Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1490: Death list (16)

Li Tian was still hesitating whether to open the door for Chu Zheng, but Chu Zheng suddenly moved towards the window.

Under the violence of Chuzheng, a gap soon appeared in the sealed window.

The girl stepped on the window and jumped straight down.

Everyone: "..."

He Mingxu was the closest to the window, and he was the first to run over, just in time to see Chuzheng falling on the ground.

so tall……

This is the third floor! ! !

Did she just jump?

Are you kidding me?

He Mingxu was held down on his shoulder, and as soon as he turned his head, he smiled at Shang Ji Youtang: "Let me not jump, or I can help you..."

He Mingxu: "..."

He Mingxu shook his head and retreated into the classroom.

Ji Youtang gave a chuckle, grabbed the window and jumped down.

The other people in the classroom looked at each other.

The bald and the little fat guy wanted to jump, but the third floor...too much to test them.


There are a lot more zombies wandering on the campus than before, and you can meet a wave every some distance.

Chuzheng killed a batch of zombies.

The zombies didn't even leave the corpses, they turned directly into powder.

"Little sister, what kind of props are you good at?"

Ji Youtang's sly voice sounded from the side.

As soon as Chu Zheng turned his head, he saw Ji Youtang who did not know when to follow.

Ji Youtang didn't get too close, and the zombies next to him were easily solved by him.

Ji Youtang killed a zombie, turned his head and blinked at Chu Zheng: "Little sister, although I am handsome and handsome, but if you look at it, you will become a zombie's snack."

Chu Zheng raised his hand and waved.

The zombies that threw over were instantly annihilated in the air.

Ji Youtang's eyes narrowed slightly, but the smile on his face became brighter.

He licked his lips and said with a smile: "I am more and more interested in you."

"What are you doing with me?" The last hatred has not yet been reported!

Ji Youtang spread his hands: "The road is up to the sky, little sister, how can I count following you? This can only be counted as...well, we are walking on the same road."

[Miss sister, stop chatting, your good person card is still waiting for you. 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng followed the route given by the bastard.

She was weird. How could a good guy run so fast?

I was in this building just now, two buildings separated in a blink of an eye.

Can he fly?

Ji Youtang has been following her not far and near, Chu Zheng suspected that he was looking for a chance to kill himself.

So when he arrived at the building where Haorenka was, Chuzheng first introduced some zombies to him.

"Little sister, you embarrass me so much."

Ji Youtang stood among the zombies and yelled at her calmly.

Chu Zheng replied coldly: "No thanks in return."

Ji Youtang: "..."

Chu Zheng heard Ji Youtang laugh from behind.

Weird and magical.

Very in line with the image of a perverted villain.

Chuzheng trembled and walked upstairs quickly.

This building is not like a teaching building, a bit like... a laboratory?

It was quiet inside, there were no zombies, and various documents and papers were scattered on the corridor, as if people here were leaving in a hurry.

The elevator was no longer available, and Chu Zheng went up the stairs to the third floor.

She is very close to Simu...

Chu Zheng was standing on the corridor, it should be on the left...

There is a door on the left.

The door was closed tightly, Chu Zheng walked over, pressed the doorknob, pressed it down, and didn't move.

Was locked.

Click ——

The voice sounded from behind.

Chu Zheng kept his hand on the doorknob motionless, and looked back calmly.

She thought she would see zombies with green faces and fangs, but there was a man about thirty or so standing behind.

There are only 12 players...

Except for the three who died, Chuzheng had seen the rest.

Who is this person? ! !

Haunted! !

The man looked at Chuzheng a few times, but calmly asked her: "Which player are you?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Can you ask this... not in the dungeon, so he is also a player?

Chuzheng did not answer, but asked him, "Who are you?"

"Yang Yuanhang." The man said naturally.

Chu Zheng's eyebrows beat.

Yang Yuanhang...

This person is the player who did not appear out of the twelve!

It was also the player they thought Simu replaced.

It was their speculation before, but Simu himself hadn't said that he was replacing the player in.

and so……

Yang Yuanhang walked toward Chu Zheng: "Have you met other players?"


Yang Yuanhang paused, and he raised his hand to promise: "Don't worry, I'm looking for clues to get the key."

He said and walked towards Chuzheng again.

"We can form an alliance so that we can find clues faster. I already have clues in my hands..."

When Chu Zheng just wanted to do it, the door handle she was pressing suddenly faced downwards.

In the next second, the door was opened, Chu Zheng's wrist was held by one hand, and then he fell into the darkness.


The door closed behind.

Before Chu Zheng could see things clearly, his mind was dizzy.

Vertigo comes fast and goes fast.

I was still in the darkness just now, but there was a glimmer of light at this time.

This is not that room... the position of the door is completely wrong.

She changed positions in a very short time.

Chu Zheng looked down at the hands holding his wrists.

There was blood on it, her fingers clasped tightly, and Chuzheng followed the hands up.

Before she could see the owner of the hand, the people over there turned upside down towards her.

Chuzheng caught him, released the hand on her wrist, and slipped...

The boy fell softly in her arms, his soft hair swept across her neck.

Chu Zheng: "!!!"

Throw in your arms as soon as you come.

Is the good guy so enthusiastic?

Chu Zheng didn't think about it, the good guy has blood in his hands...

"Are you not dead?"

"I can't die." The boy sounded out impatiently, but because of his weak voice, that impatience sounded pitiful.

"It's fine if you don't die." Chu Zheng hugged him behind him: "I will be in trouble if you die."

The teenager is not very comfortable with others touching him, but now he has no energy to move anymore, so he can only let Chuzheng help him to the sofa in the corner of the room with a half hug.

Putting him down, Chu Zheng saw the blood on his abdomen.

The boy closed his eyes slightly, and fell on the gray sofa, his **** hands hanging in the air, his school uniform jacket was pulled to the chest position, and the beautiful collarbone was looming between the collar.

"Stop the bleeding for me." Seeing Chu Zheng standing still, Xi Mu opened his eyes, peach blossom eyes full of impatience.

Chu Zheng's eyes flashed: "You order me?"

"I was saving you just now." Xi Mu said.

"I don't need your help."

Simon: "..."

"You beg me, I'll stop the bleeding." People have to beg for help, don't think you are a good person and I will just indulge you.

Simu stared at her for a few seconds, curled the corner of her mouth slightly, closed her eyes, and twisted her head to the other side.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Yes, my card!

Have a backbone!

Chu Zheng mopped a chair over and sat in front of him.

Not only stopping the bleeding, nor doing anything else, just staring at him intently.