Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1805: Tomorrow's Star (7)

Chuzheng was so admired by his ability to make up his mind.

Gu Yu's mood wasn't so good anymore, the man calmly looked at the person standing behind, and that person immediately stepped forward and pushed Gu Yu away.


What's up this is! !

When Gu Yu moved, the entire box was quiet, and everyone's eyes were on Gu Yu.

Are they too noisy?

Still neglecting this master?

However, no one dared to speak, and could only look at him blankly, hoping that the master could express his dissatisfaction.

"Don't leave yet?" Gu Yu whispered when Chu Zheng was sitting still.

Chu Zheng: "..."

If you let me go, I'll go!

I don't want face? !


Chu Zheng calmly followed Gu Yu out of the box, Gu Yu's bodyguard pushed him forward, Gu Yu supported his chin with one hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

When waiting for the elevator, Gu Yu's eyes fell on her.

"Miss Qin, I hope you won't appear in such a wine bureau next time, pay attention to your identity."

"What's your status? Your fiancee?"

Gu Yu's expression changed weirdly: "It's fine if you know, even if you don't want to, you are now my Gu Yu's fiancee."


The elevator door opened, and the bodyguard pushed Gu Yu in with his eyes and nose and heart.

Chuzheng followed in a few steps, and the elevator doors closed. In this small space, only the sound of the overhead fan was running.

Chuzheng looked at the vague outline of the man reflected in the elevator, and calmly said: "Mr. Gu knows that it is just that. I changed my attention. I don't plan to break the marriage contract with Mr. Gu. I will ask Mr. Gu to take care of him in the future."

Gu Yu: "What did you say?"

"I say……"


The elevator door suddenly opened, and there was someone outside, but Chu Zheng didn't say any further. She looked up, just in front of a man's sight.

The man is dressed in casual clothes, wearing a mask and a hat, with one hand in his pocket, one hand holding the mobile phone in his ear and listening to the call. On his exposed wrist, there is a bracelet, which is mostly leather. The product, with a bead in the middle, does not look like a luxury.

Two people followed the man, one on the left and the other, protecting him in the middle.

Even if Chu Zheng didn't see the man's face, he knew who this man was.

Fu Xingchen!

Fu Xingchen that the original owner liked.

Gu Yu's enemy.

Chu Zheng suddenly took a step forward, and Gu Yu's eyes fell on her, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, and she couldn't wait to see her sweetheart.

Before Gu Yu's thoughts fell, he saw Chu Zheng directly press the close button.

The elevator door closed quickly, and Fu Xingchen's eyes were obviously shocked, but he didn't know what he was shocking, only that the girl was familiar.

Fu Xingchen had seen the original owner wearing heavy makeup, naturally he was not familiar with Chu Zheng without makeup.

When the elevator door closed, Fu Xingchen frowned.

"Hey, what's the matter with that girl?" All this was just a momentary matter, and the assistant who was following Fu Xingchen exploded instantly: "Are you polite?"

It's the same thing if they can't get on. How can the people inside turn off the elevator directly? !

"It seemed to be Gu Yu just now?" Agent Haiwei asked a little uncertainly.

The elevator closed too fast, and the man leaned on the side again, and he couldn't see clearly.

"It's him." Fu Xingchen said.

Since the last accident, this man has never appeared in front of the public again, and he has never seen this opponent who once held half of his shares.

I didn't expect to meet here today.


On the other side, in the elevator, Chuzheng returned calmly after pressing the close button.

This time is not the time to trouble Fu Xingchen.

This is her kind card, what should I do if I misunderstand! !

Don't let good people misunderstand!

"Miss Qin, what are you doing?" Gu Yu still maintained the posture just now, but his tone was full of sarcasm: "I saw my sweetheart not saying hello?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Does Gu Yu know that the original owner likes Fu Xingchen?

Several pictures flashed through Chu Zheng's mind.

That was the first day the original owner arrived at the villa. The original owner, who was originally upset, saw Gu Yu's first words: I have someone I like, we can't.

What did Gu Yu return to?

He didn't reply, the man snorted coldly, turned the wheelchair upstairs, and the original owner hit the cotton like a punch.

After that, the original owner repeatedly approached Gu Yu to dissolve the marriage contract, saying that the person he liked was Fu Xingchen.

The villain in Chuzheng's heart hugged his head and squatted in the corner. Whatever happened.

Chu Zheng quickly scrapped the various TV series he had watched, and looked at him calmly, "Is Mr. Gu talking about himself?"

Gu Yu: "???"

Go crazy.

Qin Chuzheng fluctuates from time to time, Gu Yu only thinks she is making other ideas, and doesn't think deeply: "Don't waste your efforts on me. I told you a long time ago that our marriage contract is not my final say. ."

The elevator just reached the ground floor, and the bodyguard pushed Gu Yu to leave, and didn't mean to wait for Chu Zheng.

Chuzheng didn't catch up, after all, her noble and glamorous personality couldn't collapse.

Just when Chuzheng was about to drive his own car, a person suddenly rushed out and hit her.

Chu Zheng focused on Gu Yu just now, and didn't notice anyone rushing over.

She was staggered, she didn't fall, but the person who hit her fell.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and the tall figure lifted up the people on the ground: "Is it all right?"

Chuzheng took a closer look, and immediately rolled through several bullet screens in his heart: the road to the enemy is narrow, the soul is not scattered, the revenge and hatred...

[...] The first two are understandable, what the **** is the latter?

These two are not others, one is Fu Xingchen, who I have just met, and the other is the dog thing Nian Yue.

Nian Yue was supported by Fu Xingchen and shook her head quickly: "I'm fine... she..."

Nian Yue raised her head and was shocked, subconsciously shouting: "Chu Zheng?"


Fu Xingchen looked at the girl opposite, no wonder he felt that this girl was familiar with her eyes, it turned out to be Qin Chuzheng...

How did Qin Chuzheng grow like this?

The Qin Chuzheng in Fu Xingchen's impression was not like this at all.

After the year and month, he hummed his heart, and immediately turned to look at Fu Xingchen.

Seeing the doubts and explorations in Fu Xingchen's eyes, Nian Yue's heart sank again.

She has always known that Chuzheng is very beautiful, that kind of beauty, and any woman would be jealous of it.

Unexpectedly, not long after she left, she actually appeared in front of Fu Xingchen in this way.

Years and months thought a thousand times, and soon showed a sad and guilty look: "Chu Zheng...you...how are you doing recently?"

"I'm fine without you." Chu Zheng's tone was cold, completely different from the person Nian Yue was familiar with.

Years and Moon were slightly changed by Chu Zheng's words.

Fu Xingchen frowned suddenly, just about to speak, and Year and Moon took the lead.