Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1653: Chitose adults (5)

Chu Zheng just heard the words of Princess Chang Huan.

She used to look at Princess Huan, the little girl pouted and her face was full of unhappy.

Zhu Dongfeng has rarely appeared recently, probably because he is afraid of encountering some ‘spiritual’ events again.

Several monks came here carrying things. The things were quite heavy and big. Princess Chang Huan took the initiative to avoid it.

At this moment, a cold light flashed nearby.


A court lady first caught a glimpse of the cold light, presumably because of a conditioned reflex, she called out directly.

Over there, an ordinary woman dressed up, holding a dagger, stabbed at Princess Chang Huan.

The woman jumped off the steps beside her, and she was very close to Princess Chang Huan.

"Princess, be careful!"

The person closest to Princess Chang Huan pushed her directly.

The woman's first attack failed.

"Catch the assassin!!"

"Come here, catch the assassin!"

"Guardian! Protect the princess!"

Various sounds sounded at the same time, and the woman moved fiercely, kicking the person blocking the trouble directly, and grabbing Princess Chang Huan's arm.

Princess Chang Huan probably learned a little bit of kung fu, but she was caught by the assassin and immediately raised her foot to kick the subject.

It's a pity that her little three-legged cat kung fu, where is the opponent of the assassin.


The sharp dagger cut through the cloth on Princess Chang Huan's arm, and the blood instantly stained her clothes.

Princess Chang Huan staggered down the back steps.


After falling like this, Princess Chang Huan felt that she would lose her face.

She doesn't want to break the picture! ! !

Princess Chang Huan closed her eyes in fear.

However, the pain in imagination did not come, she was held back by someone...

Princess Chang Huan opened her eyes, looking at a very beautiful face. The owner of this face looked at her coldly at this time, holding her waist with one hand.

If you change to a man, this picture is definitely a standard heroic rescue pose.

"Have you seen enough?"

Princess Chang Huan blinked, her pale little face looked very pitiful.

Chuzheng's tone was cold and indifferent: "Stand up after seeing enough, my clothes are dirty."

Princess Chang Huan: "!!!"

Princess Chang Huan struggled to stand still, her arm was cut just now, and blood was bleeding at this time.

The girl who saved her was also dyed red.

Glancing at the blood stains on the clothes, the mood is not so good, I have to change clothes... so annoying.

The assassin over there has already rushed down.

The result of Chuzheng's bad mood is--

The assassin was beaten on the ground.

Chu Zheng looked down at the assassin's eyes, and found that he was a bit familiar.

It seemed to be the young woman who sat with her back to them at the beginning of the meal.

Early when she left, Chuzheng had a glimpse.

Although disguised and disguised, Chuzheng felt that it was the same person.

At this moment, Chuzheng stared at Chuzheng with splitting eyes, as if Chuzheng was too nosy.

The person rushing over interrupted Chu Zheng and the assassin's eyes.

"Princess, are you all right."


"Call the doctor over."

"Where have you been, my lord!"

The scene was in chaos. Princess Chang Huan was surrounded by people. After a while, she turned around and waited for her to look for the person just now, but there was still someone else.


When Princess Chang Huan was injured, I wish Dongfeng no trace, this incident will definitely be regarded as a dereliction of duty.

Sure enough, people from the court rushed over the next day.

Chu Zheng looked at a large number of people from a distance, and came in mighty from outside the temple.

The leading man is tall, with gorgeous clothes and a cloak. He walks in a windy manner, with his cloak raised, which is quite imposing.

Standing next to Chu Zheng, Jinzhi took the initiative: "That is the biggest **** of the Xia Dynasty today, Yin Shen."

"Eunuch?" Chu Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Eunuchs are generally either round or thin, so how come this person looks so good?

Not like an eunuch, but like a prince.

Jinzhi: "The **** is now in power in the Xia Dynasty, and the emperor is a puppet."

Chuzheng had vaguely heard of some, but because she had little to do with her, she didn't pay much attention.

The emperor of the Xia Dynasty was faint and incompetent.

At first, the power of the **** was not so great, but the emperor trusted the Yin Shen beside him.

Gradually, the power of eunuchs became greater and greater.

In the end, Yin Shen took the power and took the emperor into a puppet, becoming the largest **** leader of the dynasty.

Yin Shen is sinister and cunning, moody, and cruel, and is a veritable traitor.

Jinzhi: "Miss, do you know how to call him outside?"

Chuzheng watched the courtyard where the group of people used to stay with Princess Huan passed by, and asked uninterestedly: "How do you call it?"

Jinzhi: "Master Chitose."

The emperor is long live, he is an eunuch, but he wants to be called a thousand years old, which shows his ambition.

"Did you say that Zhu Dongfeng will be punished?" Chu Zheng changed the subject directly.

"Miss, can I ask... Do you have any grudges with that Lord Zhu?" Why do you always find him wrong?

"No." Not with me, with the original owner.

I'm just a executor without emotion.

I am too hard.

[...] I'll just watch Miss Sister play fine.

"Why did you target him without you?" Jinzhi was surprised.


I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!

He probably said that he didn't believe it, so Chuzheng brushed it inwardly and went silent.

Jinzhi didn't get the answer, and automatically followed Chu Zheng's question just now: "I wish Dongfeng are here to protect Princess Chang Huan. Now that Princess Chang Huan is injured, he will definitely be held accountable."

Not to mention, the head of the **** is here now.

Who knows what idea this thousand-year-old master has in his heart.

What if I take the opportunity to suppress Zhu Dongfeng?


The residence of Princess Chang Huan.

The palace people stood outside one after another, bowed their heads, afraid to breathe.

The princess is injured, a bad one, and those who serve them will be affected.

Inside the house, the imperial doctor was changing the dressing of Princess Chang Huan.

Zhu Dongfeng was standing outside, his face was haggard, and his eyes were obviously blue and black. At first glance, he didn't rest well.

He walked back and forth, putting his hands in front of him for a while, then behind him again, looking anxious.

"Master Chitose is here—"

Zhu Dongfeng was taken aback, he knew someone had sent the news back to the palace.

But he didn't expect Yin Shen to come personally.

Thinking of that man, I wish Dongfeng's mood sank again.

Inexplicable things always happened during this period. Now Princess Chang Huan is still injured. The key is that he was not there at the time, and there was no problem in curing his dereliction of duty.

I wish Dongfeng dare not think about it anymore, and hurry out to welcome it out.

The handsome young man came in with someone from the outside, and his cloak was slightly raised back, revealing the exquisite costumes inside the man.

The clothes of the **** in the palace are not like this at all. The fabric of his suit is almost equal to the specifications of the prince.

"Master Chitose." Zhu Dongfeng yelled actively and arched his hands.

I wish Dongfeng, as a minister, there is no need to salute like this at all, but whoever makes people a thousand-year-old now does not show salute.