Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1950: Mirror World (27)


Cheng Mu didn't know how Cheng's father solved Qu An, anyway, he hadn't seen Qu An again since that day.

Because of the injury, Cheng Mu couldn't go out either, and could only stay at home every day.

Chu Zheng has not been around most of the time these days, as if he was busy with some competitions, so Cheng Mu didn't have much time to see her.

"Brother Mu!"

Li Huan poked a head in from outside the door.

"How did you come?"

"Come and see our wounded." Li Huan opened the door and came in, smiling and pointing to the back: "I'm not the only one."

Several classmates followed Li Huan. At this moment, they stood outside and waved at him.

Cheng Mu: "..."

Everyone was here, and Cheng Mu couldn't drive people away, so he took people downstairs to the living room.

Not many people came, after all, with Cheng Mu's temper, not many people dared to come.

Cheng Mu went downstairs to sit for a while and found that he didn't have a mobile phone, so he went upstairs to get it.


Cheng Mu glanced at the door, where the monitor was standing.

The monitor was a little different from when he was in school. The hair was put down, and the eyes were plucked. He was well-behaved and sweet, like peach blossoms in full bloom.

Cheng Mu has no feeling of appreciation: "Something?"


The squad leader squeezed the hem of his clothes nervously, his face was flushed, and he dared not look at him.

"Cheng Mu...you...which school do you volunteer to fill in?"

Cheng Mu: "I don't know, it's not decided yet."

The squad leader pursed his lower lip: "You should have done well in the exam? Can you fill in the Q?"

Cheng Mu glanced at her, still the three words: "I don't know."

Squad leader: "..."

The monitor took a deep breath: "Cheng Mu, I have something to tell you."

Cheng Mu: "Huh?"

"Cheng Mu...I..." The little girl was heartbroken and her eyes closed: "I like you!!"

Cheng Mu was stunned, then realized and turned to the direction of the mirror.

Chu Zheng didn't know when he would be back. He was leaning against the table, looking at him with an unclear expression.

Cheng Mu panicked, but when he changed his mind, he didn't do anything, why panicked?

"Cheng...Cheng Mu, I...I know..."

"I don't like you." Cheng Mu refused altogether, moving his body just enough to block the monitor's line of sight.

The squad leader kept his head down and didn't even look into the room. Hearing Cheng Mu's refusal, his eyes were red instantly, and he didn't dare to look up.

"Oh..." the squad leader's crying voice: "Yes, sorry, I...I'm going down."

The squad leader ran the small building, Cheng Mu didn't look back, but went straight out of the room.

He didn't know why, just a little afraid to face her.

The squad leader confessed to Cheng Mu, obviously everyone in Li Huan knew about it. After the squad leader got off, they sat in the corner alone with a low expression, and the confession failed.

Cheng Mu was a little absent-minded, and the atmosphere was awkward, and finally had to leave first.

Sending off those classmates, Cheng Mu wandered upstairs and wandered around the door.

What are you afraid of!

He didn't do anything!


Cheng Mu comforted himself from the bottom of his heart and calmly opened the door to enter.

Cheng Mu took a look in the mirror. Chu Zheng was still there, sitting there with a book and flipping, Cheng Mu coughed.

The woman raised her eyes slightly, her gaze passed through the mirror, and fell on him after the torrent of ten years.

Chu Zheng didn't speak, Cheng Mu stood there and didn't know how to start the conversation, and the room quieted strangely.

"That one……"

Cheng Mu couldn't bear the silence.


"You... have nothing to ask?"

"Ask what?" Chu Zheng closed the book and sat in a more comfortable position.

Cheng Mu: "..."

what? You saw someone confessing to me, shouldn't you ask?

"Nothing." Cheng Mu snorted dullly, walked out of the mirror and sat on the window sill.

"Cheng Mu."

"What are you doing."

"I believe you will not like others."

Cheng Mu froze for a moment, and then sneered awkwardly: "Heh, a man's heart is changing fast, why do you believe me?"

"Because you are different, I believe you. You dare not."

Cheng Mu focused on the previous sentence, but didn't pay attention to the sentence after Chuzheng. The corners of his mouth rose in a beautiful arc, and then he closed it in the next second. He continued to hum awkwardly: "You will regret it!"


After the college entrance examination results came out, Cheng Mu made the news with the city's first result.

Such achievements can be said to be left to him by the school.

However, Cheng Mu was very entangled when filling out his volunteers.

There are many good schools in this city, but they are far away from his home. If you go to school there, you definitely can't go home every day.

That can't go home...

No, it doesn't matter whether he returns home or not!

Just as Cheng Mu wanted to fill it in, he couldn't help but think of the woman who was sitting in front of the mirror and was cold.

Cheng Mu rubbed his hair irritably and turned on the phone that had been ringing since just now.

In the class group, many students are discussing which school to fill in.

And Cheng Mu's first place is naturally the focus of everyone's attention.

Cheng Mu watched for a while, muted his phone, quickly filled in a school, and submitted it.

Cheng Mu saw Chu Zheng at night, he was about to go out, and Chu Zheng appeared in the mirror.

The gradual starry sky skirt, with slightly curled hair, scattered on the shoulders, and waist-closed skirts, outlines the graceful curves of women. The whole person seems to exude a soft light, elegant and beautiful.

Since Cheng Mu saw her, she has always dressed casually.

This is the first time Cheng Mu has seen her dress so grandly.

But I have to admit that she is really good-looking...

"What...what did you do?" Cheng Mu couldn't help asking aloud.

"Dinner." Chuzheng took off the accessories from his hair: "Are you going out? It's so late."

Cheng Mu didn't know which tail was stepped on: "You can come back so late, why can't I go out so late?"

Chu Zheng: "..." I am not as weak as you.

"Go back early." Chuzheng didn't ask him where he was going: "If you have an accident outside, I can't save you." You can cherish your life!

Cheng Mu: "..." Does she really like herself? !

Cheng Mu left the room with anger.



The night was silent, and the moonlight leaped into the window, spreading silver frost on the ground.

Chuzheng heard a slight noise, opened his eyes, and sat up from the bed.

She glanced at the mirror, and in the darkness, she only vaguely saw a black shadow lying on the table in front of the mirror.

Chu Zheng: "..."

What is the good guy card doing in the middle of the night?

Chu Zheng turned over and stepped on the moonlight across the ground: "Cheng Mu?"

With his arms resting on his head, Cheng Mu opened his eyes blindly when he heard someone call his name.

Starlight fell on the incoming person, draped with a light halo, and outlined a gentle outline.

Unsuspectingly, Cheng Mu's eyes broke into those cold pupils, but Cheng Mu felt a bit astonished. The expression in her eyes was actually soft, with feelings that he could not understand but made his heart beat like thunder. .

However, when he took a closer look, it was still cold inside, and everything was an illusion.