Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1479: Death list (5)

Chuzheng looked back, and there was no puppet chasing her. She stopped, holding on to the wall to catch her breath.

Hearing footsteps behind, immediately let go of the hand holding the wall and stand.


Lu Yuan ran hummingly, looking as though he was about to die.

"You...how...run...so fast..." He almost didn't catch up.

Chu Zheng looked serious and serious: "The kidney is good."


This means he has a bad kidney?

How does it feel strange.

Lu Yuan didn't dare to attack Chuzheng.

Think about the few people who are still alive and dead.

Life-saving matters.

No one was chasing from behind, Chu Zheng continued to move forward.

Lu Yuan leaned on the wall and slowly followed.

The two did not know how long they had been walking, and finally walked out of the corridor and arrived at a hall.

Buddha statues stand in the hall.

What you know and what you don't know are all here.

There are also murals in the hall.

The painting is the daily life of a monk.

The sun rises and the day comes and rests.

This monk, very much like the one I saw before, was worshipped.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem?" Lu Yuan scratched his head.

He looked back for Chu Zheng, only to find that the girl who was standing next to him just now disappeared.

Lu Yuan panicked and hurried to find someone.

"Hey... sir, where are you!"

Lu Yuan shouted in a low voice.

There are too many Buddha statues in the temple, and the line of sight is almost completely blocked.

Lu Yuan moved cautiously, looking at it with his head.

I finally saw Chu Zheng in a corner.

"Big brother, what are you doing here?" Lu Yuan ran over: "Suddenly disappeared, scared...Ah!!!"

Lu Yuan shouted.

The whole person backed away.

Standing in the corner, turning his head slowly, Chuzheng is clearly a puppet.

"what's your name?"

The voice of Chu Zheng sounded from the other side.

Lu Yuan slammed his mouth and ran to Chuzheng tremblingly.

"Look...Look at that, it's wearing your clothes."

Chu Zheng looked towards Lu Yuanzhi's place.

"Where is there something?"

"Huh?" Lu Yuan rubbed his eyes, "Why did it disappear? It was still there just now..."

He clearly saw it.

How could it be gone? !


Something rushed past.

The speed was extremely fast, and Chuzheng only caught one afterimage.

Chu Zheng turned to the other side, and the afterimage disappeared at the corner very quickly.

Chuzheng chased after him but saw nothing.


As the wind swept across Chu Zheng's ears, she suddenly raised her head to look up.

A doll in Lu Yuan's clothes swooped down from above.

Unlike the previous doll, its eyes are blue, and they really have eyeballs. They are not like the previous ones, except that their eye sockets glow.


Lu Yuan screamed.

Chu Zheng: "..."

How did this kind of people survive!

Chuzheng stepped on the side, jumped up, grabbed the Buddha statue, and jumped a few times from above to the other side.

The doll fell on the ground.

Limbs on all fours, fingers plucked on the ground twice like animals, stiff back arched, but jumped again.

The doll jumped into the air, not knowing what it hit, and smashed back to the ground.

Chuzheng pressed his fingers down, and the doll who wanted to get up was completely immobile.

The silver thread is looming, like a spider web, covering the doll on the ground.

Chuzheng jumped to the ground.

"be careful……"

Lu Yuan hid in the distance and did not dare to step forward.

After Chu Zheng stood for a long time, the doll didn't get up either, and then Lu Yuan boldly stepped forward.

He swallowed.

This is the first time to observe a doll so close.

"How is it different from those?" The blue eyes...this look is too permeating.

Chu Zheng is not surprised, calmly said: "Elite strange."

Lu Yuan probably thinks it makes sense.

"Boss, what do you think he looks like?"


"..." Lu Yuan choked, "I think it looks like you."

In this kind of game copy, everything can happen.

Chuzheng's guess is just a way to confuse players.

Chu Zheng raised her foot and was about to step on it. Lu Yuan suddenly stopped her: "Big brother, you see, there seems to be something in its mouth."

Chu Zheng followed Lu Yuan's finger and looked over.

The doll's mouth opened slightly, and a key could be vaguely seen inside.

Chuzheng reached for it, and the doll bit her fiercely.

Chuzheng kicked the doll ferociously, and the doll's head tilted.

The blue eyes stared at Chu Zheng strangely.

His carved face seemed to be smiling.

Lu Yuan only felt all over his body.

Chu Zheng held its head and held the key.


No twitches.


Chuzheng calmly draws a second...

Still not twitching.

Chu Zheng: "..."

"Boss, what's the matter?" Lu Yuan was ready to run at any time.

Chu Zheng stomped on the face of the doll with his feet and pulled it out.

The doll's eyes turned round, as if laughing at Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Line horn.

A broken puppet dare to go against me!

Chuzheng drew out a hammer and smashed it down at the doll neatly.

The strange light in the doll's eyes went out instantly.

Lu Yuan opened his mouth and looked at the guy in Chu Zheng's hand in shock.

He swallowed.

Where did the boss get the hammer out?

Her small body can't hide such a big hammer!

Chuzheng is very fierce. He smashed the puppet's head in a few strokes and fetched the key from it.

As soon as Chu Zheng took out the key, he heard a few messy footsteps.

Yun Qiushui took two people and appeared opposite them.

Chu Zheng: "..." Oh Huo, Yuanjia Road is narrow.

Yun Qiushui: "..."

Chuzheng also stepped on the doll, holding a hammer and a key from the doll's mouth.

No matter how you look at this posture, it is a bit social.

The people over Yun Qiushui seemed embarrassed a lot.

The blood and sweat mixed together, exuding an unpleasant smell.

"It's you!" The girl next to Yun Qiushui pointed to Chu Zheng and accused her outrageously: "You deliberately!"

"Intentionally what?" Chu Zheng put away the keys.

"You deliberately led us to that room!" The girl said angrily, "You killed them."

"You want to enter the room yourself, what does it have to do with me?"

Tell me something!

Did I come in under your head?

If you want it, I will give it to you!

What do you want!

Where can I find a good person like me!

"If you don't go in, how can we go in, how can they die?" It's all her! !

"You have to come in, I stopped you." Chu Zheng felt that he was super innocent.

She didn't let them in.

Must enter.

Just come in.

As the successor of socialism, she let it.

Now she is even to blame.



The girl was speechless to refute.

After all, they are indeed themselves, they have to go in.

Therefore, the girl could only stare at Chu Zheng angrily.

Chu Zheng stared back calmly.

Just you will stare.

"At this time, let's stop fighting." The boy said anxiously: "We are left. Survival is the most important thing."

Chu Zheng shook the hammer in his hand and turned his eyes to Yun Qiushui.

A cold sweat suddenly formed on Yun Qiushui's back.

"Should you return my things to me?"

"What...what?" Yun Qiushui dodged his eyes, not daring to look at Chu Zheng.