Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1698: Born to the corner (12)

After Chuzheng sat down, Sang Yu didn't speak either, lowered his head to look at what was filmed this morning.

Chuzheng looked at the playground, probably because she was sitting here, and some students looked over here.

Sang Yu turned off the device and glanced at her: "Do you know me?"

"I don't know." Chu Zheng paused and said seriously: "But you can get to know him. My name is Chu Zheng."

Sang Yu was stunned, his gaze rolled around her face, and he responded slowly, "You know my name."

Chu Zheng: "Yeah."

Sang Yu was not surprised that Chuzheng knew his name.

These teachers all know what his name is, and you can know it by asking.

Those students who just came here also knew what his name was.

What is strange to him is that he sees her... always feels strange.

Sang Yu couldn't describe that feeling.

Sang Yu thought for a while: "Are you also a sophomore in high school?"

"No, my third year in high school."

High school...


"Chuzheng." Bai Dongai trot over. He took off his coat and tied it around his waist. The boys were full of vigor and vitality: "I'm looking for you everywhere, what are you doing so fast?"

He just turned around, and the same table with him just now disappeared.

You say irritating but not irritating.

Seeing Bai Dongwei coming over, Sang Yu bowed her head.

"Something?" Can't she give her some personal space at the same table?

"It's okay, I can't find you." Bai Dongai's gaze fell on Sang Yu, with a little caution: "What should you do if you are deceived?"

Chuzheng was inexplicable: "Who dares to lie to me?"

Bai Dongfei didn't pay attention to Chu Zheng's words: "Who knows, you are so good to cheat, you can cheat every time."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Where is she cheating?

Bai Dongai found a place to sit down and talked to Sang Yu with a look of curiosity: "Brother photographer, how much money can you make in a month if you do this job?"

Sang Yu felt that the boy in front of him was hostile to him.

The hostility was not obvious, but he could feel it.

Sang Yu Yuguang swept Chuzheng and answered calmly, "No money."

Bai Dongfei asked, "Why do you do this if you don't make money?"

Sang Yu: "Hobby."

Bai Dongmei raised her eyebrows: "Oh, this is your sideline? Then what is your main business?"

Sang Yu didn't answer, it was his personal business, there was no need to tell a kid.

And this little kid is not very friendly to him.

Chu Zheng got up and left first, Bai Dongai waved with Sang Yu, and followed Chu Zheng to leave.

Sang Yu waited for the two to walk some distance, then looked up there.

Teenage girls walked in tandem on the playground, golden sunlight fell on them, coated with a light halo, professional intuition told him that this is a very good picture, but he did not want to shoot at all .

"Brother, can I take a break here?"

Sang Yu's thoughts were interrupted.

I don't know when there is a girl standing in front of her, her face is reddish, looking at him nervously.

Sang Yu put the things on the ground back aside, and rejected the girl with actions.


Chuzheng walked out of the playground until there was no one nearby, she turned around, "What were you doing just now?"

"Nothing." Bai Dongai shrugged: "Don't you just ask a few questions? What are you doing so nervously?"

Bai Dong'ai squinted her eyes: "You don't really like him, do you?"

Since coming back from the winter vacation, Bai Dongai hadn't seen her caring about anyone so much, and took the initiative to speak.

This photographer is the first...

"This is my business." Who else can you like if you don't like a good person card?


Bai Dongai looked weird, and it took him a long time to say hardly: "I'm afraid you will be deceived and that man will look handsome. What else is there besides this?"

"He is the person I am looking for."


Who are you looking for?

Didn’t you say you didn’t know each other?

Bai Dongai was confused, Chu Zheng did not intend to explain, and after speaking with Bai Dongai, he went straight back to the playground.

At the end of the break, the teacher asked everyone to gather and continue shooting.

The shooting in the afternoon was smoother than in the morning and ended earlier.

But Chuzheng and Bai Dongmei still need to shoot solo, so they have to stay. Other students can leave first, and they can stay and watch, but it will not affect the shooting.

Sang Yu was looking at the sky.

At this time, there was still an hour before the evening, Sang Yu was not in a hurry to take the photo, and took the camera to the side by himself.

Bai Dongai was thinking about things, and there was nothing moving from standing there.

Chu Zheng leaned on the side of the playground, looking at the distance with indifference.

Sang Yu's lens captured the young girl, and suddenly couldn't move it away.

"What are you doing over there! Don't fight!" Sang Yu was awakened by the teacher's rebuke, and he suddenly moved the camera away.

The noise of the teacher and the students came one after another. Sang Yu was standing there, the surrounding environment blurred and spinning, and only the eyes of the girl who looked at the moment the camera was removed were left in his mind.

Clear and bright, as calm as a mirror.

Sang Yu exhaled a foul breath, didn't look to Chu Zheng again, and walked directly to the other side.


Chu Zheng and Bai Dong Ai only need to take a few photos for promotional photos. There are no special requirements. When the lighting is right, Sang Yu will take them quickly.

Sang Yu packed up his things and left, while the teacher grabbed the students to preach.

When Chuzheng disbanded, Sang Yu could not be seen.

On the way back, Bai Dongfei stopped talking, seeing Chu Zheng's eyes as if it was the responsibility of caring for the mentally disabled at the table.

Chu Zheng: "..."

"If you have something to say." Chu Zheng couldn't stand the look in Bai Dongai's eyes, so she was a bit square.

Bai Dong Ai made up his mind and said with earnest words: "Brother, you are not too young anymore. It is normal to have someone you like, but I hope you can keep your eyes open."

Chu Zheng: "..." What kind of neuropathy.

Bai Dongmei was probably afraid that Chuzheng would be deceived. At this time, he acted like an old father, so he almost took her to shake her head.


On the other side, Sang Yu returned to his residence, poured a glass of water to drink, and then turned on the computer, importing all the things he shot today into the computer.

He clicked on the photo, passed the others directly, and turned to Chuzheng's photo.

The girl was wearing a school uniform, standing in a corner of the playground, with a gorgeous sunset behind her. She turned her head to look at the camera, her eyes seemed to be able to see the person sitting in front of the computer screen through the screen.

This photo was taken by Sang Yu.

When she looked over, Sang Yu shook his hands, so there was a slight problem with the picture.

This photo did not meet the requirements of the school, but Sang Yu still opened the photo editing software and edited the photo first.

Sang Yu repaired the picture, and the girl in the photo seemed to look better.

He leaned back slightly, leaning on the back of the chair, supporting his chin with one hand, and looking at the **** the screen.

He has taken many good-looking portraits, but this is the first one. When he sees her, he will have a feeling of shock.

After a long while, Sang Yu clicked the mouse, saved the picture, and started to edit other pictures.


[Monthly pass, cute little ones, remember to vote~ vote once a day, happy all day~ rush the duck~]


Recommend friend Yu Qi's new book "Joe, please don't miss me", super sweet and refreshing, multi-identity female protagonist VS black belly domineering male protagonist, babies should not miss it.