Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1678: Chitose adults (30)

Yin Shen led Chu Zheng into the mansion gate.


The palace gate closed suddenly, and Chu Zheng subconsciously turned around to look, Yin Shen pressed her shoulder, and looked at her earnestly: "Little Chu, how about we live here in the future?"

"My mansion is in front."

Yin Shen led her inside with a soft voice: "That's different. This is for the two of us. It belongs to me and you."

Chuzheng had goose bumps on his arms.

"Do you want to shut me down in another place?"

Yin Shen smiled: "Chu, you don't need to be so smart."

Chu Zheng had no expression on his face: "What should I do, I am so smart."

Yin Shen was not angry, but sighed helplessly.

He slowly raised his hand and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear: "Little Chu, let's sleep."

Chuzheng smelled a faint fragrance at the tip of his nose.

As soon as the fragrance came over, Chu Zheng felt his head groggy and sleepy.

damn thing! !

You really treat me as a bully, right?

Chu Zheng pinched himself severely, stayed awake, and quickly moved Yin Shen to faint.

Yin Shen probably didn't expect that Chuzheng still had the strength at this time, and he was knocked unguarded.

Chuzheng caught Yin Shen's fallen body, her body was a little weak, and she fell to the ground holding Yin Shen.

She supported the ground slowly, waiting for the effect of the medicine to pass.


Chu Zheng's self-confidence is never blind, saying that she won't overturn the car if she doesn't - but she will overturn the wall.

Jinzhi hasn't seen his employer for a long time, but now he sees his employer come in over the wall. He is still carrying a man and a man!

"Miss." Jinzhi ran over: "Why don't you walk through the door?"

This person...

How can I look familiar.

In the end Jinzhi determined that this person was not familiar, and that this person was cautious.

How did she take this man back home?

Jinzhi suddenly remembered something, his expression became horrified, no... no?

Chu Zheng: "..."

I walked through the front door and was not seen by the prudent people. I took their adults abducted!

What am I going to do?

Chu Zheng calmly asked: "Is the things I asked you to prepare ready?"

Jinzhi swallowed, "Ready."

Chuzheng brought Yin Shen into the room, Jinzhi followed her, and she was frightened to see it, as expected...

She is too courageous!

Is it too late for her to run? !

"Lock all around."

Jinzhi swallowed and went to check the iron railings around.

There are iron railings throughout the room, like a cage, a gorgeous and delicate cage.

And the man lying on the bed at this time was a canary in this cage.

Jinzhi's heart pounded wildly, she was going to be scared to death.

"You really intend to lock him...huh?" This is a big traitor! ! Below one person and above ten thousand! !

Chu Zheng came out from the inside, locked the door personally, and told Jinzhi the answer with his actions.

Jinzhi: "..."


Chu Zheng didn't really intend to turn off Yin Shen, but just to frighten him. As long as he was obedient, he would be released soon.

Even if Chuzheng yelled to break the leg of the good guy, she still couldn't bear to touch her good guy.

If something hurts somewhere, it is not himself who takes care of him in the end.

Chuzheng thinks it's not cost-effective to make trouble for himself, so he can't do it.

I am a good person.

Today I am also working hard to be a good person.

Chu Zheng brainwashed himself and left the room.

She had to find a way to clean up the people Yin Shen brought, otherwise it would be troublesome.


The moon's stars are thin, and the moonlight spreads a layer of silver frost on the ground.

The night wind blew by, with a chill.

The person on the bed seemed to feel cold and curled up. After a while, the person curled up moved again.

He sat up slowly, his eyes blanked first, and then sharply, scanning the room extremely quickly.


what is the place?


As soon as Yin Shen moved, she felt a pain in her neck, and the memory before she passed out flooded her mind.

Where is Chuzheng?

Yin Shen stepped on the ground, which was covered with a velvet blanket, which was soft.

He walked a few steps forward, and the moonlight gradually shrouded him, covering him with a thin halo.

Xu Shi just woke up, and the light was very dim, Yin Shen didn't notice something in front of him, and bumped his head.

Yin Shen clutched his aching forehead, stretched out his hand and touched it in front.

It started with an icy temperature, followed by a feeling of coldness, and his eyes were fully adapted to the light, and Yin Shen could also see clearly what was in front of him.


It is a huge prison.

He was locked in.

Yin Shen quickly found the door, but it was a pity that it was locked, and Yin Shen didn't open it twice.

Yin Shen: "..."

Yin Shen rubbed his eyebrows. This place didn't seem to be temporarily cleaned up, it was more like... a long time ago.

The furnishings and things in the room, no matter what, are all valuable.

Yin Shen suddenly smiled silently and shook his head, and then laughed out loud. The voice was so clear that everyone wanted to be pregnant.

In the darkness, the sound stopped abruptly.

It was full of silence.

Yin Shen stood there, like a piece of wood, motionless.

I don't know how long it took, Yin Shen finally moved, and he walked around the whole house.

Finally returned to the door, tried to toss for a while, did not toss open, Yin Shen had to give up.

Yin Shen sat down leaning on the iron railing, resting his elbows on his knees, hands hanging down naturally.

Yin Shen sat there until dawn.

The light gradually filled the room, Yin Shen moved her stiff neck and looked towards the half-open window.


The door behind him was pushed open, Jinzhi stretched his head in to take a look and saw Yin Shen sitting with his back to the door, Jinzhi retracted again and closed the door.

Jinzhi ran to Chuzheng's room quickly: "Miss, that person is awake."

"Did you give him food?"


"Give him something to eat, don't starve him." Chu Zheng told Jinzhi.

"..." Don't you send it personally?

Jinzhi didn't dare to ask, so he hurried to do it.

She sent things into the room, Yin Shen still kept that position, and when she heard someone coming in, she turned her head and glanced at her.

"Where is she?"

Jinzhi passed things in through the gap: "Miss is next door."

"She can't come?"


That one seems to have no plans to come.

Yin Shen's face was a little pale, he curled his lips and smiled, his appearance revealing a kind of morbid beauty.

The voice was also soft: "If Xiao Chu doesn't come, I can't eat."

Jinzhi: "..."

You are interesting.

Jinzhi went out with an empty tray and relayed Yin Shen's words to Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng: "If you don't eat, you will be hungry." Hungry for two meals to see if he eats or not.

Jinzhi: "..."


Anyway, I'm just a follower with money and no soul.

Jinzhi determined his own position and decided not to be nosy. He would do whatever Chuzheng asked him to do. He made up his mind and ran away when the situation was wrong.