Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1923: Ask the fairy Huangquan (end)

The countdown is still going on, but the people present don't know what happened just now, so they can only watch a chance wasted.

[Key error, remaining opportunity 1...]

"What happened just now?" Hu Shuo asked with pain everywhere.

"I don't know, there is no external invasion, and there is no abnormality..." Ruan Liang concluded.

It's as if an invisible person entered the key.

Hu Shuo didn't know what he thought of, so he looked at Chu Zheng fiercely: "Miss Chu Zheng, there won't be any..." Unknown creatures!

"No." Chu Zheng's tone was determined.

Hu Shuo glanced at Su Tiyue again, Su Tiyue also shook her head, the two big guys are here, it must be gone.

But what happened just now?

"Master...your bracelet." Xingqiao suddenly said, "You just stood beside the game cabin."

Chu Zheng raised his hand to look at the bracelet on her wrist: "So what?"

Xingqiao said: "Just now you were the only one who approached the game cabin, and you interrupted the input as soon as you moved." He also saw the bracelet activated by itself.

Chu Zheng did not speak.

"This seems to be a game bracelet from a long time ago, right?"

"No, I haven't seen this one."

"I seem to have seen it... but it seems to be different."

"Just because of this bracelet? And how could the game bracelet automatically enter the key?"

All kinds of speculations circulating in the room.

Hu Shuo took the video and saw that Chu Zheng was indeed standing very close at the time. After she released the star bridge, it was closer to the game cabin because they passed by.

At that moment, the gaming bracelet on the wrist automatically lights up, and then goes out very quickly.

"Did it start automatically just now?"

"I remember that all game bracelets are activated the same. Just now that should be the light to activate."

"How did it start by itself?" Chuzheng didn't make any movements, and the game bracelet was on itself.

"Is it really because of this bracelet?"

Everyone look at me, I look at you.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

If there was no intrusion from the outside and no unknown creatures were invisible, then Chuzheng was the only explanation.

Chu Zheng turned his wrist and suddenly stretched out his hand.


Hu Shuo tried to stop Chu Zheng.

There is only one chance left, not to be so reckless.

However, he was still a step late, and when he rushed over, Chu Zheng had already put his hands on the game cabin.

The bracelet knocked into the game compartment with a crisp sound.

The voice revolved in the quiet room.

After a second, everyone turned their heads to the screen at the same time.


The asterisk beats almost every second, and the speed is comparable to that of a turtle.

At this time, no one dared to speak out. This is the last chance. If it is wrong, then it is really...

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, the asterisk stopped beating.

Next second...

[The key is correct, welcome back to Starship. ]

The picture continued to move, and the blurry picture just now became clear.

Only then did Chu Zheng discover that the buildings he saw just now were all on a huge ship.

The screen turns, a page of numbers flows, and an input box pops up again.

[Please enter the number...]

Chu Zheng looked at Hu Shuo and others.

"What number?"

"Player number? Management number?"

"There is no player number yet." Fanxing has no players yet, and quickly eliminated the player number: "With so many management numbers, how do we know which one it is? What if there is only one chance to enter this?"

Chuzheng seemed to think of something. She looked awkwardly inside the bracelet. She remembered there was a string of numbers there.


[Please enter the number...]


[Number verification succeeded. ]

[Starship will serve you wholeheartedly, and wish you a pleasant journey. ]

The picture continues to advance, and finally freezes on a long corridor with the words ‘Time Corridor’ engraved on the left.

From the picture, it should be a person's visual picture.

Until this time, everyone had recovered, and the excitement was beyond words.


"Really went in!!"

This is the first screen that the player encounters when entering the game. When the player creates a good identity, he will pass through the corridor of time and open a copy.

The Starry Ship is like a game hall with many functional buildings and rooms. Players can move freely in this city built on ships.

"It doesn't seem that the management number entered by Miss Chu Zheng just now is not."

"How long is the management number."

"Yes indeed……"

"That number...a bit like the player number, but the letter in front is wrong."

"Ms. Chuzheng, the number you entered... where did it come from?"

Chu Zheng indifferently clicked on the bracelet: "Engraved."

"Bracelet identification code?"

"No, the bracelet identification code has always been used, not like this."

"Miss Chuzheng's bracelet is very strange..."

The discussion was inevitably lowered.

After all, Chuzheng is the party involved, and it is not good to discuss in front of others.

They cracked the key for so long, and finally only opened the first layer, never expected that there would be a second layer.

What's more unexpected is that the second-level key will be in the hands of an unrelated person.

This person was invited by Hu Shuo. Seeing that Hu Shuo seemed to trust her, they had to pull Hu Shuo to ask.

Hu Shuo didn't dare to say more about the unknown creature, so he could only fool around vaguely.

"Miss Chuzheng, that..." Hu Shuo and the group had a chattering discussion, and finally rubbed their hands and came over: "Could you please help?"

Chuzheng originally wanted to refuse, so she rolled her eyes, and she swallowed the word'don't': "Let's talk and listen."

Hu Shuo didn't expect Chu Zheng to speak so well today, and he was shocked in his heart.

"Ah...Miss Chuzheng, we want to invite you into the game..."


Hu Shuo pointed to the game cabin: "This is it."


Chu Zheng didn't know why this bracelet was delivered to her, but she didn't believe in coincidences.

And the things she is experiencing now...

Does it really matter?

So Chuzheng agreed.

Lying in the game cabin, Chu Zheng watched the door gradually close, and the light in front of him dimmed.

After a moment of dizziness, Chu Zheng opened his eyes and stood in the corridor of time that he had just seen.

There is a panel in front of Chu Zheng, which shows the basic data of her body.

At first glance, he saw the number at the top: IXC0000001

Nobody on Hu Shuo's side has seen this code. It doesn't meet the player code or the management code.

So what encoding is this?

Chuzheng looked at the panel again, the template is similar to the normal game, but there are still many blanks, it is estimated that it has not been opened yet.

Chu Zheng turned off the panel and clicked an icon on the upper right according to the information that Ruan Liang temporarily instilled.

[Please select the copy type...]

[Ancient, Modern, Future, Fantasy]

There are four categories of copy types, and the four categories are divided into countless tags.

Most of them fit the labels of TV or novels.

There are also some special labels, such as what: Yin, Yang, Beidou, Six Pole... this kind of completely incomprehensible.

This kind of label is marked in red. When I clicked it, I couldn't open it at all. I guess it is a difficult copy.

Chuzheng randomly clicked a label that can be clicked.

[Single OR Multiplayer]

When Chu Zheng just wanted to order a single person, he remembered Ruan Liangxu's babbling reminder and ordered many people.

[Please enter the invitation code]

Hmm... Chuzheng's finger quickly entered a string of numbers on the virtual screen.


The codes in the hands of Ruan Liang are management codes, and they need to be used when entering the game. They have the same effect as the codes of the players.

So if you want to play the game, you don't need to apply again.

Don’t worry because it’s too easy to manage the code. When you enter the game and choose the player status, the management function will be automatically turned off.

This string of codes belongs to Xing Jue.

The player invites the player, which is equivalent to a multiplayer game, she now needs to find their president.


Chuzheng looked at these words for ten minutes, and still had no response.

Just when Chuzheng thought it would fail to match, the font suddenly jumped.

[Matching is successful. ]

[Dungeon reset successfully...]

[The corridor of time is ready...]

[Enter the copy...]



Babies vote for the monthly pass! !

Monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass! ! !

Monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass! !