Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1713: Born to the corner (27)

Chu Zheng crossed the crowd and walked to him, Sang Yu raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on her: "Congratulations on graduation."

Sang Yu handed her the flowers.

The bouquets are roses, the bright red color seems to cut people's sight, and the fragrant aroma is blowing.

Chu Zheng didn't answer: "So?"

Sang Yu whispered: "Do you mind having an extra boyfriend?"

Chuzheng took the flowers and went directly to kiss them under the gaze of countless people.

"do not mind."

Sang Yu is not comfortable with so many people being kissed, so she slightly pushed her away: "Leave here first."

"Go to the studio?"

"..." Sang Yu took a deep breath: "Go to dinner and celebrate your graduation."



Bai Dongai watched Chuzheng and Sang Yu leave with a deep sadness on his face.

"Brother Dong, you left with someone at the same table." Someone patted Bai Dong'ai on the shoulder: "Aren't you chasing?"

"My daughter is getting older and is going to marry, what can I do?" Bai Dongfei snorted, turning his head to meet the sympathetic eyes of everyone, his expression changed: "What do you want?"

A certain classmate said weakly: "Don't you like Dong Ge?"

"Who told you that I like her?" Bai Dongai was inexplicable.

Everyone: "..."

Isn't it?

Before you had such a good relationship, you were in and out of the same table, didn't you have any special feelings?

Bai Dongmei rolled his eyes at them: "Just as you think so much, let's go."

Bai Dongmei waved at them and left in another direction.

Until he walked far away, Bai Dongai stopped and took a look in the direction where Chu Zheng and Sang Yu had left. After a while, he retracted his gaze and walked away without looking back.


Chuzheng and Sang Yu returned home separately. Just as she took out the key, the door was opened.

The sloppy man came out from inside with a full body of alcohol, and saw Chu Zheng, showing a yellow tooth: "Oh, Xiao Chu is back."

The man didn't stay much, and left without any delay.

Chu Zheng opened the door and looked into the room. Lu's mother was not there and Lu's father sat on the sofa and smoked.

Seeing Chuzheng came back, he quickly put out the smoke.

Chu Zheng: "What is he doing?"

Father Lu knew that Chuzheng ran into Uncle Lu, with an embarrassed expression: "Your uncle said shortcomings of money..."

"Do you know why he is short of money, so he still lends him money?" There is a little one in the uncle's family, all of whom are vampires.

Forget it!

"When your grandma was there, she hurt him when he was young. He came over and cried and made trouble..." With the blood relationship there, Father Lu was very easy to feel soft about such a person.

"He borrows money for gambling. He can't not gamble, so you can't fill this hole. If you want to see this house is gone, continue lending it to him. Anyway, he is not the one who broke the house."

Chuzheng didn't say much, just like that, and then he carried his schoolbag into the room.

Father Lu smoked a night outside.

After that, Uncle Lu came again, and Chu Zheng did not go out of the room. He sounded like Father Lu gave the money.

However, Uncle Lu was not very happy when he left, yelling something like "disregarding family affection".

After this incident, Uncle Lu never came again.

Compared with the uncle's family, Uncle Lu is not bad. He used to only ask for money. When the original owner's family was in difficulty, they avoided far away, but he had never done anything wicked like the uncle's family did.

So after Uncle Lu didn't come, Chu Zheng didn't bother to care about him.

During the summer vacation, Chuzheng heard that his aunt's family was going to change schools for Lucie, and Lucie didn't have any reason, just clamoring to change.

In the eyes of the eldest mother, the original owner is a girl who is losing money, but hers is a beloved one, so Lucy will definitely be able to do so if she is so troubled.

Chuzheng found out that the original owner recently wanted to raise money to open a store. This was the case at the beginning, and he didn't know how his father cheated on the words signed by his father.

Now the uncle's family can't come to fool Lu's father, they can only mortgage their own house.

It was easy for Chuzheng to find a loan for them. As soon as the uncle heard that the loan was more than he asked, the interest was not much, so he immediately agreed.

Of course, the uncle is not that easy to believe, but Chuzheng asked someone around him to introduce him, and most of the people who introduced him would be relieved. Naturally, the uncle also has this mentality.

At the beginning, their family calculated the way father and mother like this, now they should try it themselves.

Of course you have to take the path you choose.

Before the beginning of school, Chuzheng asked Lu and his parents: "Do you want to change to another city?"

"Change the city?" Father Lu was surprised: "Here..."

"Some things need to be completely discarded in order to live a real good life." Chu Zheng said: "With your ability, no matter where you go, someone will rush to ask for it."

Lu's father is now in a very high position, not to mention his ability. If he wants to quit, many companies will hire him, so there is no need to worry about work.

Lu Mu was looking forward to it.

Although she has no contact with the elder aunt's family now, she is still worried about when the family will come back.

With her family’s temperament, the family would cry and make noise, maybe...

Father Lu thought more about it: "I will consider it."

It was just the summer vacation, it was still early, and Chu Zheng did not urge him, let Father Lu consider it slowly.

The original owner only knew about losing his temper and didn't point out a way for Lu's father. Now Chuzheng directly gave him a choice. As a father who loves his daughter, there is a longing mother beside his pillow. Lu's choice can be imagined.

Lu Mu originally chose to accompany the original owner to study, and it is estimated that the main reason is that she can't stand those people.

Unexpectedly, I never escaped in the end...

Now that Lu's father had decided, he acted immediately. He first sent a report to the company and then contacted him to help find a job.

If there are capable people who don’t rush to ask, Father Lu will settle the job in three days.

After that, he went to settle there first, while Lu Mu was tidying up at home.

"Xiaochu, do you take all these clothes with you?" When Lu Mu was packing Chuzheng's closet, she looked at the small skirt full of cabinets and was a little bit unable to start.


After all, it's all your daughter's stuff.

"Why did you buy so much..." Mother Lu said while looking for the box, "I haven't seen you wearing it recently. Why, don't you like it?"

"I don't want to wear it anymore."

Chuzheng and Lu Mu talked with each other, and Lu Mu quickly packed the clothes.

Chu Zheng didn't do much, of course, even if she wanted to do it, Lu Mu wouldn't let her move.

"Xiaochu, come here, what is this?"

Lu Mu's voice came from the door.

Chu Zheng flew over with his slippers: "What?"

Lu Mu pointed to the shoe cabinet outside the door.

Every family in this building has a shoe cabinet or a shoe shelf outside the door. Just now Lu Mu opened the shoe cabinet to clean the shoes inside, and turned out a black cloth bag inside.

The cloth bag is embroidered or painted. The patterns are so hideous that it makes people uncomfortable to look at.