Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1651: Chitose adults (3)

"My Lord, my Lord?"

In the soft sedan chair, the princess called him several times.

I wish Dongfeng come back to his senses: "Your Royal Highness."

"I wish, what are you looking at?" The princess sat inside, her face hazy, and her voice sounded very delicate.

Zhu Dongfeng replied: "Nothing."

He felt that the girl just now was a bit familiar...

But I can't remember where I have seen it.

Although he only saw half of his face, Zhu Dongfeng felt that the woman should be no worse than the princess, such a person, he should not forget that he met...


[Main task: Please sculpt a golden body for the Buddha statue in Qingquan Temple. The time limit is one month. 】

Chu Zheng: "???"

Are you sick!

Why do you want to shape the golden body?

Can't you lie down quietly?

[Miss sister, I don’t have one. 】The king said that she is very well, and the sick one is clearly the young lady.

Of course, the king dare not say this.

After all, Miss Sister is so fierce.

[Prodigal is our duty, Miss Sister, come on, you can! ! Duck! 】After the king roared this sentence, he immediately hid.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng was so angry that he was akimbo, the more he thought about it, the more angry he kicked his last leg on the table next to him.

Chu Zheng exhaled.

One month, it's still early, I will be paralyzed for a few days.

Several days later, Chu Zheng asked Jinzhi: "Where is Qingquan Temple?"

Jinzhi didn't know, she asked a little strangely, "Do you want to worship Buddha?"

The temple is not only for this function, Jinzhi thinks so, it is fine.

Chu Zheng lay on the chair and said blankly: "I believe in myself."

Jinzhi: "Then what do you ask this for?"

Chu Zheng: "Spend money."

Jinzhi: "???"

What does it cost to run the temple?

Other monks regard money as a vulgar thing!

...I never saw you make money, why are you so much money! !

What do they think of those who work hard to make money!

If Chuzheng didn’t give more money, she wouldn’t follow her...

"Then I'll find out." Jinzhi went out of the house depressed to find out the location of Qingquan Temple.

Kiyizumi Temple is quite famous in Kyoto, and you will know after a little inquiries.

This is a national temple appointed by the royal family. The incense is strong. The relatives of the emperor, the relatives and the ministers, if you have anything to do, they are looking for Qingquan Temple.

So Qingquan Temple is not short of money.

But Chuzheng said that he would donate the golden body, so the abbot of Qingquan Temple came out and took her in personally.

"The girl looked at not believing in Buddha." The abbot said with a smile: "Why do the female donors have such thoughts."

People of all kinds can be the abbot of the National Temple. People of all kinds have seen it. When they saw Chuzheng, they pointed out the key point sharply.

"For me..." Chuzheng paused for a few seconds and said slowly: "Donate for my husband, Thaksin." First borrow the name of the good person card to use it.

The abbot smiled: "So that's it. Please from the female donor."

After Chu Zheng and the abbot had talked about the specific matters about shaping the golden body, it was late, so the abbot arranged a place for her.

When Chu Zheng entered, he found someone guarding the other side.

The abbot took the initiative to explain: "The female donor should not go there and walk around."

Chuzheng felt that those guards were wearing them and looked familiar. She asked, "Who is over there?"

"It's your Royal Highness." This matter may not be a secret, so the abbot said directly.

At this time of the year, the princess would visit Qingquan Temple for a period of time to pray for the country and the people.

The princess is here... Then Zhu Dongfeng should be here too.

Get rid of him first!

[Miss sister, rewind. 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

The place where Chuzheng lives is a bit far from the place where the princess lives, and it takes several long corridors to get there.

"Miss, isn't it too crude here?"

Jinzhi looked around at the Zen room, and according to Chuzheng's standard of only living in the most expensive and luxurious accommodation, it was completely unqualified.

But Chu Zheng didn't say anything, and accepted it calmly.

Since Jinzhi followed Chuzheng, Chuzheng has been taking the high-end route, and has never wronged himself.

In such an environment, Jinzhi felt that Chuzheng could not accept it.

Unexpectedly, she didn't say a word...

Chu Zheng didn't object, Jinzhi hurried in to clean up.

The incense was lighted in the Zen room, and the curly aroma made people feel refreshed.

"Miss, they seem to be unable to deliver food here, they can only go to a special dining place."


Chuzheng and Jinzhi went to eat.

The meals here are divided between men and women, so there are only women and not many people.

A woman with a child, sitting in the corner, was talking to a little novice monk. The child was a little pale and sat there without any energy.

A young girl, gorgeously dressed, sits at a table alone. Sitting on the table next to her were two people dressed as maids. From the eyes of those two people who frequently looked at the girl, it was obvious that they should be together.

On the other side is a middle-aged woman with an elderly man.

The last person turned his back to the door, and the only visible back should be a young woman.

When Chu Zheng entered, the gorgeously dressed girl held her face, turned her gaze to her, and looked at her curiously.

Chu Zheng picked up a seat against the wall, and Jin Zhi went to get some food.

The meals served here are all the same, there is nothing to choose from,

When Chuzheng was about to eat, a lot of people suddenly rushed in outside the door, and the space that was fairly spacious just now became cramped and crowded.

The appearance of the leading girl sixteen or seven, and the flamboyant clothes made people feel like they were in the wrong place.

The girl didn't seem to be in a good mood, and she went straight to the largest table and sat down.

Others immediately prepared meals for her, even their own dishes.

Although they are all the same meal, they are filled with those exquisite dishes, and the grade is instantly different.

There was still a little noise in it just now, and now this one came in, the whole space was silent.

"It seems to be the Princess Changhuan." Jinzhi lowered his voice and said Chu Zheng.

This princess is really good-looking. I heard that her mother and concubine are from a foreign land, and her facial features are deeper than others, so she has a more distinctive beauty that people can remember at a glance.

Chuzheng has nothing to do with eating.

You have the strength to be... a good person!


Princess Chang Huan was obviously not used to these things. Liu Mei frowned, poking the vegetables in the bowl with chopsticks, and did not eat a bite for a long time.

The kid in the corner didn't know why he started to cry.

The child's complexion was originally not good, but when he cried at this time, he looked even more pale.

Princess Chang Huan's face was getting worse.

The child kept crying.


Princess Chang Huan slapped her chopsticks on the table, and said angrily: "Why cry, why don't you let him not cry? It's noisy."

The woman with the child was startled and apologized again and again.

But the child was frightened and cried more fiercely, the voice was almost magical.

Princess Chang Huan's face was even worse: "You don't even know how to bring a child, why are you a mother!"

Woman: "..."

The woman took the child to leave.

Princess Chang Huan sullenly scolded: "Stop!"