Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1856: Lost in the Wilderness (13)

He has been here for so long...

Xin Zhu clenched his fists involuntarily.

"Have you never thought about going out?"

Although it is remote, it is not completely impossible to leave. According to Uncle Min, the river where they came, from time to time there will be local people passing by.

"can not go out."

can not go out? They can all come in, why can't they get out?


Xin Zhu lowered his head, his hair blocking the emotions in his eyes.

"Yesterday afternoon, did you see me?"

Xin Zhu hesitated and nodded.

When Chuzheng grinds her teeth, she said that it was not her illusion that she felt that dark shadows flashed at that time.

"So last night, you were the same person who entered the tent?" Chu Zheng said that he didn't know the name, so he simply summarized it as the tent.

Xin nodded: "I found you, and you..."

Unlike his impression, he didn't know who it was. Out of caution, he wanted to check it out first.

"The hill...you got the corpse too?"

Xin Zhu was at a loss: "What corpse?"

"You never let the body go to the camp?"

"Why should I put the corpse in your camp?"


That's weird, where did you get the body? Can't you really come here by yourself?

The space suddenly became quiet, and Chuzheng walked back and forth twice, pondering the words: "Why can you keep this look?"

Good guy card secretly repaired a fairy?

"do not know."


What do you know!

Xin Zhu answered many questions with the word'don't know'. Chu Zheng asked for a long time, but didn't ask much.

In the end, Chu Zheng could only ask the **** to give her information about Xin Zhu.


Xin Zhu.

Followed his teacher to here in 1988, but when they left, he did not follow.

I have been living here ever since.

Until Chuzheng and the others appeared.

After so long, Xin Zhu saw human beings, his first reaction was not happiness, but vigilance.

But in the end, he was discovered and his secrets were also discovered. At first they treated Xin Zhu very well and asked him many things.

When he left, he took Xin Zhu to leave together. Unexpectedly, after leaving here, Brother Gao would hand Xin Zhu out.

How could Xin Zhu live here for so long and still maintain such an appearance.

Xin Zhu was imprisoned for research, and finally Heihua escaped and found Gao and others to take revenge.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Perhaps it was because his life experience was not the cause of his blackening, so the information is only a summary of how he blackened.

This is a fart!

Chu Zheng wanted to kick things irritably, but the things here looked very fragile, so Chu Zheng had to turn around and leave the cave and go back around.

There have been many traps in this area.

Chuzheng also saw the white rat... there were almost seven or eight, all squatting in one place, with the same ankle ring on their feet as the one she had seen before.

"They are the experimental mice that I used before. When I woke up, they were next to them, so I raised them. I didn't expect them to grow so big."

Xin Zhu's voice came from behind.

He supported the stone wall and stood there, the old and white tunic suit made him straight like a pine and cypress.


Chu Zheng didn't seem to be curious about why they could live so long and grow so big, jumping off the rock.

"What are you doing out?"

Xin Zhu pursed his chapped lips and said, "There are many traps around here, so don't walk around."

"I saw it."


There is no one here. The traps are used to guard against the animals in the mountains, so they are generally disguised, and you can see them if you are careful.

Xin Zhu's lips whispered: "May I ask you some questions?"


Xin Zhu exhaled, "Do you know what happened to my teacher after they went out?"

"I don't know them."

The disappointment in Xin Zhu's eyes was not concealed, and after a while he asked, "Then why are you here?"


Xin Zhu probably didn't have any idea about this word, and it took a long time before he said ‘oh’.

"What else do you want to know?"

Xin Zhu thought for a while and asked a few more questions.

It is a pity that Chuzheng is completely unclear about these, so she can only answer ‘don’t know’.


"You... are you going back up there?" Xin Zhu asked her.

"Not for now."

"Oh." Xin Zhuo paused, having not been with people for a long time, looking a little cramped: "Then are you hungry? I'll make something to eat."

Without waiting for Chuzheng's answer, he went straight to the living area to make a fire and cook.

Chu Zheng frowned slightly: "Your injury..."

Xin Zhu moved his arm and said, "No, it's all right."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Xin Zhu's wound healing speed is beyond Chu Zheng's imagination, it is not the speed of normal people healing wounds at all.

Of course, he is not a normal person by himself.

"Today is eating wild vegetables and jerky, but today I am not eating alone..."

"what are you saying?"

Xin Zhu was taken aback, and the thing in his hand almost fell to the ground. He hurriedly hugged him firmly: "No... nothing."

It is already a habit for Xin Zhu to talk to himself.

He is here alone, no one can talk, but he can only talk to himself, otherwise he may not be able to talk anymore.

"I haven't asked your name yet." Xin Zhu calmed down and changed the subject: "What is your name?"


"Leaving... Zheng?" Xin Zhu's face clearly showed how a girl would take such a name, are you lying.

Chu Zheng used the branch in his hand to write those two words on the ground.

"That's it." Xin Zhu suddenly said, "It sounds very good."

Chu Zheng was very humble: "Thank you."


What Xin Zhu made is using wild vegetables and dried meat. The staple food is something similar to potatoes, but it doesn't look like potatoes, but the taste and texture are similar.

Unfortunately, because there is no salt, the taste is not good.

"You just eat these?"


"There are cans on it, haven't you seen it?"

"I see, I have eaten a lot and I'm tired of eating." He can't stand eating canned food all year round.

There is a lot of food on the mountain, and he doesn't need to eat them all the time.

Chu Zheng: "..."



After eating, Chu Zheng pointed to the table with a lot of things piled up.

"Can I see these?"

Xin Zhu's dark eyes stared at her unblinkingly for a while, and finally nodded.

The books piled on one side of the table are all books from the ages, covering a wide range of subjects.

It should be Xin Zhu who took all the last group of people who had not had time to take away.

After such a long period of time, the traces of each book are very large.

On the other side are some manuscripts, the content is some notes, it seems that Xin Zhu wrote.

In order to save paper, the characters are written very small.

There is no blank paper to write on on the table, and every one is full of writing.

Chu Zheng didn't find any information related to this place. He didn't know if he was put away by Xin Zhu, or he didn't have any.