Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1645: Outsiders (32)

Lou Xing cast his eyes on Chu Zheng.

Chuzheng calmly sullen his face, and meets his gaze without fear, what to see!

Lou Xing's voice lowered: "Didn't you say you are not interested in conquering this planet?"

Chu Zheng: "Yeah."

Lou Xing's eyes are complicated: "That..."

Chu Zheng is also straightforward and strong: "That was not what I said. What she said does not represent me." You are not my subordinates, you are here to cheat me!


She is your person, why doesn't she represent you?

Chuzheng killed him and didn't admit it, what can Lou Xing do with her?

Now he himself is trapped here...


The danger outside the starship is resolved, and there are still many things inside.

At this time, the monitoring screen showed that those things were distributed in different places on the starship.

"Take them to one place." Chu Zheng squeezed his wrist and said blankly: "I'll solve them."

"Your Highness, this is too dangerous." Na Dong disagreed: "I'll go."

Chu Zheng: "You're too slow." I might have to do it in the end. It's not troublesome.

Na Dong was suddenly disgusted and his expression was dumbfounded.

Chuzheng asked Naxia to lead all those things to one place, and she went straight to kill them.



The picture disappeared, and the screen went dark, reflecting a woman's gloomy face.

This person is not someone else, but Qingdai.

Qingdai was on a spacecraft at this time. If you look from the outside, you will find that this is one of the spacecraft that attacked the starship just now.

Behind Qingdai, there was an alien who looked similar to a human, but had many tentacles on his head.

The picture just transmitted was what they saw when the robot they put up.

But now I can't see anything.

"Are you sure the cosmic stone is on there?"

Aliens have weird voices, not human languages.

Qingdai clearly understood, she said decisively: "Of course, I saw it with my own eyes."

Before, Qingdai ran away from the underground river and met these aliens by accident. They seemed to land here by accident.

So she relied on her talent to fool them to find Chuzheng to grab the universe stone.

Qingdai originally wanted to go back to find Chuzheng, but found that Chuzheng had left midway, so she followed all the way.

The alien asked: "Then what's the matter with this starship?"

Qingdai: "..."

How did she know that there would be such a big starship here.

Looking at it, she thought it was an ordinary spaceship...

How can there be a starship here!

"You almost killed us!" The alien was very angry: "I really want the universe stone, but I don't want to die in vain."

"Believe me, the cosmic stone is definitely in her hands." Qingdai's voice was softened, and the alien whose face was not so pretty seemed to be soothed by her: "Now we have to find a way to grab the cosmic stone, that will let us Become the master of the universe."

The alien was probably brainwashed by Indigo Naturalis, and his eyes were slightly dull.

"We will become masters of the universe."

Qingdai smiled sarcastically.

If you want to become the master of the universe, that's me, and you deserve it.

"Not good! We are locked!!"

Suddenly, a slightly sharp sound came from the screen next to it.

The alien's sluggish eyes were awakened by the sound.

"What's the matter?" The alien roared.

Their spaceship is now turned on with the stealth device, how could it be locked!

The voice on the other end was very anxious: "I don't know, I was locked up suddenly, and the other party intends to attack us..."

Before the voice was finished, the spacecraft suddenly bumped.

Where is the starship's attack that the spaceship can resist.

Qingdai looked at the starship from the screen. The more she looked at it, the more familiar she became. Where did she see this starship...

But where is it?

Qingdai can't remember it a bit.

Until the spacecraft bumped and the angle of view turned to the side, Qingdai suddenly remembered seeing some fuzzy signs on the side of the starship.

This is the Fia of the Osephia Empire! !

The most powerful starship ever in the interstellar world.

The Osephia Empire is a legendary existence, but this legend suddenly disappeared for a certain period of time... and the Fia was also unknown.

Why is it here?

"Can't run away..."


"Stay steady, steady!!"


Qingdai saw a beam of light coming from the screen, and the light in her eyes became more and more prosperous, almost stabbing her to open her eyes.


The spacecraft was shot down and fell into a thick fog. It was not difficult to find because it was on fire.

Chu Zheng brought Na Dong to the vicinity of the spacecraft.

Qingdai can sense that she is not in the dungeon, and Chuzheng can naturally sense the existence of Qingdai.

She felt that Qingdai was on this spaceship.

Most of the spacecraft is burning, and something is crawling out from the bottom.

Na Dong immediately went over to carry the thing.

Most aliens are ugly...Of course they think they are the most beautiful, other species are ugly.

At this time, half of the alien's face was dark, and the tentacles on the top of his head were broken a lot, looking terrible.

Chuzheng squatted down and stared at it, "Where is Qingdai?"

The aliens didn't seem to understand what Chuzheng said, so Chuzheng changed to ethnic language and said it again.

"No... I don't know..."

The alien shook his head.

When the spaceship was shot down, everyone ran around, and whoever had time to care about others.

Click ——

A slight voice came from the spaceship, and Chu Zheng looked sideways to the other side. An alien was pulling a metal object and peeking toward this side.

When discovered, the alien immediately retracted, ready to run away.

Na Dong was faster, and stepped forward to carry the alien back.

"Do you know where Qingdai is?" Chu Zheng asked unhurriedly.

The alien pointed in a direction tremblingly.

Chu Zheng: "Take me there."


Indigo Naturalis crawled out of the gap. The place where the spaceship was attacked just now was not far from her. She was affected quite a bit, and her body was hurt.

Qingdai finally crawled out of it, before she could stand up, a shadow suddenly fell over her head.

She stiffened and slowly raised her head.

What greeted her was the familiar face, looking at her facelessly at this time, her eyes were calm.

Qingdai's fingers grasped the soil on the ground and slowly tightened.

She thought it was just an abandoned spaceship, who would have thought it was a starship.

She was so lucky and started the starship!

Chu Zheng put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head slightly: "Do you want to grab the universe stone?"

Qingdai: "..."

The universe stone is placed in the interstellar space, who doesn't want it? Of course she wants it too! !

"Unfortunately, that thing is not with me." Chu Zheng said slowly.

The robbery didn't find the right person, just at this level of business, what robbery is too unprofessional.

Qingdai's pupils shrank slightly: "Impossible!"

Chuzheng's indifferent attitude: "Do you believe it or not." You can't beat me anyway.