Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1794: Stormy Building (31)

Five miles from Wuyue Clan in the woods.

Chu Zheng was sitting on a rock, holding a branch in his hand, and poking at the fire again and again.

I don't know how long it took, someone came out of the darkness.


Xinan sat on the opposite side of Chuzheng, "Why do we bother to run to this barren mountain and rob people?"

Even if he robbed him, he was sent back in the end.

What is the original poster thinking?

"Be a good person."


What the hell?

Xinan was confused and couldn't understand what his host was saying.

"It's all done?"

"Of course, I shot, it must be done!" Xinan patted his chest: "I saw that woman was taken back by them."

Although I don't understand what the host is doing, the host is definitely right!

"But... there are still so many people here." Xinan thought about the last people he saw, and they were a bit strange.

Chu Zheng threw away the branch in his hand, got up and took a photo of the non-existent dust: "Let's go."

After being out for so long, the good guy card doesn't know what happened.

It's better to go back quickly.


On the way back, Chuzheng stopped by to find the stronghold mentioned by the Wuyue tribe before, and there was only one person in the stronghold.

But what this person knows is not too small.

They slaughtered the Manchu clan because the Manchu clan deceived things from them and wanted to instigate their clan.

According to this person, the whole family is like a bunch of villains.

They kindly saved the seriously injured Man's family, but in turn, this person not only lied to them, but also greedily wanted their holy objects.

According to that person, their Wuyue clan had no ambitions and didn't want to mix things up in the arena, but they couldn't tolerate others cheating on them.

Xinan frowned, "Origin, is this full of people really like what he said?"

The meaning of Chuzheng is unknown: "Who knows."

Chu Zheng took out the portrait of Yanya: "Have you seen this person?"

The person carefully identified it: "See... I have seen it."

"What about people?"

"Die." The man said: "We met him that day, and when we met him, he fell into the river."

Falling down at such a high place, the river is rushing, and most people will die.

Chu Zheng: "..." His head hurts.


The wind is all over the building.

"Finally home."

Seeing the sign of Fengmanlou, Xinan immediately rushed into it.

Chuzheng grabbed him.


Chu Zheng glanced around: "Something's wrong."

Xinan immediately looked around, a bit...too quiet.

Chuzheng jumped out of the carriage, glanced at the sign that was full of wind, and walked towards the door with his foot raised.

"Original!" Xinan was shocked, and he walked inside like this when he knew something was wrong. Isn't this looking for death?

Chu Zheng didn't stop, walked a few steps to the door, and pushed open the door full of wind.

I used to open the door to see people, but today I can’t see a ghost.

Xinan swept around on guard, but no one found any danger.

Chuzheng walked towards the courtyard of the full moon. Before she crossed the corridor, many people suddenly appeared around her, staring at them.

These people are wearing black cloaks and hoods, and they look like the Wuyue clan.

Xinan cursed, how did these people get in! Where are the others in the wind? Where is Xinyu? Protect the law! !

"Wind host."

Chu Zheng looked at the sound source, and a man stood there, looking at her with an unknown expression.

Chu Zheng asked without changing his face, "Where are my people?"

Man: "The wind host does not need to be nervous, your people are all fine."

"What do you want to do?" I just helped you catch the saint who wanted to run away, so you ran to me to show off your might. It's a bit too much!

"Lord Feng, please here, our patriarch would like to see you."


So awesome, the patriarch came in person.

"I want to make sure my people are safe."

The man hesitated and said: "You come with me. You are alone."


Where is Xinan Ken.

"You stay here."

"Owner, they are not sure what they want, you can't go through like this." Xinan said nervously.

"What are you afraid of." It may be who is at a disadvantage.

Chuzheng asked Xinan to stay, and she followed the man away.

Soon I arrived in a room with all the windy people in it, including the full moon.

The full moon was tied in the corner, with his head down and no expressions could be seen, and the surrounding buildings were far away from him, so a vacuum zone formed on his side.

All the people in the building are here, including Xinyu and Dharma Protector. To make sure that no one has a problem, Chu Zheng pointed to the full moon dignitaries.

"Bring him out."

"Feng Xiaozhu, we will not..."

The man hadn't finished speaking, but there was a flower in front of him, her neck was pinched and pressed against the wall next to her.

The girl who pinched him, said every word: "Let him out."

The man had difficulty breathing, he couldn't see how she moved her hand just now...

At the sight of Chuzheng, the man was inexplicably scared.

Breathing became more and more difficult, and the man said with difficulty: "Let...let him out."

Chu Zheng stared at the person next to him to bring out the full moon, Chu Zheng threw away the man, and took the full moon: "Is it all right?"

The full moon didn't suffer any injuries. As soon as the rope was untied, he reached out and hugged Chuzheng: "Don't you save them?"

"They're okay." People are going to experience heavy wind and heavy rain.

The young man suddenly leaned to Chu Zheng's cheek and gave her a kiss.

Chu Zheng: "???"

So where did I please him again?

The good guy card is really hard to guess.

The man touched the chopped neck and looked at the two interacting over there, with a strange expression: "Lord Feng, the person has been released, now follow me to see our patriarch."


In the meeting room full of wind, the patriarch of the Wuyue clan was sitting in the upper seat, drinking tea.

Chuzheng entered with the full moon, and the patriarch's gaze instantly came over, sharp and majestic.

Chu Zheng ran into his line of sight, looked back at the past neither humble nor arrogant, and finally ignored him and placed the full moon on a chair beside him.

The attitude of Chuzheng made the patriarch a little surprised.

She is not curious, nor angry, not even a wave...

"You are not like your mother." The patriarch said quietly.

"My mother?"

The original owner looks more like Feng Hanyuan, what her mother is, in fact, the original owner never knew.

It seems that Qi Peier has filed a lawsuit with the patriarch, so he has taken the picture now...

Chu Zheng guessed this before, so it is not very surprising now.

"Yes." The patriarch seemed to fall into memories: "She grew up with me. At that time, she was the most beautiful girl in my clan, and the most eccentric..."

"If you want to be with me, you don't have to." Chu Zheng stood beside Full Moon in a cold tone: "Say directly if you have something."

Patriarch: "..."

Are you so straightforward?

The patriarch gradually lowered his face: "Your mother escaped privately, but your mother is dead, so today, I'm here to pick you back."


On the last day, little cuties, monthly pass~

By the way, make an appointment for tomorrow's monthly pass, double it~~