Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1697: Born to the corner (11)


"Don't bird me without you?"

"I'm not talking to you now?" Why am I missing you? Conscience little brother!


Is this the same?

Don't try to block her every morning unless it is earlier than her.

Dislike his bike!

Since the winter vacation, his tablemate has changed!

"Senior, senior sister, early." The students who came to shoot greeted them.

Bai Dongmei was not having a seizure, and greeted other students with a smile, got out of the car and pushed the bicycle to go inside.

When Chu Zheng and Bai Dong Ai arrived at the playground, there were already many people standing in groups in twos and threes.

On one side of the playground were some equipment, and there was a person sitting there.

The weather is still very cold. The man is only wearing a hooded black sweater with his hat buttoned on his head, his face is tightly shielded, and he is playing with the camera in his hand.

One of his hands was pale, not sure if it was cold or the original color.

The students standing next to each other looked over there from time to time. Some girls showed excitement or idiots on their faces, talking excitedly with their peers.

"Why are you going?"

Seeing Chuzheng walking there, Bai Dongmei immediately followed.

"Look at the photographer."

Bai Dongai was surprised: "What's so nice about the photographer."

With that said, Bai Dongai followed Chuzheng honestly and went to see their photographer.

After going around to the front and seeing the photographer's face clearly, Bai Dongai decided to take back what he said just now.

This photographer is pretty good...

It's just a bit...uncut?

Chuzheng stood in front of the photographer and looked upright. The photographer finally looked up and glanced at her, showing little emotion in his eyes.

He saw the person in front of him clearly, and he was stunned for a second.

But he quickly returned to normal: "What's the matter?"

Because of the movement of his head up, the hat dropped.

The man's hair was messed up by the hat, his hair was slightly longer, almost covering his eyes, his eyes were not sharp, and he was somewhat despondent, like a dying tree in a quiet mountain forest.

The black sweater lined the man's skin paler.

It's not white, it's a pale, unhealthy.

If it weren't for the exquisite and clear features of a man, this image would frighten many people.

Chu Zheng looked at him recklessly, and said calmly, "It's okay."

Sang Yu lowered his head and continued to play with the camera.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Chu Zheng took the initiative to speak to him.

Sang Yu was probably a little inexplicable and didn't reply to her.

Chuzheng stood for a while, then turned and left.

Bai Dongai left with Chu Zheng and asked curiously, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know." I met soon.

Bai Dong Ai: "Then you asked him if he had breakfast, you didn't even ask me!"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Can you compete with the good guy Kirby?

You too value yourself!

Chu Zheng turned to look at him: "What are you doing with me?"

Bai Dong Ai: "Why are you going?"

Chu Zheng: "Are you going to visit the girls' bathroom?"

Bai Dongai stopped until Chuzheng walked a certain distance, he suddenly remembered that the bathroom is not there!

At this time, there was still more than half an hour of time for shooting. Chuzheng went out of school and bought breakfast.

She came back with breakfast, and handily gave Bai Dong Ai a copy.

Bai Dongai said: "Did you go to the toilet for breakfast?"

Chu Zheng's eyebrows jumped, and he resisted the urge to beat him: "Give me back if you don't eat."

Bai Dong Ai: "You bought me specially, of course you eat it."

Chu Zheng ruthlessly dismantled the stage: "Make up the order."

Bai Dong Ai: "???"

Chuzheng took breakfast to Sangyu, and passed a few bags together: "Please have breakfast."

Bai Dong Ai: "???"

Sang Yu: "???"

What the hell!

Didn’t you say you don’t know him?

I don’t know why I bought him breakfast? !

Bai Dongai looked at the breakfast in his hand again, and suddenly he believed the sentence to make up the order.


Sang Yu looked at the breakfast in front of him, very inexplicable. About half a minute later, he said, "I have eaten it."


Chu Zheng turned around and threw all the breakfast to Bai Dong Ai: "Please eat."

Bai Dong Ai: "..."

Just now it was an order, but now they don’t want it, and they give it all to him. What is he? Trash can! ?

The relationship between classmates for so long cannot be maintained!

The boat of friendship turned over as soon as it turned over.

Bai Dong Ai: "No, brother, what's your situation? Who is that person?"

Chu Zheng said solemnly: "Photographer."

Bai Dongai rolled his eyes: "Of course I know he is a photographer. What are you doing with him?"

Although the photographer is a little handsome...

Isn't he such a superficial person at the same table?

The proof is that they have been at the same table for more than two years, and they haven't seen her act on themselves.

"..." What happened to my good guy card set! what happened! Chuzheng didn't want to answer, and was full of ferocity: "You are so annoying, shut up and eat your food."

Can't you stop your mouth even if you eat? !

So many questions!

"If you don't tell me clearly, I can't eat it." Bai Dongai's tone is determined: "You have a situation!"

"Then don't eat."

"Tell me...Don't go!"


The shooting time is nine o'clock.

Sang Yu didn't take off his hat even when he started working, and he barely spoke a word. He only told the teacher next to him where he needed to be directed and asked him to help coordinate.

When rehearsing, everyone thought it was simple, but when it came time to shoot, there were various problems.

By noon, only half of the content was filmed.

The school prepared lunch for everyone. Bai Dongai took Chuzheng to eat. She glanced at the crowd, and the Sang Yu who was still there was nowhere to be seen.

Chuzheng returned to the playground after eating. Sang Yu was already there, sitting there alone and swiping his mobile phone.

There were a few students next to you pushing me, and finally a girl was pushed out. She glared at her companion and walked slowly to Sang Yu.

The girl didn't know what she said, Sang Yu shook her head without raising her head.

The girl's cheeks blushed, and she probably couldn't say anything. She ran back to her companions and dragged them away.

"I just said he doesn't look good."

"Hey, but he is really handsome."

"Aren't you still obsessed with Senior Bai Dongfei before?"

"That's different, it's not a good type at all!"

A few girls passed by Chu Zheng and were discussing which one Sang Yu or Bai Dong Ai was more handsome.

Chu Zheng waited for them to leave and walked over.

"Your name is Sang Yu?"

Sang Yu annoyed that someone kept coming to disturb him. He raised his head and was about to talk. He suddenly met Chu Zheng's gaze. He swallowed it back when he wandered around.

After a long while, Sang Yu let out an ‘um’, and quickly turned his eyes away.

"Can you sit?"

Sang Yu looked next to him, he hesitated, and opened the things next to him on the ground.