a fight.

But today he can't even beat a woman...

"You... who is him!!"

Where did you know such a woman after hearing the sound?

Chu Zheng got up and said casually: "The person on the marriage certificate."

Wen Yu's pupils widened: "He is married?"

Wen Yu hadn't recovered for a long time, and when he recovered, he was the only one left in the alley.

Wen Yu returned home in despair, absent-minded during the meal.

"Wen Yu, what's the matter with you, eat well, and how is your exam?"


"How is it okay? Let me tell you, you can't pass the exam again this year, let me see how..."

Wen Yu's brain hurt when he heard it, so he threw down the dishes and went back to his room.

Three days later, Wen Yu received a box at the door.

There were some messy things in the box, two of which looked like ledgers.

He didn't understand, but his father's face changed when he came back and saw it.

"Where did you get this thing?"

"Just at the door..."

"Who sent it?"

"I don't know, I saw it at my door." Wen Yu said: "What is this?"

Wen Yu's father turned out a note underneath.

-Hearing the sound has nothing to do with you anymore.

Wen Yu's father frowned: "Wensheng? Have you seen Wensheng?"

Wen Yu: "..."

Wen Yu hesitated, and under Wen's father's questioning, he finally told what happened that day.

"Next time I will see Wensheng go around."

"Why? Our family has raised him for so many years..."

Father Wen was furious: "Have you heard!"

Wen Yu was still a little afraid of hearing his father, and it took a long time before he whispered: "I heard it."

Wenfu burned all those things.

Wen Yu learned later that if those things were really handed in, then everything was really gone.

I don't know how the woman found those things in such a short time.

Wen Yu was so taught by Chu Zheng, and there were threats behind, so naturally he didn't dare to look for Wen Sheng.


Wen Sheng thought that Wen Yu would still look for himself, but Wen Yu did not show up until he and Chu Zheng were about to return to the county seat.

Instead of waiting for Wen Yu to make trouble, he heard that something happened to Wen's family.

Someone reported Wen's father, and now Wen's father is taken away for investigation, the matter is still a bit serious.

Chuzheng didn't add any oil and vinegar.

Wenfu really did it by himself.

She is just a successor to socialism in the new era.

Wen Sheng once thought about what he would do one day.

But he never thought that one day someone would come with the breeze and the sun to drive away his hostility and haze.

"you are so nice."

Hear the sound and hug Chuzheng.

Chuzheng was hugged inexplicably, so he adjusted his posture to make him more comfortable: "Where am I?"

"You are by my side." Hearing the voice whispered: "That's fine."

Chu Zheng touched his head: "Just know." I believe you a ghost.

In the field outside the train, the sun fell on the hands of the two, light and shadow wandering, and the years were quiet and peaceful.

"What if I don't pass the exam?"

"I raise you." If a good person card is not good enough to give me a prodigal, how can it be a competent good person card!

"Hmm... Then am I not eating soft rice?"

"Others want to eat but can't eat it."