Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1837: Tomorrow's Star (39)

Chuzheng holds the idea that the good person card is used to ruin the family. After giving the good person card an office seat with diamonds, he successfully angered him and was pulled into the car.

Pulling is not suitable, just pulling her wrist.

"Are you free?" Gu Yu pressed Chu Zheng's arm and gritted his teeth: "No filming?"

"No." Chu Zheng stared at him.

She didn't pick up a new play again, of course she was free.

"There is no filming, you don't know you are going to pick up the show?" Gu Yu gritted his teeth: "What did you run into my office to toss about?"

Now the people in the company saw her coming here as if they were welcoming the leader's inspection, and she gave away things whenever she was happy.

Gu Yu didn't mean that those things were fancy, but when the amount was large, it was a huge sum of money.

Now everyone in the company almost doesn't know that he is a genuine president.

"No one I want to pick up." Is she the kind of person who picks up casually? If you can’t act after receiving it, isn’t that going to be scolded? I'm not stupid.

Chuzheng suddenly stretched out his hand to hook Gu Yu's neck, and the girl's face kept magnifying under his eyes.



When Gu Yu got up, his head was hit, and he pushed the car door down: "Send her back." Abandoning this sentence to the bodyguard standing outside, he quickly moved towards the elevator.

He madly pressed the elevator, and after entering, he pulled the collar and let out a breath.

Gu Yuyu glanced at the person in the mirror, his expression gradually ugly, his lips pressed hard, and he looked at the elevator buttons aside.

Back in the office, Gu Yu's eyes fell on the diamond-encrusted swivel chair, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

How boring she is!

Gu Yu went to pull it, but found that he couldn't pull it off at all, and she didn't know how she got it...

Gu Yu gave up fighting with the chair, and called his manager who was waiting to die in his unemployed home.

"Come and bring someone."

"Huh?" The agent was a little confused: "Who do you take? Don't you plan to come back anymore?"

"My wife."


Isn't it a girlfriend? Why is it a wife? Is it true that what is said on the Internet?

"Are you really married?"

"Can't it?" Gu Yu hung up.


Didn't say no, why are you so angry.


Gu Yu found an agent for Chu Zheng, who turned around and made a series of plans for Chu Zheng, and arranged her clearly.

When Gu Yu's agent took him, he was already well-known, and his contacts were not bad. How many people wanted him to take him without this opportunity.

Chuzheng, who had this opportunity, didn't really want it.

She just wants to be a salted fish quietly.

The agent was arranged by Gu Yu, and Chuzheng was not easy to send, so she was forced to participate in activities, read the script, audition... she was so difficult.

According to the care of Yu, the agent chose the script for Chuzheng, and all the characters in it are suitable for Chuzheng.

However, Chuzheng is more picky, the character story is not good, the character change is too big...Finally, only the villain is left.

Just when Chuzheng wanted to strike every day, the show was put on the air itinerary, and various activities followed one another.

The agent also took time to pick up advertisements for her, for fear that she could not make any money.

"I don't need these..."

"You want to maintain your reputation, of course, you need these, and the advertisements you receive will prove your position.

The agent's little mouth was loud, and he said that he would not breathe for three minutes.

It's a pity not to talk about cross talk!

The agent had instructions from Gu Yu that she had to let her have no time to run to him, and the agent could not make arrangements for Chu Zheng.

"How much does Gu Yu give you?"

The agent was taken aback, turned his head and patted his chest, awe-inspiring: "This is not a question of money or money. This is my professional spirit as an agent. Since I'm taking you now, you must be a queen."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng wrote a check to the agent: "Is it enough?"

The agent glanced at the zero above: "Miss Qin, I am not that kind of person."

Chuzheng wrote another one.

The agent smiled: "Miss Qin, I'm really not that kind of person."

Chu Zheng continued to write.

The agent is unmoved, he is a professionally ethical agent, how could he be bent over a little money...a pile of money is not enough!

The agent demonstrated to Chuzheng the heroic spirit of not being bent by money.

Chu Zheng: "..."

You bastard, look, don't you say that you can do whatever you want with money?

The king's account is not online and does not say a word.

Chuzheng's eyes wandered around the agent, thinking about where to start playing better.

The agent seemed to perceive something: "I'll go out and make a call."

The agent went out and smoked a cigarette, feeling melancholy. If Gu Yu hadn't shot him and said that his family was likely to bribe him with a fake check, he would almost shake.

Think about the string of zeros.

If it is true, then he will be rich.

But is the check really fake?

...Gu Yu shouldn't lie to himself.


Chuzheng's time was spent on filming and activities, and the chance to meet Gu Yu was much less.

With the airing of her new drama, her fame has risen to the next level, and her fans have grown steadily. Now she has 10 million fans.

Very good, it's time for Gu Yu's death.

Chuzheng became famous here, but Fu Xingchen was very unlucky. First, the new drama could not be broadcast for some reasons, and then the role was robbed.

He has been robbed of a role in a position like him, and the backing of the opponent is not small.

The movie that was being made, the entire crew was stopped because of the sudden withdrawal of capital from investors.

No matter what he does, nothing goes well.

Fu Xingchen's career was not going well, and Nian Yue made some mistakes from time to time, and some of his concepts were different, and the two easily quarreled.

Fu Xingchen gradually did not want to see the years.

Nian Yue hasn't seen Fu Xingchen for almost a month. At first I thought he was on the crew, but I saw Fu Xingchen in another city on Hot Search.

The movie he was making had already stopped.

Fu Xingchen didn't tell her a word, and Nian Yue felt that she was estranged from Fu Xingchen, which made her a little flustered.

I bought a ticket that night and ran to find Fu Xingchen.

However, in the hotel, I saw Fu Xingchen and another woman coming in and out together, and the relationship was ambiguous.

Nian Yue found Fu Xingchen, and Fu Xingchen said that they were together because of their work relationship, and they had no other relationship.

Unbelieving Years and Months, they had a fight with him in the room, and the two broke up unhappy.

However, news about Fu Xingchen and the woman began to appear on the Internet, and they were successively photographed. From the perspective of the years, those vague photos seemed extremely ambiguous.

At the beginning of the year, he could hold back, and only asked Fu Xingchen.

But as Fu Xingchen became more and more perfunctory, he couldn't bear it. After seeing the news on the Internet again, he directly posted a Weibo on Weibo.

Both the words and the outside all alluded to the woman's impropriety, knowing that Fu Xingchen has a girlfriend, and walking so close to him.