Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1455: Bankruptcy President (14)

Chuzheng was lying on the sofa. The man squatted on the side of the sofa, rubbing his palms on her stomach.

"how do you feel?"

"It's fine."

Jin Xiu rubbed for half an hour: "Get up and walk."


Want to get up and walk? I don't want to move now! !


Chu Zheng was a little irritable, but finally got up and walked around in the living room.

Jin Xiu stood by and looked at her, he felt a little strange in a daze.

He is not unfamiliar with this little girl, he has an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and it will not be embarrassing to get along with her.

Chuzheng tossed before going to bed most of the night.

Jin Xiu got up late the next day, and Chu Zheng was already up.

"You got up so early?" She went to bed so late last night, and she woke up so early, didn't she need to sleep?


"Do you have breakfast?"

Chu Zheng was originally leaning on the sofa. Hearing these words, he immediately sat upright and shook his head solemnly: "Don't eat!"

Jin Xiu: "..."

Why don't you eat if you don't eat?

"This is an IOU, you keep it."

Jin Xiu put the IOU in front of Chuzheng. The one hundred thousand yuan that she charged to herself yesterday...

I owed money somehow.

Of course, Mr. Jin, who has debts of several hundred million, doesn't care about this drizzle.

Chu Zheng didn't say anything, and put the IOU directly away.

Jin Xiu dealt with breakfast casually, and went upstairs to change clothes.

Chuzheng felt that Jin Xiu really didn't look like a bankrupt president at all.

With so many debts, there is no collapse at all, and I leave early and return late all day, not knowing what I am doing.

Jin Xiu's mood was not so good at first.

Or it's bad.

It's just that he found that there was someone else, not afraid of rumors from the outside, willing to give him a place to live, and willing to run over to pick him up when he didn't know how to go back.

It may take a long time for a person to fall into darkness completely.

But a person on the edge of darkness may only need a kind smile to get him out of the darkness.


Jin Xiu changed his clothes and came down and saw that Chu Zheng was playing with his cell phone.

Jin Xiu's cell phone should be deleted almost, nothing, he didn't care.

After everything was done, I came over: "I'm out."


Chuzheng returned the phone to him.

After Jin Xiu left, he checked the phone and found nothing wrong.

The green dots after several software automatic updates were still there, and she didn't open them.

What is she looking at?

Jin Xiu found something was wrong when he used his mobile phone to pay in the afternoon. It seems that WeChat is not what he used to be...

Jin Xiu clicked to see the information. Although the profile picture is the same, the WeChat ID is different.

Jin Xiu later realized that the top of the phone showed two signals, and there was an extra card in the phone?

Not only did the mobile phone have an extra card, but also a bank card was tied to WeChat.

The mantissa is not familiar to him...

She used her mobile phone, and it was obvious that she did it.

Jin Xiu quit WeChat and turned to the address book.

A number is stored in the address book.

Remarks are for children.

Jin Xiu pointed his finger on it and didn't press it for a long time.

"Mr. Jin, here you are." Someone came over and called him.


Jin Xiu received the phone and followed the others in.


Ms. Liu Hanshan asked Chuzheng to send an invitation letter to a show press conference for her to see.

Chuzheng was not happy to go.

Ms. Liu Hanshan was unyielding and told her not to stay at home all day and go out and walk more.

Chu Zheng: "..."

But I just want to be a salted fish.

Why do you refuse to give me such a simple wish.

Finally, knowing that the catwalk is only a catwalk, there is no place to spend money, so Chuzheng reluctantly went out.

The catwalk venue is quite large, Chuzheng took the VIP invitation letter from Liu Hanshan and entered through the special passage.

There are not many people here.

Chuzheng followed the instructions and walked inside.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Chu Zheng suddenly heard An Sui's voice.

She tilted her head to look there, Ansui stood with her little sister, and the man facing them was a man.

Chu Zheng recognized who it was at a glance...

"Mr. Jin, I don't know how you came in, but we Sui Sui don't like you, you still don't come to Sui Sui again."

The girl next to Ansui was disdainful.

Jin Xiu wanted to talk several times, but was interrupted by the two girls.

In the end, Jin Xiu became a white moonlight, and he came in without compromise.

Although Ansui thinks Jin Xiu is good-looking, but thinking of his current situation, Ansui dare not think about anything else.

"Sui Sui!"

A surprise sound came from the side.

The man in a suit and leather shoes, with a few people coming from the other end, seemed surprised to see Ansui.

The man looks quite handsome, with long narrow and beautiful peach eyes, which seems to be full of smiles, like a drunken man.

This man and Jin Xiu are completely different styles.

But as far as looks are concerned, Jin Xiu is better.

Ansui was startled by the man who appeared suddenly, and she hesitated to ask: "Are you?"

Why doesn't she remember that she knows such a person?

"Why, forgot?" The man picked up peachy eyes: "Yin Xiuyang."

"Yin Xiuyang?" An Sui seemed to remember who this person was: "It's... it's you."

Jin Xiu went bankrupt, and his greatest hero was Yin Xiuyang.

Yin Xiuyang and Jin Xiu are brothers who grew up together, and they have a good relationship.

So when Yin Xiuyang and Jin Xiu broke up and Jin Xiu went bankrupt, everyone was surprised.

"I don't think you still remember who I am." Yin Xiuyang shook his head with a helpless expression: "Forget it, I will tell you later."

Anho: "..."

An Sui blushed, a little embarrassed.

The two girls next to him kept winking at Ansui.

Yin Xiuyang turned to look at the man standing next to him: "Mr. Jin, why are you here?"

Jin always shouted sarcastically.

Now Jin Xiu is bankrupt, and he is still called President Jin. Isn't this just piercing a knife on someone.

Jin Xiu appeared from Yin Xiuyang with no expression on his face.

For someone who betrayed himself, Jin Xiu didn't need to give him a good face.

"He came to look for Sui Sui." The girl next to him said: "He always entangles Sui Sui."

Yin Xiuyang: "Mr. Jin, you pester a girl, it's not your style."

Jin Xiu frowned. After going bankrupt, he had met this Ansui three times. Where did she haunt her?

Before meeting him for the first time, Ansui turned around and ran away.

The second meeting was the time I met his children.

This is the third time.

Every time he didn't say anything, the woman said something inexplicable.

Who likes her?

Jin Xiu ignored Yin Xiuyang's sarcasm and reached out to Ansui: "Return the key to the house in Jinbi Water Bay."

Anho: "???"

Yin Xiuyang Tao narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Hey, Mr. Jin, how can you go back with the things you gave out? No matter how short of money, you can't let the girl pay for you?"