Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1766: Stormy Building (3)

"Owner, those people outside..."

As soon as Xinan left, Zuo Hufa's expression became serious.

"They just stay as long as they like it." Chu Zheng didn't care about his attitude.

"But staying here all the time is not a way..." Zuo Hufa frowned into Sichuan.

Even if the former host gave up, and now he still incurs so many debts, Zuo Hufa can't wait to cut Feng Hanyuan thousands of times.

Is this something a normal person can do? !

Feng Manlou has been passed down for so many generations, and there has never been a person like Feng Hanyuan. There is no one who doesn't want to beat him up and down.

Why is there no rebellion?

When Feng Hanyuan was there, his force was so high that everyone couldn't beat him.

Feng Hanyuan is not there, he has already defeated Feng Man Lou almost, there are not many people in this building, the status of the rivers and lakes has fallen to the bottom, and the broken building is too poor to drink porridge. What is it for?

After taking up this broken building, you have to take up a mess of debts. Unless someone is crazy, who is willing to rebel.

"You make sense." Chuzheng suddenly agreed with Zuo Hufa's words, because she felt that the group of people outside was a bit noisy: "Or we go out and kill them?"

The original owner was also more detached before, so this is not impossible to say.

So Zuo Hufa did not doubt.

She whispered: "Don't make trouble, originally our reputation in the arena is not good. If something happens, how will we mess up in the future?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Is this still mixed? What are you doing? It's better to dissolve as soon as possible and go back to each house and find each father.

It is impossible to do it.

After all, Fengmanlou is not a wicked way, they are upright and upright...

Zuo Hufa glanced at Chuzheng, sighed, and didn't talk about the problem anymore, looking for a solution with a frown.


An hour later.

Chuzheng set up a chair in the attic, sipping chicken soup, and looked at the people below who took turns out to shout.

Xinan stood by and swallowed, wanting to eat and want to eat...

Chuzheng only drank the soup, and let Xinan take the rest to share with everyone.

Just such a chicken, there are about forty or fifty people in Fengmanlou, and it would be nice if one person can get a bite.

After Chu Zheng finished the soup, he beckoned Xinan to come.

"Original?" Xinan leaned over.

"Do you think they are noisy?"

"Um...it's a bit, but I can't drive away..." Xinan sighed: "Zuo Hufa is thinking of a way, see if you can let them leave first, the original poster, you can't just run away because of this, you bear it. ."

Chu Zheng: "..."

What did the original owner do that made Xinan think she wanted to run away?

"Is there a laxative in the building?"

Xinan: "What do you want to do?"

Chuzheng took down the people over there under Banu.

Xinan drew a breath, looked at her in shock, and silently gave a thumbs up after a while.

"I'll do it now."


This group of people brought their own dry food, and almost they brought the water. Xinan didn't know how to administer the medicine. In short, all of them were recruited.

"you guys……"

One of them pointed to the person who was full of wind, and found that he wanted to make a big diarrhea when he let go of his hand, and then quickly covered his stomach, pinched his legs, and stared at the opposite person, gritted his teeth.

"You even prescribe medicine."

The wind-filled man suddenly became unhappy: "Don’t talk nonsense. You bring your own food and drink. What does it have to do with us? Now we kindly provide you with a latrine, and you also slander it in turn. , Where does this make sense!"

Everyone: "..."

The people in Fengmanlou are right, they brought everything by themselves, and the people in Fengmanlou have never been in contact with...

But this incident is clearly their ghost!

How did they get all of them?


The stomach was so noisy that he couldn't even bother to ask questions. A group of people clutched their stomachs and wanted to drag the people out of the latrine.

In the second half of the night, these people kept running to the latrine.

At first, people scolded, but with the effect of the medicine, these people didn't have the energy to scold.

Fengmanlou's latrines were limited after all, and I couldn't bear it. They left Fengmanlou one by one to find a place to go to the toilet.

The remaining few collapsed and were thrown out effortlessly by the windy people.

"The original poster is really amazing."

"The original poster is nothing more than a move. What will happen when it is shot?"

"A blockbuster?"

"Hey, hey, that's what it meant."

"Close the door and find something to block it!"

It was hard to get this group out, but they couldn't let them in casually.

But think about this group of people in that way, it will take at least two or three days to get over.


After Chuzheng solved the noise caused by the group of people, after gaining a wave of faith points invisibly, he slept comfortably.

Early the next morning, the King arrived and sent the mission late.

Chuzheng got up and opened the door. The first sentence was: "Call someone to pack up and bring valuables."

Xinan yawned, "What are you going to do with your things?" You should also bring valuables. What are they valuable? No... Is this going to run?

Chu Zheng: "Are you coming to be the host?" Come, come, let you have the throne!

A jealous soul in Xinan stood up violently, "Dare not, I will go now."

Xinan didn't know what the host wanted to fix the moth, but he was the little helper of the host to fix the moth, so of course he was unswervingly helping at this time.


The group of debtors took away half their lives, and when they were cultivated, they were ready to go to Fengmanlou to ask for an explanation.

A group of people rushed to Fengmanlou, only to find that the door of Fengmanlou was open. Everyone was slightly surprised and stopped at the same time.

Every time they come, this door is closed.

Why are you driving today?

"Why are their plaques missing?"

Everyone looked up and saw that the plaque of "Wind Man Lou" hung on the gate was gone, and the whole gate looked depressed.

"Go in and take a look."

"Is it something to do?"


Everyone looked around and didn't dare to step forward.

"Damn, they owe the debts to pay back the money, what else would they dare to do!" A man stood up: "I go in and take a look!"

Everyone admired this man, and unanimously stepped back and handed the battlefield to him.

Man: "..."

A group of bullies!

The man entered it arrogantly.

Everyone pricked their ears to listen to the movement inside, but until the man came out again, he didn't hear any strange noise.

Instead, the man looked weird: "There is no one inside."

"What do you mean?" He was mutilated! ?

Everyone rushed in and searched every corner of Fengmanlou, but not a single figure was found, and naturally no copper plate was found.

Someone found a piece of paper with words on it, and everyone immediately gathered to read it.

——Feng Hanyuan owes the money to Feng Hanyuan. He borrowed it with his ability. If you don’t come back, it is your problem. Feng Manlou is not responsible for it!


Monthly ticket~

Little cuties with monthly tickets~
