Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1503: Death list (30)

Just when everyone thought they were dead, the moon suddenly returned.

The moonlight fell, and the monsters receded into the shadows like a tide.

Chu Zheng looked up at the already high moon in the sky, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Is the day and night alternation irregular?

Daybreak is different...

Saying dawn is dawn, does it test the player's reaction?

Is this broken game so headstrong?


The players didn't care why it was dawn and dark, and ran to a safe place quickly.


"Have you caught up?"

"No... stop, wait a minute, I can't do it anymore."

"What if they catch up?"

"It won't work, it won't work, I won't work, too tired, take a rest."

Just now, I fought with Tingyiguai and ran so far. Many players shouted that they couldn't do it and stopped to rest.

"Yun Qiushui!"

Yun Qiushui was pushed by someone, she frowned and looked at him.

The other party roared fiercely: "Are you sick? Why did you push me just now? I almost died!! What's your peace of mind!"

"I didn't push you." Yun Qiushui frowned in defense.

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of others.

An older man next to him said: "You girl is too vicious! Before we saw you alone and took you with you, you actually wanted to harm us..."

"Yes, I was pushed by her too."

"me too."

All the survivors said they were pushed by Yun Qiushui.

Yun Qiushui defended: "It's not me, I haven't pushed you."

"Isn't you who you are? You were standing by my side at the time, is there a ghost?"

"Kick her out!!"

"She must be uneasy and kind!"

Yun Qiushui couldn't explain how many mouths she had now, and everyone thought she was quibbling.

If it weren't for Chuzheng's self-destructed status, they would doubt that Yun Qiushui was a death player.

In the end, Yun Qiushui was driven away by their unanimous agreement. Yun Qiushui was alone, and couldn't face them head-on, but left alone with resentment and anger.

After driving away Yun Qiushui, the group immediately found a place to rest.

However, they hadn't rested for a long time, but Guai Guai suddenly found this place, and several people escaped.

The two who escaped happened to see Yun Qiushui outside.

Yun Qiushui was obviously surprised that they could still come out, turned around and ran.

"Grass! It's the woman!" One of the players reacted.

The place where they hide is so hidden, these monsters will have to look for them for a while.

But it’s different if someone leads the way...

At that time they shouldn't just drive her away, they should kill her!

One of the players was furious: "Chasing!!!"

The two players chased towards Yun Qiushui, who was a girl and could not compare to the male player in physical strength.


Yun Qiushui didn't know what she was stepping on, and she fell to the ground. She supported the ground and looked behind.

Two players are already very close to her.


Can't be caught by them.

Yun Qiushui tried to get up while holding on to the ground, but suddenly a nice voice came from above his head.

"Ouch, are you okay?"

She raised her head suddenly. She didn't know when she stood in front of her, wearing a peaked cap, and most of her face was hidden in the shadows.

"Help...Help..." Yun Qiushui promptly asked for help: "They want to kill me."

"Who wants to kill you?" the boy asked curiously.


Yun Qiushui pointed to the two players who ran over.

The boy looked over there, and the two players ran close at the same time, and stopped at this time.

"Help, help me." Yun Qiushui's voice was soft and pitiful, and a man would feel relieved.

"Hey...It's so pitiful." The boy took two steps forward, the moonlight fell on him, and the face under the peaked cap suddenly became clear.

Yun Qiushui's pupils shrank suddenly.

Ji Youtang...Why is it him?

Ji Youtang bent down to help Yun Qiushui up. Yun Qiushui was stiff at this time, and followed Ji Youtang to his feet.

Ji Youtang smiled, as if soothing: "Don't be afraid."

Yun Qiushui stared at Ji Youtang, his eyes didn't seem to move anymore. I don't know if he was frightened or confused by Ji Youtang's face.

Ji Youtang supported Yun Qiushui and walked towards the two players.

Yun Qiushui didn't want to move, but her body didn't want to.

What does he want to do?

Yun Qiushui was cold all over...

The two players over there obviously knew Ji Youtang, and when he came over, he had already retreated and wanted to run.

When meeting Ji Youtang and not running away, are you waiting for him to die?


Ji Youtang called them quietly.

The two players didn't dare to resist Ji Youtang's pervert, they could only froze in place and began to shiver uncontrollably.

What bad luck they are.

Just be calculated by a woman.

Now I still meet Ji Youtang...

Ji Youtang helped Yun Qiushui walk to them, took Yun Qiushui's hand, and handed Yun Qiushui to one of the players in the same way the old father confessed to his daughter.

He smiled and said: "Give it to you, such a pretty little girl, don't be too rude."

Two players: "..."

Yun Qiushui: "..."

Ji Youtang waved at them: "Don't bother you."

Ji Youtang walked two steps forward, and he fell back again: "Oh, yes."

The two players were so scared that they almost hugged their heads and screamed.

"Have you seen my brother Ximu?" Ji Youtang asked with a smile.


Brother Simu?

Is it the Simu they thought?

"Look, saw... I met there before." One of the players pointed to a tall building.

Ji Youtang glanced over there, his smile brightened.

After Ji Youtang left, the two players looked at each other.

so horrible! !


The two players looked at Yun Qiushui.

Yun Qiushui's face instantly turned pale, and he struggled a few times without breaking free.


Chu Zheng actually didn't want to meet Ji Youtang, but this perverted ghost persisted.

They ran into again in the building.

Lu Yuan shrank and shivered beside him, leaving the battlefield to a few big men.

"Brother Ximu, little sister, how about a date?" Ji Youtang waved at them through a piece of glass: "Mind if you have one more?"

Xi Mu didn't speak yet, Chu Zheng grabbed the chair next to him and smashed it over.



The glass shards scattered, Ji Youtang stepped back a little in shock, and the chair hit the carpet inside.

"Little sister, it's a bit rude to say hello like that... Hey, don't throw it away!!" Ji Youtang hid aside: "Brother Ximu, you can control her!!"

Simon: "..."

I think it played well.

So Ximu silently handed Chuzheng weapons.

Ji Youtang yelled as he hid: "You are too much! How long has it been, you are embarrassed!!"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chu Zheng went directly in, preparing to catch people himself.

Ji Youtang separated a table: "Stop, stop, I have something to say!!"

Perhaps because he was afraid that Chuzheng would continue to do it, Ji Youtang did not continue to sell Guanzi, saying bluntly: "I found a place, do you want to see it."