Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1815: Tomorrow's Star (17)

This photo is a bit impressed at Chuzheng.

It should be Liu Chunhua who asked her to go to the Dunhuang Club, the last time she met Gu Yu.

The man sent them out, Gu Yu was behind, she was walking in front, and she happened to be photographed with this man...

Where did the photo come from? It’s not clear now. Everyone is passing this photo, passing it from various groups, and everyone in the crew knows it.

Therefore, as soon as Chuzheng came, he received everyone's attention.

When Chuzheng was talking to the girl, Year and Moon came in from outside carrying a thermos. She glanced at Chuzheng. There was no expression on her face, but her eyes did not suppress the pride.

Chuzheng squinted slightly.

Years and months were also there that day, and she happened to be the one who didn't deal with her in the crew.

As for Fu Xingchen... Based on the information she has learned, Fu Xingchen will not do such a thing for the time being in his own identity.

Nian Yue quickly lowered her head and entered Fu Xingchen's dressing room from the other side.

"Miss Qin, what should I do about this?" The girl was still anxious.

Chuzheng's eyes turned around and asked the girl to lean over. She whispered in her ear. The girl gave her a weird look, and it took a while to leave with the expression "I don't understand the ideas of the rich".

But in the morning, no one talked about photos anymore.

Years and months went through all the groups she had added that were related to the crew, no one said about it again, and those records were also brushed up to the top, unable to read.

what happened?

Years and Yue couldn't sit still, holding the phone, feeling restless.



Fu Xingchen called her several times, and only then did the year and month recover.


"What are you thinking, I told you that you didn't respond for a long time." Fu Xingchen looked at her questioningly, and then asked worriedly: "Where is it?"

"No...no." Nian Yue shook his head quickly and changed the subject: "I'm going to shoot in a while, let's change clothes first."

"Years, my clothes have been changed."

Nian Yue looked at Fu Xingchen, she had already changed her clothes and even her makeup.

Years and Moon were frozen there, not knowing what to say.

Fu Xingchen frowned: "Are you really all right?"

Nian Yue wanted to say that she was okay, but finally she thought about it and changed her words: "My head is a little dizzy, it's okay."

Fu Xingchen became nervous: "Do you need to go to the hospital? It was cold recently, and you ran in and out. Did you catch a cold?"

"No... it's okay, Xingchen, you go filming, don't let the director wait. I'll just rest here for a while."

Fu Xingchen was worried: "You really don't need to go to the hospital?"

"No need to."

Nian Yue refused to go to the hospital and asked Fu Xingchen to go to the filming quickly. Someone happened to call him and the filming started immediately. Fu Xingchen had to tell her to let her rest first.

Fu Xingchen went to film, staying in the dressing room every year, constantly looking at the group on the phone.

There are people chatting in the small group, but no one asks for photos anymore.

Nian Yue pressed her lips, tapped her finger on the phone screen, and a line of words appeared in the input box.


Nian Yue was startled by the knock on the door, she panicked and deleted the line and went to open the door.


During the lunch break, most of the crew members are resting, avoiding people every year, and walking to the empty prop room at this time.

The prop room is dark and messy. Turn on the lights every year and look inside: "Stars?"

Someone knocked on the door and gave her a note. Fu Xingchen told her to come here during lunch break.

Although Nian Yue felt strange in her heart, she didn't doubt too much. He only felt that Fu Xingchen had something to do and it was not easy to tell her in a crowded place, or maybe...

Nian Yue's cheeks were slightly hot, calmly, and continued to look inside: "Are you there?"

The prop room was so quiet that people panicked, and no one answered after several calls. Years and Yue were a little uneasy, turned around to leave here, but when she walked to the door, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Nian Yue's gaze broke into a person, not the person she expected, but...

"Chuzheng? You... why are you here?" Nian Yue took a step back unconsciously, the expression on his face very complicated.

Chuzheng came in from outside and closed the door smoothly. Watching her movements, her hanging hands tightened her clothes, the anxiety in her heart became more serious.

she was……

What do you want?

This is the crew! !

Thinking of this, Nian Yue felt calm again in his heart.

Chu Zheng closed the door and slowly spit out two words: "Guess."

Years and months curled her eyebrows and did not answer the conversation. She didn't post the last incident and pretended that nothing happened to be close to her.

Years and months flashed: "You let me come here?"

Fu Xingchen had her phone call and really had an appointment, why did she use a note?

She had suspected before, but because it was Fu Xingchen, she was afraid that he was really giving it, so she missed it, so she came anyway.

Chuzheng was noncommittal, and the year and month were only her acquiescence.

"What did you trick me into here for?"

"What have you done, you don't know it in your heart?" Chu Zheng's tone was slightly cold, his eyes were as cold as frost, and the temperature in the entire space seemed to drop several degrees.

Years later, there was a chill on the ridge, and tiny beads of sweat spread on her forehead, gradually rolling down her cheeks, and she pressed her trembling lips vigorously.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. I have something to do, so I will go back first." Nian Yue avoided Chu Zheng's sight and walked outside.

Chu Zheng's eyelashes drooped slightly, and when she was about to touch the doorknob, she suddenly reached out and threw her into the prop next to her.

Years and Moon fell inside, his mind was blank for a moment, and the whole person was dizzy.

"You...what are you doing!" Nian Yue sat up with the props, sinking her face and shouting at Chu Zheng.

However, the girl standing in front of her did not respond to her. The surrounding light is shaking, and the props piled together are like some kind of horrible creatures, making the scalp numb.

Nian Yue swallowed: "You... don't mess around, this is the crew, and someone will come soon!!"

The person who responded to Nian Yue was the black cloth coming over with a hood. The light in front of him dimmed, and Nian Yue's heart panicked, and instinctively wanted to talk about the black cloth.

However, before she pulled the black cloth away, she felt a pain in her body, and then more fists fell, and she shouted in pain.

"Qin Chuzheng, you lunatic..."

"You let me go!!"

"Help, kill! Help..."

Years and Moon's voice became hoarse, and no one came to rescue her. In the end, there was no strength to bark, like a dead dog, lying embarrassed in a pile of props.

The black cloth covering her was pulled away, and she saw the girl standing in front of her with blurred vision.

The cold and indifferent eyes fell on her like an ice blade, causing layers of chill.

The girl slowly squatted down and said, "You took the photo?"

"What... what picture?"

Chu Zheng narrowed his eyes, raised his hand fiercely, his pupils shrank, and he hugged his head and cried out: "Yes... I took the photo, I took the photo, don't beat..."