Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1457: Bankruptcy President (16)

If you leave, you can already take the subway and public transportation to save money.

But Chuzheng did not intend to take the subway.

"I'm going to find... drive, wait a moment."

Chuzheng left after finishing speaking, without giving Jin Xiu a chance to refute.

There were not so many cars when she came, and the ghost knew where her car got stuck.

Jin Xiu stood on the side of the road and waited for her. A car next to him came slowly and the window fell. The man driving was looking at him in surprise.

"Isn't this our President Jin?"

Jin Xiu met the man's gaze.

The man stopped the car and got out of the car.

The visitor was slightly fat, with a gold chain with a thick thumb hanging from his neck, and dressed in fancy clothes, like a nouveau riche.

Jin Xiu didn't remember this person in his impression... so Jin Xiu didn't speak.

"Where did President Jin get rich recently?" The man seemed to be familiar, but the maliciousness in his tone was not difficult to hear.

Everyone knew he was bankrupt.

The man still asked, what is this malicious?

Jin Xiu was not angry: "Are you?"

The man sneered: "Mr. Jin is really an honorable person who forgets things."


Jin Xiu did not speak.

When the man saw him like this, he wouldn't be angry.

He used to be President Jin of Wanyuan Group. Everyone had to hold him and respect him. Now he is just a bankrupt president, so proud.

At the beginning, I went there for half a month, but I couldn't see him...

It's really Feng Shui turns around.

The man said: "It doesn't matter if Mr. Jin doesn't remember Mr. Jin. I don't know Mr. Jin is short of work now. Would you like to introduce Mr. Jin to Mr. Jin?"

Jin Xiu probably also understood that this man had some unpleasantness with him before, but he came to find faults on purpose at this time.

He has seen a lot of such people during this time.

Jin Xiu was also angry at first, but now he wants to understand that the more angry you are, the happier they will be.

He stood too high before, and there was nowhere to vent their grievances.

At this moment he fell into the dust, of course he could step on one foot.

Jin Xiu: "No."

"Mr. Jin, don't be so polite, I would like to introduce you to a certain person."

Xiang Da said that he was going to take Jin Xiu's shoulder.

Jin Xiu avoided it later: "I don't need it, thank you."

"Oh, Mr. Jin will say thank you, but I don't dare to be..." Xiang Da said on his mouth that he would not dare to be, but his expression was triumphant.

Jin Xiu: "..."

"At the beginning, I thought that Xiangmou was under Jin's head office and waited so long, but I couldn't see Mr. Jin. I didn't expect it to be like this when I met again."

"Mr. Jin, do you think this is a good reincarnation?"

Xiang Da said for a long time, Jin Xiu was calm, Xiang Da finally a little angry.

"Jin Xiu, what's your situation now? I want to kill you now. It's as simple as pinching an ant..."


Xiang Da was startled by the car that suddenly rushed over, and jumped directly to his car.

The front of the car is still a little bit close enough to get in touch with him.

Xiang Da was so frightened that he stuck it over there like a lump of meat.

The car is black, not a supercar, and has a relatively low-key styling, but Xiangda can't say that this car is ordinary when he takes aim at the logo.

The starting price of this horse is several million...

The car suddenly came over, and Xiang Da almost thought it was about to hit him.

When the car window fell, a girl poked her head out: "Jin Xiu, get in the car."

The girl looks quite cute, but she has a straight face and no expression.

She shouted to Jin Xiu, but her eyes were on Xiangda, and her eyes were cold...A layer of sweat formed on Xiangda's back.

Jin Xiu didn't want to entangle with Xiangda, so he went around to the co-pilot and got into the car.

Xiangda could not pant until the car moved away.

Who was that little girl just now? Driving such a good car... Wouldn't Jin Xiu find the backstage?

It's impossible to think about it, Jin Xiu has so many debts.


"Who is that person?"

Chuzheng drove a distance before asking Jin Xiu.

Jin Xiu shook his head: "I don't know."

He doesn't know the other person, but the other person knows him.

Wanyuan Group has a wide range of business.

If anyone wants to see him and he sees them all, then he probably won't have to live anymore.

Regardless of whether it is personal or business, it is estimated that many offended people.

Chu Zheng asked: "Look for trouble?"

"..." Jin Xiu was silent for a while: "This kind of thing will often happen in the future... You were very dangerous just now."

Jin Xiu changed the subject.

Speaking of Chuzheng's behavior just now that he almost ran into Xiangda.

"I know it." You don't need to teach me.


Jin Xiu seemed to want to say something, but finally thought of something and swallowed it back.

The stream of neon lights flew past the car window, and the whole world outside seemed to become illusory.

Jin Xiu looked out the window of the car, no one said a word, and the car looked extremely quiet.

It was so quiet that Jin Xiu could vaguely hear his heartbeat.

Jin Xiu scrolled twice: "That... card..."


Jin Xiu: "The card you tied to me."

He hadn't seen Chuzheng in the past few days, so he didn't have time to talk to her.

Chu Zheng suddenly said, "That one is for you."

She didn't want to run to pick up the bankrupt president who had no money back in the middle of the night.

Good people cards must learn to take care of themselves!

Just as Jin Xiu wanted to say no, he heard Chuzheng say again: "You will pay me back in the future."

The car slowly stopped under the apartment, and Jin Xiu looked at the apartment: "I owe so much money, how can you be sure I can afford it?"

Everyone thought he was done...

Chu Zheng said indifferently: "It's okay if you can't afford it, you can pay for it with flesh."

Do I want you to pay it back? I want you! All you need is you can't afford it!

Jin Xiu: "??"

Chu Zheng pushed the car door down.

Jin Xiu didn't move. He was suspecting that he had just heard the auditory hallucinations, but his heart was beating ‘abruptly’.

Is that what he meant?

"Get off and stay overnight?"

Chu Zheng knocked on the front windshield outside.

Jin Xiu recovered, unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car, and followed Chu Zheng upstairs. The two of them did not speak anymore. After returning, Jin Xiu hurriedly said good night and went back to his room.

Chu Zheng: "..."

7:30 in the evening, what good night?

You don’t raise health care like that, right?


Chuzheng never expected Ms. Liu Hanshan to be such a devil, and even called her to ask her in the evening.

Chu Zheng: "..."

How can she feel about it?

She didn't watch it at all.

"Mom, I'll write it down and send it to you. I'm going to bed now, good night."

After Chuzheng hung up the phone, he praised his wit.

Chuzheng checked the theme of tonight's catwalk and looked at the high-definition big picture that was sent out. He quickly came out a thousand words, and only sent it to Ms. Liu Hanshan the next day.

Ms. Liu Hanshan probably thought she had a right attitude, and she was very happy to hit her with a string of zeros.

PS: What Bo'er is fancy to buy by yourself, our family is not short of money.

Chu Zheng: "..."


Pull black! !