Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1481: Death list (7)

Chuzheng watched the people coming and going in front of him, the hustle and bustle of western retro-style streets, and almost suspected that he was on another plane.

She was standing at the end of the street at this time, behind it was pitch black, and she couldn't see anything.

The street is ahead...

This is the "hut"?

She found the pass key on that monk.

The decryption part of this game is not difficult, mainly the escape part.

Get the pass key, so she appears here.

Lu Yuan did not appear with her.

It is probably because he is only in the second round, and there is one more round, and he can only get here if he survives.

"Qi Chuzheng?"

Chuzheng heard his name and looked at the sound source.

Standing there was a child, seven or eight years old, expressionless, his eyes were even more lifeless, and it was a bit scary to look at it like this.

The child's expressionless face is different from Chu Zheng's.

This is too much like a...dead person.

She hasn't seen someone like her, that's a trifle.

Chu Zheng nodded calmly: "Huh?"

"Come with me." The child turned around and left without talking nonsense.

The old player said that it is safe in the ‘hut’.

Players are prohibited from fighting, and players are also prohibited from using irregular means to grab points, props, etc.

In short, safety and assets are guaranteed here.

So Chuzheng was not afraid that someone would cheat her, and followed the child into the street.

The doors of the buildings on both sides of the street were open, and people came in and out.

There are also people standing on both sides of the street, all kinds of people, just like a big gathering.

Elite man in a suit.

Tattooed man with big pants.

Stunted students.

The old man hunched over.


Chuzheng passed the street, and the sight of these people fell more or less on her.

The child took Chuzheng to stand in front of a black building, a bit like a retro-style bank in the Western world.

A small black flag hung in front of the door.

All the way here just now, almost all the small flags were hung in front of those doors.

The child pushed open the heavy door and signaled Chu Zheng to enter.

It is indeed the pattern of banks.

There are not many people inside.

"Please go to counter number 3."

As soon as Chu Zheng entered, there was a sound in the hall.

Chuzheng looked down the counter, and the people over there were looking at her with a smile.

This person is much more kind to the lifeless child who led the way just now.

Chuzheng's calm past.

"Please show your ID card."

Chuzheng took out the card and handed it over.

The counter was very high, and Chuzheng didn't know what the other party was doing.

Soon the other party handed her a card without any information, with six-pointed stars on both sides.

"You have two days off. During these two days, you can move freely in the cabin area. Since you are a new player, the first stay and meals are free, but you will be charged points for the next stay. Please be aware. "

"This card is a universal card, which is equivalent to your identity card in the cabin. You need to use it for entering and exiting the room, and for eating. Please keep it. In addition, please put the card into the recycling bin set up on the street when you leave the cabin. "

The other party uttered such a long string of words almost without breathing.

"Now you can follow him back to your room." The other party pointed to the back of Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng glanced back. The kid just didn't know when he was standing behind.

Seeing her look over, immediately walked out.

Chu Zheng looked back at the person at the counter, who smiled.


Smile like a flower.

It was as cold as a dead person.

The experience is too bad!



Chuzheng checked the room and found nothing abnormal, just like the hotel room outside.

The child sent her here and disappeared.

Chu Zheng opened the curtain and looked out.

Below is the street she walked just now.

[Main task: Please spend 60 points within an hour. 】


Chu Zheng drew the curtains.

I just experienced life and death, you can't let me rest!

[Miss sister, because of this, I need to relax and relax. 】The king is righteous.


Do you call relaxation for non-stop prodigal?

Chuzheng kicked the table violently and left the room aggressively.

The light in the corridor was dim, and Chu Zheng walked to the elevator as he remembered.

She had just pressed the row key, and the elevator opened with a ding.

Inside, a man covered in blood came out, carrying a **** axe in his hand.

The scene is just like the scene of a horror movie.

Chu Zheng: "..."

The man lowered his head and walked out of the elevator, without even looking at Chu Zheng, he disappeared indifferently into the corner of the corridor.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chu Zheng looked at the blood dripping from the elevator.

This player is too careless! !

Chuzheng was in the hotel lobby and asked someone like a waiter to find a place where he could spend his points.

It's free for boarding and lodging for the first time here.

But that is only in the specific supply location of the cabin.

Beyond these places, you have to use points to buy.

Chuzheng entered the restaurant casually.

"Yo, little beauty, eat?"

The young man with his colorful hair popped his head from behind the counter.

Chu Zheng looked at him calmly, and nodded casually: "Yeah."

The young man walked out from behind the counter and flicked his arrogant hair: "Come here, please, our shop, it's delicious and affordable, and keep you satisfied."

Not many people eat in the store.

The environment is good, each table is separated by plants.

Chu Zheng walked to the innermost and sat down, and the young man handed over the menu.

"Look, what do you eat?"

Chuzheng glanced at the menu, most of which are priced with a few points, and they are also home-cooked dishes.

Chuzheng turned back.

The price at the back is much higher.

"This, this, this, and this." Sixty points, just right!

"...Little beauty, are you a newcomer?" The young man looked at her in shock.

"Not to sell to newcomers?"

"No..." The young man smiled: "It's just that newcomers rarely spend points like you."

Have gone through three rounds.

No one is so unlucky, not meeting old players in a single round.

So most newcomers will know that points are very important when they come here again.

Except for the necessary expenses, no one will spend points randomly.

"Are you from here?" Chu Zheng squinted his eyes, putting his hands on the back of the chair casually.

"No, I am also a player." The young man said: "I work here during my breaks and I can earn points."

Points can be exchanged for rest time, postponed to the next round.

As long as you have enough points, you can always rest.

So earning points is very important.

Unexpectedly, there are still working settings here.


She asked again: "Where is the boss?"

"The boss is also a player."

On this street, there is a small black flag hanging outside, all of which are official.

The ones without the small black flags are the stores run by the players.

The shop is rented from the government and the rent is expensive.

The average player can't afford it.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhh, the babies! ! ! It's the end of the month! Monthly ticket! ! Can't stop! !