Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1781: Stormy Building (18)

The full moon did not answer.

Chu Zheng grinded his teeth and opened the door to go out. Liu Quchen was standing outside holding the vase.

"Take off your clothes."


Liu Quchen was startled, what does this mean?

"He will get angry when he sees blue things." Chu Zheng said: "If you want to ask him questions, take off your clothes."

Liu Quchen: "..."

Fortunately, what Liu Quchen wore today was only a blue coat and a moon-white coat inside. There was no problem taking it off.

Sure enough, after taking off his clothes, Liu Quchen went in. The boy just glanced at him nonchalantly, showing no signs of anger.

Liu Quchen tried to ask about the situation at the full moon.

The teenager did not react at all, there was no stress response due to mentioning the events at the time, and there was no emotion of anger or resentment.

Liu Quchen asked a few questions without getting any answers.

"I said, he won't say it." Chu Zheng made a gesture of invitation: "Lord Liu Zhuang, please."

Liu Quchen had heard of this before, the second son seemed to have some problems, now it seems...

"excuse me."

Liu Quchen left the room, Chu Zheng followed him out.

"Girl Wind, it is not convenient for the second son to live with you, so let me take him back to Shenwu Villa."

"He is very good here." Chu Zheng said blankly: "Lord Liu, I won't hand him over to anyone."

Liu Quchen: "Girl Feng may have misunderstood, I also want to protect the second son, after all..."

The girl casually said: "I know. So you are still standing still."

Liu Quchen once again felt the self-confidence in this host.

It is also interesting that Feng Hanyuan had such a daughter.

"In this case, please trouble girl Feng to take good care of the second son."

"..." It is necessary for you to say, this is my good person card, I don't take care of anyone!

Liu Quchen said nothing more, and left with Chu Zheng.

Before he had time to put on his coat when he went out, the beautiful woman had a green expression.

"Owner, you..."

"Let's go back." Liu Quchen thought about the matter, didn't realize what was wrong, and ordered quietly.



Owner, you are fine, why did you take off your coat?

What happened inside just now? ! !

The woman looked at Liu Quchen's thoughtful look again, and her heart felt more like a thorn. What did that woman do to the owner! !


"When will Yanya come back?"

When Chu Zheng went in, the boy said that.


You really embarrass me with this question. The ghost knows where the eaves is going. She throws so much money out, but there is no figure in sight.

Chu Zheng coaxed the full moon, so he went to Xinan when he went out.

"Has anyone found it?"

"Wha...who?" Xinan was frightened by Chu Zheng's aggressive appearance.

"Eaves teeth." I won't kill him if I find it! Good guys miss him every day!

"No...no." Xinan said.

"Owner, I found some clues." Xin Yu came from the other side, looking like the injury was almost healed: "About Manchu."

"What clue?"

"Some people have seen those people before, they were asking for directions, and someone saw them with tattoos on their faces."

Xin Yu took out a piece of paper and unfolded it.

"I let the man try to paint."

The pattern on the paper... Chuzheng couldn't really recognize what it was. Probably the person he saw was an abstract artist.


Chuzheng still felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

With a flash of inspiration, Chu Zheng remembered where he had seen it before. To be precise, she has not seen it, but the original owner.

Like the MLM, there is also the Wuyue clan set by the saint, some people have tattoos like this on their faces.

The Wuyue clan is where the original owner was taken back with his face changed.

After Chu Zheng took the piece of paper, how could the Wuyue tribe kill the full moon tribe?

Calculate the time... should Qi Peier's people come to her too?



"What do you think?" Xinyu wondered: "Do you still continue to investigate this?"

"No need." Chu Zheng put the paper away and changed the subject: "Is anyone coming to Fengmanlou for money recently?"

Speaking of Xinan, he was mad: "Why not, every day, but they dare not come in, so they can only squat outside."

The last time Zheng gave them too much impression, these people did not dare to force it.

However, they dare to scribble outside the Fengmanlou when there is no one, saying that it is impossible for them to pay the debts.

"Let them go."

Throwing down these words, Chuzheng took the piece of paper and left.

"Brother, you haven't given me anything yet." Xin Yu suddenly stretched out his hand towards Xinan.

"I'll keep it. You don't know when you lost it again. Do you want your brother to be snatched and be the magistrate?!"

"Then you are inferior to humans."

"I..." Xinan vomited blood with anger: "I am kind! Who knows that woman is so insidious!"

"Just your IQ, I don't know if I was deceived. Keep it for me." Xin Yu immediately found the flaw in the attack.

"Your brother, I'm smart!"

Xinan jumped directly over the railing, and said loudly, "I will keep it!"

Xinyu: "..."


Shenwu Mountain Villa intervened in investigating the affairs of Man's Mansion, but unfortunately there were still not many clues.

Time flies, and the turbulent Manchu annihilation case is gradually replaced by the upcoming Fengyun Conference.

People full of wind are eager to participate.

Chuzheng has no intention to participate at all.

During this time, she has figured out the habits of the full moon a lot.

Anything blue may make the full moon angry and smash things, so Chuzheng replaced the blue ones with red.

When the full moon is crowded, it will actively approach her.

And if you want Full Moon to take the initiative to hug her, someone has to express that she wants her to leave, or if Full Moon thinks that she will leave him, there will be such benefits.

Full Moon was well raised, and his face gradually gained a complexion. With that red dress, it became more dazzling.

The full moon sometimes suddenly wants to leave to find Yanya, and Chuzheng has to work hard to coax people.

Yanya didn't say that good guy cards are so difficult to do!

Feeling deceived.

And she must endure it.


Want to cry.


In a blink of an eye is the Fengyun Conference.

This grand event was held for more than half a month, and the main purpose was to let everyone learn and exchange martial arts.

It's a bit like the martial arts version of the exchange meeting of various schools.

The last few days is the time to compete for the top ranking.

Every year, Shenwu Villa will update the ranking list and challenge the system. If you want to be the top of the list, then you only need to challenge the top one. As long as you can win, you will be the top of the list.

Of course, during the challenge period, the following three kinds of indiscriminate methods are not allowed, and external forces are not allowed.

You must rely on your own true learning to win the challenge before you can be recognized.