Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1954: Mirrored World (31)

Cheng Mu sent Li Huan away. After turning back, he asked unintentionally, "What are you doing here?"



What to do? That man just now? No matter how she looked, she seemed to be bullying and threatening each other.

Cheng Mu didn't ask much and changed the subject.

During the two days of chat, most of Cheng Mu asked questions, and Chu Zheng answered simply. Chuzheng has very few questions, but every time he asks it is very straightforward.

"I have something to ask you."

"Huh?" Cheng Mu motioned to Chu Zheng to ask, and he must answer with good cooperation.

"Do you remember'fanxing'?"

Chu Zheng had determined just now that the point on that small map should be the person in front of him.

So the president they are looking for is her good person card?

"Fanxing?" Cheng Mu wrote on his face in doubt, "What is this?"

"A game." Chu Zheng observed Cheng Mu's face: "Holographic game."

"Never heard of it." Cheng Mu shook his head: "Is this game in the world?"

"Do you really remember nothing?"

Cheng Mu felt that Chu Zheng's question was strange: "What should I remember?" He remembered that he had never lost his memory, so what did she mean?

"Where are you from and what are you going to do?"

Cheng Mu shrugged and smiled, "From the past, I want to own you."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Who wants to hear you say this, she is talking about business.

Chu Zheng asked a few more questions and was sure that Cheng Mu really didn't remember anything.

According to the group of people outside, if Cheng Mu didn't remember anything, it must be because he was trapped in it. The memory completely inherited the memory of the characters and regarded himself as the person here.

If you want to take him out, you must make him remember.

So the question is-how do you make him remember?

Chu Zheng tried to make popular science with Cheng Mu, but Cheng Mu was confused and there was no sign of any memories at all.

On the contrary, Cheng Mu felt that Chu Zheng was wrong.

In order not to be caught in a neurosis by his own good people, Chuzheng didn't mention it much.


Cheng Mu doesn't plan to go abroad anymore, and his focus of work has to be transferred to China. He has been busy with work during this time.

Chuzheng had less time to meet with him, so he called Chuzheng when he was free, tired and crooked for a long time, and then Chuzheng hung up mercilessly.

Chuzheng is busy designing drafts, busy prodigal, busy being a good man, how can he have so much time to listen to his unnutritious beeping.

Chuzheng took the document and went out under Yu's father's instructions, while continuing Dai Mi's urging call.

As soon as the call was connected, Dai Mi didn't even have a word of nonsense, and went straight to the topic: "Mr. Yu, according to our quarterly report..."

Chu Zheng pushed open the courtyard door, and his goal was a bunch of gorgeous red roses. The man holding the flowers was a long jade, with a small smile and gentle eyebrows.

"Morning." The man's clear voice fell on Chu Zheng's ears, suppressing Dai Mi's voice.

Chu Zheng was stunned: "What are you doing?"

Cheng Mu moved the flower down and held it to his chest: "Don't you want to see me?"


"President Yu? Who are you talking to? Did you hear what I just said? You have an interview today. When will you arrive at the company, I will arrange it for you..."

Chuzheng endured forbearance and rushed to the phone and said, "I'll be there soon." Hang up.

Cheng Mu raised his eyebrows and handed the flowers forward. Chu Zheng was not a hypocritical person, so he took it directly and hooked Cheng Mu's neck to a kiss.

"Yu Chuzheng, who is he!" Yu's father's voice came from upstairs, angrily: "You stand there for me, don't move!"

After saying that Yu's father disappeared on the balcony, he was obviously down.

Chu Zheng took Cheng Mu and left.

"Um... don't wait for your father?"

"Waiting to be scolded by him?"

"Not so good, he is your father, I just left..." This is the first time I have seen my father-in-law, what should I do if I have a bad impression?

"To shut up."

Chu Zheng pulled Cheng Mu out of the alley quickly, stuffed people into the car on the side of the road, and left quickly.

Cheng Mu fastened his seat belt, was silent for a while, and asked hesitantly: "You don't want to... I see your father?"

"what are you thinking?"

Cheng Mu felt a little disappointed, she asked, she probably didn't want to... Cheng Mu smiled: "No."

"You were caught by my dad, we don't have to do business today." Chuzheng said nonchalantly, "I have something to do today, so I don't have time to listen to my dad's nonsense."

"???" So it's not that I don't want him to see her parents? Cheng Mu's loss just now disappeared without a trace.


Why is he sitting in the co-pilot?

Didn't he come to pick her up?

Chu Zheng first sent Cheng Mu downstairs to his company. Cheng Mu unfastened his seat belt: "Baby, my car is still outside your house. Could you please come to pick me up when I get off work?"

The baby yelled naturally and smoothly.

Chuzheng should also be natural: "Yeah."

Cheng Mu pushed the car door, just about to go down, his feet stretched out halfway and retracted, closed the car door, and turned to look at Chu Zheng.

"Something else?"

Cheng Mu stretched out his face: "Kiss."

Five minutes later, Cheng Mu got out of the car in embarrassment, with a little unnatural crimson on his face, closed the car door, and walked quickly into the company with his head down.

Chuzheng watched his back disappear at the company gate before starting the car and leaving.


Chu Zheng knew that he would be blocked by Yu's father when she returned, but she didn't expect Yu's father to sit at the gate.

Chuzheng walked in calmly.

"You still know how to come back?"

"Dad." Chu Zheng can be described as standing at the door cleverly.

"Who is that man this morning?"


Father Yu almost didn't come up in a breath: "You... when did you have a boyfriend?"

Chu Zheng thought for a while: "Some time ago."

"It's a good thing for a child to have a boyfriend. What are you doing so excited?" Mother Yu came over and pulled Yu's father away and grabbed his arm: "You can relax. The child's mental condition is inherently bad. What's wrong with having a boyfriend? ."

Yu's father looked angry at "My house with golden cabbage was arched by a wild boar": "What is the background of that man? Is it reliable? What if he is cheated!!"

Chu Zheng: "..."

If I want to lie, I lie to a good person, right?

Chu Zheng was dragged by Yu's father for interrogation, and finally ended. He returned to the room dying and fell on the bed.

Finally, Chu Zheng took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Cheng Mu, asking him to come home tomorrow.

[Cheng Mu:? ]

[Chuzheng: My parents want to see you. ]

[Cheng Mu: Oh, good. ]

After Cheng Mu replied, there was no movement, completely inconsistent with his previous setting of beeping for a long time.

Cheng Mu was holding his phone in a daze.

Seeing his parents so soon... what is he going to prepare? Will her parents dislike herself?

After all, it was the first time to fall in love. Cheng Mu was not familiar with the process, so he decided to hire a foreign aid!

When Li Huan heard that Cheng Mu wanted to see his parents, his expression was even more uglier than eating a fly.

How long has it been since he returned to China? I left the single team and stepped into the broad road to meet my father-in-law, this is too fast! !