Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1949: Mirror world(26)


The woman's voice is cold and cold, which can dispel the sultry heat in the summer night.

"Have you changed?" Cheng Mu asked through gritted teeth, and he was uncomfortable lying on his stomach like this.

"All right."

Cheng Mu first took a careful look to make sure that Chuzheng had really changed, and he breathed a sigh of relief and stood up beside the bed.

He rubbed his aching leg: "Did you mean it just now?"

Knowing that he can see it, so unconcealed!

"You think so."

"..." What does he think is it? The more I thought about it, the more angry, Cheng Mu asked fiercely: "You do the same when you change to someone else!"

"will not."

Xu is the two words that make Cheng Mu feel a little better: "You...what did you mean by that sentence?"

"Which sentence?"

"Just..." Cheng Mu was a little nervous: "You said that I..." The next few words were fast and fuzzy.

Chuzheng understood.

"We will be together, what's the problem?"

"Why!" Cheng Mu subconsciously raised the volume.

"Cheng Mu, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why do you yell? Come out to eat, I think you can starve to death!"

Cheng's father sounded immediately.

"I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat." Cheng Mu responded. Cheng's father said a few words outside. Seeing that Cheng Mu didn't open the door, he could only leave.

Cheng Mu waited for Cheng's father's footsteps to disappear and looked at Chu Zheng: "Why do you say that? Do I agree?"

Chuzheng thought for a while: "Do you agree?"

"I disagree!"

"Oh." Chuzheng said slowly: "It doesn't matter, I agree with it." Anyway, I just listen to your opinions.


Cheng Mu probably hadn't seen a shameless and calm person before, and he didn't hold the second word for a long while.

Do you want to point your face!

Is it a girl! !

Cheng Mu took a deep breath: "From the very beginning, you were not surprised at the connection with me. You investigated me clearly. You...really have no other intentions?"

Chuzheng pondered for a moment: "Do you want to count it?"

Cheng Mu missed a beat in his heartbeat.

Through a mirror, Cheng Mu felt that she was standing in front of him, within reach.

Cheng Mu suddenly said, "What is the difference between you and Qu An?"

"It makes no difference." Chu Zheng put his fingers on the table and tapped twice: "We all want you, but I am better than him." More importantly, you like me.

Even if you have no memory, you will like me again.

This is my support and my luck.

Cheng Mu sat down on the bed and asked blankly: "Then what am I? An item?"

For you to compete, whoever belongs to whoever is more skilled? Does his opinion matter? Did she decide his future in one word?

"You are very important to me." Chu Zheng said slowly: "It is so important that I can pay you the same price as my life."

He wants to know who this person is.

Want to get him.

Chuzheng always knew what he wanted.

She doesn't say it, doesn't mean she doesn't care.

Cheng Mu stared at her in a daze. Through the mirror, he could clearly look into her pupils. In the darkness over there, he could find his outline.

Cheng Mu suddenly felt as if he had been hit by something, his throbbing burst out, rushing to the limbs.

In a daze, he heard the voice of the people over there casually saying: "You are not an object, you are the mystery I want to solve."

"Go to bed early."

The mirror went dark, and Chuzheng turned off the lights.

The moonlight outside the window came in, and I could vaguely see some things in the mirror...

Cheng Mu sat for a while, went to bed and lay down.

what is this? Enclosure, slap and give a sweet date?

Cheng Mu, what are you doing!

Cheng Mu held his face, his heart was ashamed, but he seemed to...like her.



Chu Zheng was about to go to the company. Cheng Mu was not awake when he got up. The boy was lying on his side in the bed with the air conditioner on his waist. It seemed that he was not sleeping well.

Chuzheng exhaled and didn't use the bathroom in the room. He went straight out and grabbed the bathroom with Yu's father.

Yu's father stood in the hallway with a bubble on his face and looked dazed.

"Do you have your own room?"


"How come, let me see..."

"Dad, I'm fine, you use it." Chu Zheng came out quickly and returned the bathroom to Father Yu.

Father Yu: "..."

When Chuzheng went to the company for a meeting, Dai Mi didn't dare to talk about trivial matters. After all, if he didn't say anything, he would have to raise his opponent's salary. Now his opponent is smiling, and he panicked.

It was noon after the meeting, and the people in the office dispersed. Chu Zheng sat there without moving, turning his mobile phone with his head down.

She makes people stare at Cheng Mu's news at any time.

A message was sent to her just now, there was news from Cheng Mu.

Because Cheng Mu was not taken away by Qu An and the whole future changed, Cheng Mu appeared.

Chu Zheng flipped through the photos passed over there.

27-year-old Cheng Mu, in a suit and leather shoes, is mature and calm, and his appearance is even more impressive.

There was also an airport photo. Cheng Mu looked down at the document in his hand, and someone leaned over and said something.

Very business photos.

But handsome enough.

A good person card just looks good.

Chuzheng saved the photo, set up a screensaver, and left the office in a good mood.

Dai Mi was still standing outside. Seeing Chuzheng came out, his dog's legs came over: "Mr. Yu, your previous work was shortlisted, and then you have to prepare for the subsequent entries, you..."

"..." Chu Zheng sighed from the bottom of his heart.

The people going around, the sound of document flipping, the sweet and greasy fragrance floating in the air, vividly tell Chuzheng, there is no end!

Chuzheng draws out the main line list of the game without a teacher.

[Main line: 25% progress of players becoming internationally renowned designers]

At first Zheng suddenly.

Chu Zheng just wanted to turn it off, but suddenly found that there was a small map below.

There is a green dot on the small map, clearly marked with the characters ‘teammate’.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Forget this.

Have to help them find the president.

Why am I so difficult! !

Can't you let the weak and helpless little pitiful? !

This... doesn't it seem to be in China?

Chu Zheng hadn't brought this out to see it before, so I'm not sure when this map appeared.

Anyway, when she first saw that mission, there was none.

Chuzheng now doesn't even know who this teammate is, and doesn't care much about it. It's not her job to find it. It depends on luck.

Chuzheng sent away Dai Mi, went to deal with the follow-up of Yu Shi, and then returned home.

Chuzheng didn't need to do anything to Yu Shi. As long as she didn't return the phone to her and record something, Yu Shi would not dare to jump in front of her.

Of course, just in case, Chuzheng still found someone to look at Yu Shi.

Anyway, you can spend money and you can handle Yu Shi. What's wrong?

Yu Shi didn't know if she was scared by Chuzheng. She didn't even think about what she would do. After returning home, she shut herself in the house.