Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1857: Lost in the Wilderness (14)

"Are you going back?"

"Not for the time being..." Chu Zheng paused: "You don't want me to stay with you?"

Xin Zhu didn't answer this question, but just asked, "Is the person above your companion?"

"Not counting." Chuzheng face indifferently, his eyes fell on his shoulders: "Not to mention that he hurt you."

Xin Zhu was stunned and hurt him... Does it matter if she doesn't go back?

After a while, Xin Ju raised his hand to touch the position of his shoulder, and murmured, "It's all right." He himself was sneaky first.

"The people outside are not as good as me. Don't talk about everything, especially your age."

Of course Xin Zhu knew this truth, but...

He didn't know why, he seemed to trust her very much.

He felt this way from the first sight of her.

Chu Zheng looked at him up and down several times, and felt that he would not be able to dress like this, so he picked out a set of clothes that fit him from the space: "First put this on."

Xin Zhu looked at her in shock: "Where did you get the clothes?"

He saw her suddenly take out the clothes.

But there is no place to put clothes on her.

"Now that science and technology are developed outside, there is nothing impossible to do." Chu Zheng was isolated from the world here for too long with Xin Zhu, and began to talk nonsense.

"Is this... so?"

"Go and change." Chuzheng said too much, and the cowhide exploded, so he shouted fiercely.

Xin Zhu also wanted to ask what kind of technology it was. He was yelled at by Chu Zheng and took his clothes to a place that Chu Zheng could not see.

Comfortable fabric, close and soft.

So much has changed outside...

After changing his clothes, Xin Zhu still felt like a weak scholar, and his long hair made him look a little melancholic.

Chu Zheng took out the scissors and stretched his claws to his hair: "Come here, I'll cut it for you."

You can feel the softness of the hair first!

Xin Zhu touched his excessively long hair. He has always repaired it by himself, but it hasn't been trimmed much recently, so it is a bit longer.

"I can do it myself... hey..."

Xin Zhu sat down by Chu Zheng, rubbed his fingertips over his ears, and raised a strand of hair.

Chuzheng squeezed his hair and rubbed it, and his eyelashes dropped in disappointment. They were not soft and cut it!

Xin Zhu held his breath, like a tool man, motionless.

Before arriving here, Xin Zhu was a big and small, studying every day and had no time to meet girls.

Let alone here, not even a ghost.

Suddenly getting so close to the opposite sex, Xin Zhu’s heartbeat accelerated ‘puff puff puff’, fidgeting.

Accompanied by the sound of clicking, the hair fell down his ears, and when it ran across his cheeks, it itched slightly.

Xin Zhu had never experienced this kind of feeling before, making him uncomfortable and embarrassed, and then began to whisper in a whisper.

"She's the same as me, nothing special."

"I'm not nervous..."

He spoke very vaguely, and Chu Zheng couldn't hear him at all.

"what are you saying?"

Xin Zhu was silent, covering his mouth with both hands. Did he say anything?

When Xin Zhu's thoughts flashed, he shook his head: "I didn't..."

The scissors are right next to him, Chu Zheng swiftly protects his head with his hands, palms against the side of his head, with an unfamiliar temperature.

Xin Zhu's body froze there.

Chu Zheng calmly removed the scissors: "Nothing?"

Xin swallowed, "I didn't speak."

"What the ghost said?" Obviously I heard you say it!

"...Hmm." Xin nodded earnestly one by one, deeply regretting how he had said something.

"Oh." Chu Zheng had a cold face, and continued to cut his hair.

Good guys work so hard, as a good guy, how can he break him.

What a good guy says is right!

If not, please refer to the first.

Chuzheng's technique is not good, but not bad. Xin Zhu, who has cut his hair, looks a lot refreshed.

With his forehead exposed, that clear face is even more outstanding.

It may be that I live on the mountain all year round, my skin is not very white, but the healthy wheat color.

You have to raise it well.

Raising a son is too difficult.

【? ? ? ] What the hell? Did he hear it right?


Chu Zheng sat on the stone outside and looked at the white rats. At this time, the sky gradually darkened, and Xin Zhu cautiously climbed up and sat beside her.

"Are you really not going back to your companion? They should find you..."

"I said that they are not my companions, but just happen to be with them."

"You stay here... what are you doing?"

"Be with you." Chu Zheng glanced at him: "You have been alone for so long, don't you want to be alone with you?"

Xin Zhu was stunned, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, and the palm of his hand holding the stone tightened into a fist: "I'm used to..."

At the beginning, he was the only one here, and he was also desperate.

But he survived that period of time, and there was not even a living thing here.

There are these little white mice, there are rabbits on the mountain, little birds...

"Don't you want to go out?"

"Go out..."

Xin Zhu murmured, got up suddenly, and went back inside.

He didn't want to say that Chuzheng didn't press any questions, and sat outside until dark.


Chu Zheng will be in the cave all night, and when he gets up, Xin Zhu is holding a bunch of green plants back.

"It rained this morning, not very lucky..."

He muttered to himself as he walked inside.

Chuzheng has experienced it several times, and at this time he no longer asks what he said, just as if he didn't hear it.

"What should I eat in the morning... Yesterday there were leftover beans, so I'm ready to cook the beans..."

Xin Zhu divided the cluster of green plants into several parts and placed them in the corner. Suddenly remembering something, he suddenly looked towards Chu Zheng's direction.

"You...you are awake."

"Yeah." Chu Zheng put on his coat: "It's raining outside?"

"It's down, but it has stopped." Xin said: "The weather here is like this, the rain will stop soon."

"You take me around?"


The two simply ate something and went out together. The sky outside was clear and there was no fog like yesterday.

Xin Zhu went around where he lived, and his eyes widened instantly.

In the distance are mountains and rivers, and a faint mist floats on the surface of the river, like a misty silk dress.

Little unknown flowers bloom in the mountains, fresh and beautiful, occasionally you can see small animals flying by.

"It's pretty." Xin Zhu smiled a little: "This is the best place nearby."


Chu Zheng continued to go up, there was a road here, I don't know if Xin Zhu opened it up for a long time.

The more you go up, the wider your eyesight, and the fresher the air seems.

"do not move!"

Suddenly, Xin Zhu stopped Chu Zheng, and his voice was nervous.

"what happened?"

Xin Zhu motioned her to look at her feet, and Chuzheng looked down at her. A small snake similar to a rock was holding her head up, spitting out a letter, and was about to bite her.

Chu Zheng: "..."


Monthly ticket~

Cast one