Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1440: Seven zero notes (28)

Several people from Ling Jun were playing cards on the opposite side. Hearing this, they nodded frantically.

They just want to eat soft rice.

It's great to have soft rice.

Eat and drink all day, just lie down.


No one feeds them soft meals.

Wensheng did not comment on this.

He turned his head and asked Chu Zheng: "Why do you have so much money?"

Chuzheng opened his mouth and said nonsense: "I have a gold mine. You follow me and you will never suffer."

After hearing the sound for a long time, he whispered: "I am like your male pet."

Chu Zheng picked his chin: "So, have you figured out how to please me?"

"Sister, pay attention!! We are still here!!"

There was a roar from Ling Jun.

Hearing the red ear tips, he whispered at the beginning, and muttered: "I will pass the exam, and I will make my own money."

Chu Zheng subconsciously said: "Just you..."

[Miss Sister, don’t try to discourage the enthusiasm of good people, okay? 】The king's name is persuasively.

Chu Zheng: "..."

It was originally a weak chicken.


If they leave you, you will be a king! !

Obviously you are too fierce, and you blame others for being too weak...

Chuzheng was yelled at by the king, so he couldn't say anything, so he had to say something casually.


The next step is to wait for the admission notice. This waiting time is long.

Wen Sheng usually helps him to sort out his accounts in Ling Jun's shop. If someone is admitted, he will come to Ling Jun to have a dinner.

But his notice never came.

Hearing the sound did not show anxious expression, but my heart must be uneasy.

Ling Jun and others dare not shake in front of him these days, just like Chuzheng is all right, so what should they do.

"Sister, don't you worry about brother-in-law?"

Ling Jun was anxious for Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng was inexplicable: "Worry about what he is doing?"

Ling Jun hesitated: "If brother-in-law didn't pass the exam..."

What a blow to my brother-in-law!

Chuzheng doesn't matter: "Then you didn't pass the exam, what's the matter?"

Anyway, the **** has money, and raising him is as simple as raising pigs.



"Sister, if my brother-in-law didn't pass the exam, it would be so uncomfortable." Ling Jun said, "You should comfort him."

"Oh, comfort him that night."


Ling Jun said that he hadn't heard anything, and quickly ran away with something.


Hearing the sound was not in a good mood, he walked slowly behind, Chuzheng took out all the letters in the mailbox, and impatiently urged him: "Hurry up and pick up the money?"

Hearing the sound, walk a few steps quickly and follow Chuzheng into the house.

Chuzheng checked the letter in the mailbox and found one from the capital at the bottom.

"Hear the sound."


Chu Zheng raised the letter in his hand: "Admission notice."

Hearing the sound, his eyes lit up slightly, and a few steps passed, he took the letter from Chu Zheng's hand.

Seeing the words above, his expression changed slightly.

Seeing that his happy expression was not fully revealed, Chu Zheng became frustrated.

"Why, not happy yet?"

How can a good guy card be so difficult to serve.

Hearing the sound, he squeezed the letter: "I... go to school, what do you do?"

"Of course I'm going with you, do you think I will let you go alone?" Chu Zheng was confident.

Hearing the sound, he was taken aback.

The setting sun outside the window fell on the boy's cheek, and he slowly raised his smile, warm orange light, warm and bright.

In the clear black eyes, there was only one person.

That is his whole world.


Before hearing the sound of going to school, Chuzheng organized the wedding.

Until many years later, people in the county town recalled that they had never seen such a big wedding.

No one knows how much money was spent, it is not what they can imagine anyway.

If it hadn’t been for the policy to be liberalized at that time, and it is estimated that the wedding hadn’t ended, it would have been arrested and criticized.

Ling Jiaojiao looked at the wedding car on the street with a gloomy and ugly expression.

Compared to this wedding, what is his?


What is her life now?


When someone called her, Ling Jiaojiao's first reaction was not to see who it was, but to leave here quickly.

"Is Jiaojiao you?"

The people behind caught up and held her.

"Jiaojiao, I'm Dawei, it's me."


Ling Jiaojiao looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.

"It's me." Xu Dawei nodded.

When the educated youth could return to the city, Xu Dawei returned to his city, and Ling Jiaojiao never saw him again.

Xu Dawei came back this time to find Ling Jiaojiao on purpose.

Ling Jiaojiao had been abused by Hu Lin for a long time, and Xu Dawei greeted her as soon as she came back, as if returning to the time when they first fell in love.

Ling Jiaojiao resented Xu Dawei at first. If it weren't for him, how could she have become what she is now.

But with Xu Dawei's rhetoric and his kindness to her, Ling Jiaojiao finally forgave the man.

There will be more interaction between the two, and something will inevitably happen.

The county seat is so big, Hu Lin knew that this was going to happen sooner or later.

Hu Lin brought someone to the door and gave Xu Dawei a lesson.

Xu Dawei's finding Ling Jiaojiao is not really a nostalgia.

He got married after returning to the city, but after so long, he has no children.

After going to the hospital, he was told that he might not have children.

Only then did Xu Dawei think of Ling Jiaojiao.

He wanted to recognize his daughter.

Even if it's a girl, that's his kind.

Xu Dawei told Hu Lin that it was not his daughter. Hu Lin thought about the date of Ling Jiaojiao's birth, what else he didn't understand.

Xu Dawei ran away holding his daughter while Hu Lin and Ling Jiao were making trouble.

Hu Lin is not so foolish, but also a ruthless person.

Let people hold Xu Dawei and beat them half-crippled.

The daughter didn't want to come back, but Xu Dawei was beaten to faint. When he woke up, her daughter was gone.

Xu Dawei was a child who didn't want to arrive, and he became disabled.

Ling Jiaojiao was locked up at home by Hu Lin, and soon went crazy. The Hu family didn't want such a wife, so they let them sell Ling Jiaojiao.

In the end, she told Zhang Xiaoping and Ling Shu that she had lost herself and didn't know where she had gone.


It was Ling Jiaojiao who fooled around with other men first, and was caught by Hu Lin. Zhang Xiaoping and Ling Shu had no position and went to blame Hu's family.

Because of Ling Jiaojiao's affairs, the two couldn't hold their heads up in the county.

Finally back to the village dingy.

The people in the village had known it for a long time, but Zhang Xiaoping had a thick-skinned face, and if anyone said, she would just curse.

However, Ling Feifei had already broken his studies, and he lashed out at them.

Ling Feifei was a little older, and Zhang Xiaoping asked someone to be a matchmaker when he asked for a wife, but no one wanted to marry him.

Ling Feifei is actually not ugly, after all, Ling Shu's genes are there.

It's just that he is fat, bad-tempered, and dirty. No girl likes such a person.

There are other children of the same age, and Ling Feifei is still a bachelor.

Ling Shu was injured at work and was directly paralyzed in bed.

Ling Feifei, let alone taking care of him, would not even look at him.