Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1814: Tomorrow's Star (16)

Chu Zheng stood in the middle of this group of people, not as tall and mighty as those behind her, giving the impression that she was the center, and would not appear petite or neglectable.

She had a sense of majesty that belonged to the superior, as if the boss named Liang Muyun was standing in front of him alive at this time.

"Stop!!" The director called to stop: "Xingchen, what are you doing in a daze?"

Fu Xingchen returned to his senses and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, do it again." The director gently asked to do it again.

Chu Zheng stood there without moving. Fu Xingchen walked back to his position. He looked to the elevator. The elevator door was slowly closing, and Fu Xingchen frowned slightly.

Fu Xingchen's state was much better the second time.

Standing outside the elevator, seeing so many people, Fu Xingchen showed a hint of surprise on his face, and he didn't dare to go in.

Someone in the elevator said to him: "Wait for the next one." He said he was going to press the elevator.

Chu Zheng raised his head and glanced at the people outside, and said casually: "Let him in."

The person next to him immediately signaled Fu Xingchen to come in quickly. Fu Xingchen shrank and nodded at them cautiously.

If Fu Xingchen can get to this position, his acting skills naturally have nothing to say.

Listening to the people in the elevator arguing between you and me, from thinking to talking and stopping, the body movements and expressions are in place.

The last time was right, Fu Xingchen expressed his opinion.

The people in the elevator fell silent and looked at each one. Chu Zheng glanced at him blankly: "Do you think your plan is feasible?"

Chu Zheng's eyes were cold and calm, like a pool of stagnant water, without waves.

Fu Xingchen broke into those eyes suddenly and forgot the following lines.


The director's voice came over, and Fu Xingchen's expression was a bit ugly instantly.

He would forget his lines, and he always felt a little breathless under her pressure.

That feeling was different from the feeling he used to be suppressed by the older generation, but he felt out of breath and couldn't remember the following lines in his mind.

Thinking of what he had said before, Fu Xingchen's face was hot.

Her acting skills are so good, why is she still a fool for so long?

Chuzheng is not good at acting, she just played this role in her true colors.

Then NG several times, and finally this scene barely passed.

"Mr. Fu, this is your profession?" Although Chu Zheng only took advantage of the role, she still wanted to mock Fu Xingchen.

Fu Xingchen: "..."

After finishing shooting, Nian Yue immediately came over with hot water: "Xingchen, drink some water."

Fu Xingchen took the water, but his eyes followed Chu Zheng's back, full of doubts in his heart.

Years and Moon's eyes followed Fu Xingchen's glance, and a strange luster flashed under his eyes.

She immediately took two steps forward and said softly: "Stars, let's go and rest first."

Fu Xingchen retracted his gaze and returned to the dressing room following the years.

Many people outside the crew are also talking about Chuzheng.

"Who is that person? How come I have no impression at all."

"Baidu gave the name, there is no news at all, it is probably a newcomer."

"Maybe some investor came in, but her acting skills seem to be good. Just now Fu Xingchen was NG so many times."

"Don't you think she was so handsome just now, as if she really saw President Liang."

"Yes, yes, I feel that Mr. Liang is standing in front of us, my goodness that feels like me! I don't lose those seniors at all!"

"Does she have Weibo?"

"I don't know, let me search and see..."

"It seems not."

It is not a dream for the original owner to enter the entertainment circle, so he didn't make any Weibo, and Chuzheng didn't bother to make it.

Although they don't know how Chuzheng was stuffed in, Chuzheng's acting skills are online, and the people in the crew are still kind.

Listening to the comments of these people in the crew, Nian Yue almost couldn't help but go to Chuzheng several times.

But think about it, what can you say when you go to her?

So every time I hold back.


After Chu Zheng entered the group, every time Fu Xingchen filmed her scene, it was the beginning of pain. The number of NGs probably exceeded his NG times this year.

But as long as Chu Zheng is not there, Fu Xingchen can return to his normal state.

So every time I filmed Fu Xingchen and Chu Zheng, everyone felt it was difficult to breathe.

Why does a newcomer who can't find any works squeeze the popular traffic into this way? Is it moral degeneration or humanity distortion?

When Chu Zheng entered the crew this day, he realized that the eyes of the people in the crew were not right. Chu Zheng turned his head and glanced at the glass beside him.

The clothes are normal, the hairstyle is normal, the face is normal, and it looks good today... What are they doing looking at me like this?

A lot of panic in my heart.

"Miss Qin."

A girl who usually runs errands for Chuzheng ran over and took her to the corner.

"I don't know where the rumor came out, say..." The girl didn't seem to know whether to say it or not.

Chuzheng asked calmly: "What did you say?"

The girl whispered: "Say...that you got this role after climbing the investor's bed."

"this one?"

Chuzheng's reaction was so calm that she surprised the girl, and she swallowed with difficulty: "Miss Qin, isn't this serious? People in the crew have spread it like this, and the paparazzi will know that it is also a black history..."

Chuzheng seriously asked the girl: "Do you think I am someone who can crawl into other people's beds casually?" If a good person gets stuck, she can force it... Forget it, can't force it.

How can the boss climb the bed casually! ! !

The question of Chuzheng made the girl stunned, and shook her head for a while.

This Miss Qin is a very educated person no matter how she looks, and her acting skills are really good, and she plays the role of Liang Muyun vividly.

Of course it's not that if you have good acting skills, you won't do those things.

It's because of her... it feels like she doesn't do this kind of thing, she has a kind of arrogance and self-confidence that ordinary people don't have.

"Miss Qin, I believe it's useless." The girl cried and said, "Everyone in the crew said so. If you become hot in the future and are dug out by a paparazzi, you won't be able to tell if you have a hundred mouths."

Chu Zheng scratched his hand in his pocket: "Who passed it on?"

The girl shook her head: "I don't know, someone said that when I came."

"Is there evidence?"

As if remembering something, the girl hurriedly took out her phone: "There is a picture."

The photo is of a corridor, and the person standing outside is Chuzheng.

And inside the door, there is a man who shows only half of his face. This man is known to many people in the crew. He is one of the investors in this show. He has been to the crew before.

Two people appear in the same photo, and the man is still an investor, which does not allow others to think about it.

When Chuzheng first joined the crew, some people speculated that she was an investor who came in, but because there was no evidence, everyone guessed in private and didn't dare to say too much.

Now that there is such a photo as evidence, the rumors will naturally increase. ,


Come on, darlings, vote up! !

Today is still a double day! !