Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1804: Tomorrow's Star (6)

Of course, most of the girls understand and know what they want. At first, there are still people who are unwilling. However, watching the little sisters around me have filmings and brand-name bags, who can hold back?

Liu Chunhua is able to grasp the weaknesses of these girls and make use of them.

After Liu Chunhua told her, she was at the door of the box.

She didn't go in, but sent a text message.

Someone came out soon, and Liu Chunhua pointed to Chu Zheng: "That's it. I'm still a newcomer. Brother, take care of it."

The man could see Chu Zheng's appearance at a glance, and his eyes were bright, all with stunning colors.

"Okay, leave it to me, come in with me."

The man brought in Chuzheng.

The box is very large, and outside is a simple living room, with carved screens standing beside it, and some people are sitting faintly behind the screens, and the sound of conversation comes from inside.

The light is not bright, it is a very ambiguous yellow light.

Chuzheng went around the screen to see the people inside.

Then Chuzheng paused there.

Why is the original owner's fiance here! !

The leftmost position was cleared by a large empty space so that the man's wheelchair could be put down.

The man held his forehead with one hand, and played with a wine glass with the other hand, showing a lack of interest in the wine board in front of him.

This is Gu Yu, the original owner's fiance.

Gu Yu is said to be a mixed-race. His facial features are much deeper and three-dimensional than Orientals. A shadow is cast on the side of the high nose bridge, and the dim light draws a perfect arc along the man's handsome side face, winding. Extending to the man's neck, and then all the way down, under the collar of the unbuttoned shirt.

This man was in the spotlight before, and countless fans were crazy for him.

Now withdrawing from the stage, he still has the capital to make people crazy for him.

When Chu Zheng came in, the conversation stopped.

The people on the table looked like dogs, but no one said anything nasty, but some people looked at Chuzheng with some cryptic expressions.

In the box, there were a few girls sitting among these people separately.

It can be seen that these girls are all good-looking, if they are very good, they can be scored eight points.

And they look different from ordinary ones. They are not frivolous, on the contrary, they are well-dressed, well-dressed, and even behave gracefully.

Men are also considered rules, at best they put girls on the shoulders.

"You go to be by Mr. Shen's side." The person who brought Chu Zheng in whispered to Chu Zheng, "Behave yourself."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Shen is always a dog thing.


Before Chu Zheng could find Shen always, he listened to the man over there who was playing with wine glasses.

The voice was a bit cold, and it seemed particularly clear in the quiet box at this time.

Everyone was surprised.

The person who arranged the position of Chuzheng was also taken aback, never expected that Gu Yu would speak.

Chu Zheng looked at the man, just in time to meet his sight.

There is a bit of ridicule in the man's eyes, but the more coldness makes those who come into contact with his sight involuntarily fear.

But who is Chuzheng!

She looked at him calmly, not to mention being afraid, and even more so.

The person standing in Chuzheng immediately said, "Go to Mr. Gu."

Chu Zheng retracted his gaze, gave up looking for President Shen, and calmly moved towards Gu Yu.

This cheap fiance...maybe you don't need to think about breaking off the marriage contract.

Gu Yu had no other orders, and the others didn't dare to move, I don't know what this master meant.

Gu Yu's body was slightly on the side, his gaze swept towards Chu Zheng, and he hummed, then suddenly looked at the person next to him: "Get out."

The man stood up with a sigh and gave up his position.


After everyone was seated again, the atmosphere on the table was a bit strange.

Everyone thought this little girl was called to cheer them up, who knew that Gu Yu would suddenly speak and let people sit next to him.

Who doesn't know Gu Yujie's self-care, how many women want to climb on his bed, but besides his acting partner, there is no living female to see.

Now Gu Yu is opening up?

Suddenly fell in love with this little girl?

To tell you the truth, this little girl is so beautiful, she is so young, she doesn't seem to have makeup.

Which woman does not wear makeup now? Kissing with one mouth is full of fans, and Chuzheng is rare.

"Fiancee, Qin Chuzheng." Gu Yu broke this strange atmosphere.

Everyone: "..."

What are you talking about?

The wind was too strong, they didn't hear clearly.

They have heard that Gu Yu has a fiancee, but no one has ever seen this fiancee look like...

"Hello." Gu Yu gave a step, and Chu Zheng went straight down.

Although he didn't know what Gu Yu's idea was, Chu Zheng didn't mind.

after all……

This seems to be her kind card.

It's awkward to be against a good guy.

I will endure! !

Those who endure now will get the interest back.

Everyone: "..."

They may have made a mistake just now, this fiancée must have come to look for Gu Yu.

It must be so.

It must be so.

They are also very casual, obviously different from those girls.

Fortunately... Fortunately, they didn't say it was a jerk.

Everyone rejoiced in their hearts. The most daunting was that the person who brought in Chuzheng in, became Gu Yu's fiancée?

"Miss Qin is good."

"Hello Miss Qin..."

Everyone agreed with a few words, and the silence on the table was instantly dissipated and warmed up.

Someone respected Chu Zhengjiu, but Gu Yu didn't say a word, but he glanced at the man, and the man was so excited that he quickly changed the wine to a drink.

"Miss Qin just drinks drinks, my surname is Zhang."

Chu Zheng was very polite: "Mr. Zhang."

After the people on the table introduced themselves, everyone did not dare to harass the evil spirit Gu Yu again, and turned the topic back to the matter just discussed.

"Miss Qin, you really opened my eyes." Gu Yu's voice was quiet, just as Chuzheng could hear: "The Qin family can afford this person, but my Gu family can't afford it."

Chu Zheng probably understood why Gu Yu had just made the sound.

If she is molested by these people here, and later knows that she is Gu Yu's fiancée, it will be the people who are afraid of these moles, but it is Gu Yu who is ashamed.

You may not believe it, I just came to have a look.

"What do you think I'm here for?" Chu Zheng asked calmly.

Gu Yu glanced over the people on the table: "You want to get resources from them, don't you think you can do it without paying the price?"

Gu Yu checked everything about this woman from the first day she moved in.

Even know...

Gu Yu's eyes sank and snorted coldly.

"I'm here to find you."

Gu Yu obviously did not expect that Chu Zheng would say such a sentence: "Look for me?"

"Fiancé, you have everything you can do, and you can't see people all day long, so I have to find someone myself. Is there any problem?"

Gu Yu: "..."

This woman is absolutely nonsense.

Gu Yu sneered: "How do you know that I am here?"

Chu Zheng replied with kindness, "Follow you."

Gu Yu: "You go out before me."


Feelings at home!

"I can't wait outside for you to go out?" Chuzheng had a meal, and raked backwards: "You are still hiding from me at home, you are really interesting."

Gu Yu: "..."