Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1680: Chitose adults (32)

"How long have you prepared?"

Yin Shen's voice was muffled.


Yin Shen: "Stop me here."

Chuzheng thought for a while, and answered seriously: "From when you were under house arrest."

Yin Shen: "..."


Chuzheng allowed Yinshen to contact people outside to prevent his disappearance from causing too much trouble.

"Aren't you afraid of my contacts coming to rescue me?"

Chuzheng leaned against the table, flipping through a book casually, hearing the words, looked down at him slightly, "Can they find you?"

Yin Shen: "..."

Yin Shen stopped talking, and lowered his head to write.

Chu Zheng looked at his words on the paper, as pleasing to the eyes as he was.

Yin Shen wrote a good letter and asked Chu Zheng: "Where did you take the clothes I wore before?"

"What are you doing?"

"There is a token in it, otherwise others will not believe it."

The clothes on Yinshen were taken by Chuzheng later, and the body he was wearing was taken away long ago.

Chuzheng thought for a while, and went and took a box with some small objects in it.

From the hair crown to the belt, it's all inside.

Did she keep it carefully...

Yin Shen suppressed that emotion, found what he needed, put it into the letter, and handed it to Chu Zheng.

Chuzheng didn't check, so Jinzhi came in directly.


Yin Shen sent the news out, and the people searching everywhere suddenly stopped.

I don't know how the emperor handled it. In short, the entire court looked calm on the surface, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Yin Shen writes and reads books every day, and occasionally deals with letters sent back.

Yin Shen wanted to lock up Chuzheng at first because he felt that this person should belong to him, from body to heart, forever.

But what he didn't expect was that Chuzheng had the same purpose for him.

What's more unexpected is that she will be a prisoner by a single move.

But he likes her...

It was indeed that he thought about it first, so he couldn't even blame her.

He can't bear it either.

Every time he saw her, he just wanted to look at her well, no matter what she did to him, he could accept it.

Yin Shen occasionally felt that he was crazy.

Just a woman...

Yin Shen exhaled, put down the pen in his hand, walked to the window, and looked outside through the iron railing.

Here you can get the sun, and the whole house has excellent lighting. It can be seen that the owner of the house took everything into consideration when choosing this place.

"Do you want to come out and breathe?" Chu Zheng's head suddenly appeared by the window.

The girl with bright eyes and white teeth seems to have a ray of light behind her, attracted by her, sinking for her, she is the only color in this world.

Yin Shen's heartbeat accelerated slightly.

Yin Shen did not conceal his likes, his eyes filled with the person on the apex of his heart, with a smile on his face.

"Will you let me out?"

"Of course, I will meet your requirements." Anyway, I ran and caught it again, what I was afraid of.

Yin Shen raised his eyebrows: "All requirements will be met?"

Chu Zheng nodded.

Yin Shen's smile deepened: "Really?"

Chu Zheng continued to nod his head, but he was a little cautious in his heart.

Soon Chuzheng greeted the eighteenth generation of good people, Kazuzong, one by one.

He opened his mouth with more than a dozen food names. The key is that according to Chu Zheng's memory, these things are not in the same direction, almost all over the city.

Chu Zheng calmly clenched his fist: "What's the difference?"

Yin Shen blinked innocently: "Xiaochu, don't you say everything will satisfy me? I just want to eat these now."


Chu Zheng endured his anger: "Okay, you wait."

Yin Shen continued to ask: "At the beginning, I want you to buy it yourself."


Oh, why don't you let me do it myself?

See if you can!

Seeing that Chu Zheng didn't speak, Yin Shen asked innocently, "Little Chu, can't you?"

Yin Shen's expression of ‘whatever you said can satisfy me, now I’m going to break my promise’ expression made Chuzheng want to... hit him.

In the end, Chuzheng silently read a few times in the bottom of his heart that the good person card cannot be played. After washing his brain, he gritted his teeth: "Wait."


Two hours later.

Chuzheng came back aggressively and photographed the things he bought in front of Yin Shen.


If you don't finish eating, see how I can clean you up!

Irrigate it for you too.

Yin Shen blinked: "Little Chu, you are so fierce."

Chu Zheng glared at him: "Hurry up and eat."

"Little Chu, feed me."

"No hands?"

Yin Shen retracted his hand into his sleeve: "It's not long."

Chu Zheng: "..."

It’s not like that when you’re out there, don’t you lose the face of Lord Chitose?

It's not long, right!

I'll chop it off for you!

[Miss sister, calm down, if you cut it off, you will have to feed it every day, think about it, is it scary? 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

Too insidious!

It's still not cut.

[...] Huh, although I think Miss Sister might just talk about it, she can't be sure that she has a sudden convulsion and suddenly wants to do it!

It is too difficult as a system.

This young lady is too difficult to take.

The little sister next door is so good to take care of, positive, and working hard every day, where is it like this, every day, she is so angry that she vomits blood for three liters.

"Do you like to eat or not." Chu Zheng didn't know what the King was complaining about, so he dropped Yin Shen and went out.

Yin Shen: "..."

Yin Shen got up and walked to the mirror in the room, adjusting his facial expression in front of the mirror. The man in the mirror relied on his good-looking face. Any expression he made had the capital to be fascinating.

What does Xiaochu like about him?

Yin Shen has lived at the bottom for too long, changing his face is an essential skill for survival.

The person in the mirror is sometimes abstinent, sometimes charming, and sometimes innocent and simple.

Yin Shen finally sighed and sat back at the table.

He opened the paper bag that Chuzheng had put on the table. It was all what he said, and Yin Shen picked a snack casually and put it in his mouth.

It's so sweet.

As sweet as her.

Yin Shen ate two more pieces, and suddenly he found that the outermost paper that wrapped these snacks seemed not quite right.

Yin Shen pulled out the layer of paper.

What kind of ordinary paper is this? It is clearly the title deed of the shop.

Look at the name, it happens to be this dim sum shop.

Yin Shen: "..."

Yin Shen quickly opened the others and looked at it again, confirming that they were all in the same packaging.

She can only use such things as wrapping paper.

Yin Shen held the dozen or so land deeds in a mixed mood.

Chuzheng was probably so angry that he did not show up at night.

Yin Shen asked Jinzhi who had come to deliver dinner. Jinzhi also said that she didn't know where Chuzheng had gone. She didn't see anyone in the house.

"Why are you following her?"

"Miss, give money."

Yin Shen was almost choked by this answer.

It was beyond his expectation...

"How much does she give you?"

Jinzhi looked at Yin Shen: "Master Chitose, the lady said, no matter how much you bid, she will charge three times the price, so don't waste your efforts on me."

Yin Shen: "..."

He just asked casually.

Jinzhi smiled politely: "Use it slowly."