Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1560: Xianmen Undercover (31)

A strange crescent pattern on Chu Zheng's wrist.

This pattern is exactly the same on Dong Rin's wrist, except that his one is slightly larger and Chu Zheng's wrist is slightly smaller.

This is just now...

Dong Lin suddenly got it out when she was not prepared.

Chu Zheng didn't feel anything, and didn't know what he was doing.

Dong Lin stared at the pattern for a long time, his fine eyelashes blocked the emotions in his eyes: "It's just a contract..."

Chu Zheng asked: "What contract?"

Dong Rin: "Let me know where you are and if it is safe..." He transferred the damage to him.

Dong Lin didn't say this afterwards, he felt unnecessary.

"that is it?"

Dong Rin nodded: "Can you let me go?"

Chuzheng pondered for a while, hooked his fingers, and the silver thread automatically released Dong Lin, slowly backing from the back of his hand to Chuzheng's wrist.

Dong Lin touched her wrist, looked at her wrist back and forth for a while, somehow he became a little nervous.

"Are you... angry? This contract won't affect you..."

Dong Lin knew the contract, but he didn't remember what he did.

It was the unconscious self who did it...

But this person is him, Dong Lin can't deny it.

"No." Chu Zheng said: "If you want to make this kind of contract with me, you can tell me directly, there is no need to do what you just did."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Why do you want to be angry?" Chuzheng was not satisfied with another thing: "Can you not change yourself casually."

This is scary, okay! !

It's easy to be beaten! !

"I can't help it..."

"Then take control."

"Can't control it."

When he is in a bad mood or has other factors, he will suddenly lose consciousness.

"Are you sure there is nothing strange in your body?" Chu Zheng asked him suspiciously.

Dong Rin: "..."

Of course he is sure.

Dong Lin asked Chu Zheng what he was doing in the past few days, and Chu Zheng went down immediately, retracted into his chair, and answered perfunctorily.

Dong Lin asked several times, but didn't get an accurate answer.

If Chu Zheng didn't say anything, Dong Lin had nothing to do with her.


One month later.

The black-robed man took the forged weapon to Dong Rin.

The weapon made by Xuelong bone looks a bit jade-like texture. It is not dull, on the contrary, it is very sharp.

Because it is used by girls, it is made very small, and in Dong Rin's hands, it is even more slender.

Dong Lin was very satisfied with this weapon, thinking that Chuzheng would like it.

"Your terms..."

"No need." The black robe man said: "I'm in a good mood, I'll give it to you."

Dong Rin: "..."

He has known this person for many years, and he has always exchanged equal value. When has he been so kind?

Black robe man: "I used to think of people like you, what kind of person would you choose to be your Taoist companion. I didn't expect that you would choose a demon or your own apprentice. Donglin Immortal Venerable, don't forget Your identity."

Dong Lin's stern glance swept over.

He doesn't mind people seeing his relationship with Chuzheng.

But Chuzheng is a demon...

Black robe man: "Don't worry, I won't leave here, and naturally I won't talk nonsense to people outside."

Dong Lin clenched the sword in his hand: "Thank you."

Black robe man: "You're welcome."

The two turned around at the same time, the black robe man returned to his room, and Dong Lin took the sword to find Chu Zheng.


When Dong Lin handed the sword to Chuzheng, there was an additional sword spike on it as a decoration.

Chuzheng held his sword and looked at it for a while: "What's inside?"

"...It's nothing, with a few simple spirit patterns attached." Dong Lin asked Chu Zheng to try it: "See how it feels."

Chu Zheng walked to the side and swung his sword a few times.

No matter from the size or weight, it is very suitable.

Getting this sword seems to resonate with her.

There was a strange power surging in her body, urging her to use this sword to exert greater strength.

"No." Chuzheng was hugged from behind, and the man's broad and warm chest pressed against her back, and the voice rang in her ears: "You have to learn to control it, not be dragged by it."

Of course Chu Zheng knew this, she just wanted to try how powerful this thing is.

What if one looks bluffing, but is actually a soft-footed shrimp, just like a good guy card?

Dong Rin held her hand and swung the sword with her.

"I know it myself." Chuzheng broke away from him and affected my performance!

Dong Rin: "..."

Dong Lin stepped back and watched Chuzheng wave himself for a while.

When Chu Zheng stopped, he said: "Choose a name."

"What is your sword's name?"


Chuzheng took Dong Lin's name, and said casually: "Wuxue."

Listening to two similar names, Dong Lin's ears became red inexplicably, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." It's just a name, can't it be changed.

[...] Thanks to the good guy card, you can't hear these messy things you think.

"Master, is this a token of love?"

"...Hmm." A nervousness rose in Dong Lin's heart: "Do you like it?"

"Okay... I like everything the master gave me." Even if you give me the root grass, I have to say that I like it against my will.

Lose soul for good people card.

Cub, I have paid too much for you, don't let me down.


Dong Lin took Chuzheng to find the scabbard again, and after finishing this, he took her back to Yunzong.

Tianjing Peak is quiet, and the once destroyed house has been rebuilt.

"Dong Lin Xianzun."

Knowing that Dong Lin was back, Yunzong hurriedly sent his disciples up to invite him to discuss matters.

Chuzheng thought that it might be the seal, and didn't want to mix up, holding the sword and preparing to return to the room.

"What's the matter?"

"Yes... It's about Junior Sister Ye." The disciple faced Dong Lin and couldn't speak clearly.

Sister Ye?

Ye Luo?

Chu Zheng turned back and stood behind Dong Lin.

"What happened?"

The disciple didn't dare to say, only let Dong Lin pass first.

"take a rest first……"

Chu Zheng surreptitiously took his hand: "I will go with Master."

Dong Lin didn't expect that Chuzheng would do this suddenly. He suddenly turned to look at the disciple, and he was relieved when he saw the disciple lowered his head.

He wanted to withdraw his hand, but failed to withdraw it after two attempts.

He looked at Chu Zheng helplessly, and let the disciple lead the way with a deep voice.

Chuzheng just wanted Dong Rin to take her, but she didn't think of anything else, so after Dong Rin compromised, she let go and stepped back and followed.



"Xianzun, you are back."

"Dong Lin Xianzun."

Along the way, the disciples of Yunzong saluted one after another.

Dong Lin put one hand in front of him, and one hand behind him, showing the dignified and cold, alienated attitude of Xianzun.

The disciples who led the way took them to the criminal law hall of the sect.

The executive elder of the Criminal Law Hall was waiting in the hall, Dong Lin entered, and the executive elder immediately greeted him.

"Dong Lin Xianzun."

Immortal Dong Lin nodded, glanced around, and asked indifferently: "What happened to Ye Luo?"

The executive elder hesitated: "Dong Lin Xianzun, Ye Luo her..."

The executive elder didn't seem to know what to say, so he directly took out the preserved jade: "Xianzun, please look."