Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1813: Tomorrow's Star (15)

Liu Chunhua is in the mist: "It's not..."

Mr. Sun roared: "Nothing? You still quibble, you didn't arrange the wine bureau?"

After shouting, Mr. Sun immediately said to Chuzheng doglegs: "Miss Qin, what to do with Liu Chunhua, you have the final say, I will definitely not shield her!"

The girl sitting behind the desk casually propped her chin, her delicate eyebrows were full of coldness.

Liu Chunhua hasn't figured out the situation yet.

What did Qin Chuzheng do?

How did Mr. Sun become like this?

The scale of this company is not large, and Mr. Sun is their boss. Because Mr. Sun has a wide network, he can find some resources and gradually become a little bit better.

Liu Chunhua is a relative of Mr. Sun. He has always helped Mr. Sun find those girls with star dreams and a little bit of beauty to squeeze their value and generate income for the company.

Liu Chunhua didn't get it out until she left with her things. What happened.

Today, she was obviously waiting for Chuzheng to come, and then threatened with a contract...Why was it she who was kicked out of the company in the end?

Liu Chunhua turned to look at Mr. Sun, who was also kicked out of the company...

Why are the company bosses kicked out!

Mr. Sun held his waist and his face was pale.

"Mr. Sun..."

Mr. Sun glanced at her, snorted coldly, beckoned to stop a car, and left.

He is different from Liu Chunhua. The company is no longer his, but he has money in his hands.

Liu Chunhua watched Mr. Sun leave, his expression was ugly, what happened! !


On the other side, Fu Xingchen took the new play and joined the crew.

"Years and months, I will be taking pictures of Master Fu soon. You can call Master Fu."

"Okay." The dressing room he went to was called Fu Xingchen.

Fu Xingchen is currently filming an urban drama. Fu Xingchen plays the male lead. The whole drama is the growth history of the male protagonist, so his acting skills are very challenging.

"Stars." Years and Moon knocked on the door and went in: "The shooting will begin soon."

Fu Xingchen was dressed in an ordinary T-shirt, still dressed up as a college student, and the adolescent sunshine was handsome and vivid.

Fu Xingchen's face was reflected in his eyes, and his face turned red.

"Let's go."

When Fu Xingchen came out of the dressing room, he reached out and touched her head when passing by.

Nian Yue's face was even redder, and she lowered her head to follow Fu Xingchen.


This scene is Fu Xingchen's encounter with the company's boss after his first interview.

The actor who played the role of the boss has a lot of roles, and it can be regarded as the third female. It seems that the actor has not shown up until today.

When Fu Xingchen passed by, he saw a man standing next to the director. The man was tall, with a white shirt, a black half skirt and a moderate length.

Stand there casually, leaving only a clean back.

Before shooting, Fu Xingchen seems to have seen the most powerful female in the workplace.


The director recruited Fu Xingchen.

Fu Xingchen immediately retracted his gaze and moved over there.

Before Year and Moon approached, he felt that his back was a bit familiar. When he approached, the man slowly turned around, and Year and Moon saw his face clearly, his expression changed instantly.

How is she!

How could she still play such an important role in this crew?

The panic and shock on Nian Yue's face did not have time to hide, but fortunately everyone was not paying attention to her little assistant at this time, and no one noticed it.

Fu Xingchen saw the man's face clearly, and his brow suddenly frowned.

"Xingchen, this is Chuzheng who plays Liang Muyun, haven't you seen it?" The director introduced Fu Xingchen.

Fu Xingchen: "..."

They have seen more than ever.

Thinking of what happened last time, Fu Xingchen felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

Chu Zheng only glanced at Fu Xingchen, and soon turned his attention to Nian Yue. Last time on such a big event, I didn’t have a fight with Fu Xingchen in years and months, and now I am still with Fu Xingchen...


That's awesome.

With an inexplicable guilty conscience, Nian Yue met Chu Zheng's sight, and hid behind Fu Xingchen.

I don't know why, I always feel that Qin Chuzheng now is different from before... it feels wrong to her.

"Hello there."

With the director present, Fu Xingchen pretended not to know him, and directly stretched out his hand to say hello.

Chu Zheng's eyelashes dropped slightly, his eyes rolled around on his dangling hand, and he said coldly: "Mr. Fu, we haven't seen it before, pretending that we don’t know anything. Besides, our relationship is not good enough to shake hands. Right."

Fu Xingchen: "???"

In front of the director, do you say something like this?

Who do you think you are...

The director just glanced at him and Chu Zheng in a puzzled look, without much expression.

"Xingchen and Chuzheng know each other." The director said, "Then I won't introduce it. You guys will get acquainted with it first. We'll start in a while."

Fu Xingchen: "..."

The director confessed to them, turned around and went to the side, and soon there were only a few of them left.

"Why are you in this crew?" Fu Xingchen frowned, his eyes full of dislike for Chu Zheng.

"Why can't I be here?" Chu Zheng asked back: "You run this crew?"

Fu Xingchen: "..."

Fu Xingchen didn't know much about Chuzheng, but he also knew that she had taken over the most scenes, and she was just a small character with a little line.

The role of Liang Muyun has a lot of scenes and is a test of acting skills. How did she get it?

Fu Xingchen said solemnly: "I don't want the person who plays with me to be unprofessional, Miss Qin, I hope you don't let me NG too many times."

Chu Zheng thought about it, and sincerely suggested: "Then I will replace you?"

Fu Xingchen: "???"

Replace him?

Is she kidding?

Chu Zheng stood there calmly, with a serious face, not like a joke at all, as if she said that if you replace him, you can really replace him.

Fu Xingchen had such thoughts about himself, which made him feel funny.

She has such a great ability, how can she still be a fool... But how to explain that bracelet?

Before Fu Xingchen could speak, the director took the megaphone and screamed: "Xingchen, Chuzheng, ready."

Chuzheng didn't grab this crop, and went straight to prepare.


In this scene, the male lead interview was brushed out, and when he met his rival, he was mocked and ridiculed.

The male lead took the elevator when he came out, and happened to ran into Liang Muyun with someone in the elevator.

These people were discussing and arguing about a plan. After listening, the male lead boldly put forward his own opinions.

Liang Muyun was very interested in what the male lead said, let him elaborate, Liang Muyun was quite satisfied with the male lead, and admitted him exceptionally.

Now they are going to shoot this scene.

At the entrance of the elevator, the elevator next to it was put on the under-maintenance sign. Otherwise, how could a high-level boss sit in the same elevator as an interviewer.

Chu Zheng and other actors enter the elevator to prepare.

As the director started shouting, the elevator door closed, because the camera was from Fu Xingchen's first, so when the elevator door opened, the hero just walked to the elevator entrance.

College students who just came out of society, dress differently from the social elites in suits and shoes in the elevator.

That elevator door, like a scourge, lay between the campus and the society.