Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 1981: Breeding Rules (22)

The man stumbled away, only then did Shang Qi look at the fierce kitten.

"Half Moon, what's going on?"


——Just what you see.

"Huh?" Shang Cai glanced at the cats around. She had been running outside before, just with these stray cats?

"Thank you." Shang Qi's thank you came suddenly.

If it weren't for her to chase after the abnormality, she wouldn't know that business and abandonment would happen later.

He never thought that one day, a kitten would treat him so well...

——I should do to protect you, no need.

"Protecting you is what I should do..." Shang Qi muttered this sentence in a low voice, his expression slightly startled.

Protect him?

Shang Qi's heart was aching, like being held by a pair of big hands, breathless.

He could hear such a sentence, and he still said it to him.

On the way back, Shang Qi hesitated for a while, still asking: "Yueban, are you... a monster?"

——It should not be.


Yes, yes, no, what should it be? Don’t you know if it’s a monster?

The original owner had never practiced again. She only understood what He Jin said after meeting He Jin's dog.

She later became her, so she is not a monster.

"Then why are you so smart?"

——I am so smart.



Chu Zheng waited for He Jin's actions, but after the handkerchief was sent back, He Jin remained quiet.

Chu Zheng had to continue to expand his territory.

With a high-profile attitude of hitting the world's invincible cats, he quickly conquered the west of the city, and the task progress rushed to 40%.

"Help! Help!!"

The cry for help came from the grass, and Chu Zheng, who took the younger brothers back home, just heard it.

Chuzheng didn't intend to pay attention, but finally thought about it, he still went over there.

"Boss, what are we going to do?"

"Save people."

"Why?" The little brother was puzzled: "Humans are not good things."

Chu Zheng was serious: "Be a good cat!"

Cats: "..."

What the boss said is right!

Two men were attacking in the wild grass. Chuzheng showed up with a group of cats to surround them. The eyes of the cats were glowing with faint green light in the darkness. The two men were obviously startled by this strange scene.

Chuzheng waved his small paw.

Several cats arched their backs at the same time and ejected at the two men.


"do not come!"

"Go away!"

"Fuck! A bunch of beasts! Get out of my way."

"Ah! My eyes!"

The man's screams accompanied by the cat's screams looked eerie and creepy in this wasteland.

When the two men left in fright, Chuzheng stepped towards the woman who had been crushed by the two men just now.

The woman was pale and looked at them in horror.

Then, with a scream of strength from nowhere, he got up and ran.

Chu Zheng: "..."

No, don’t you thank me? !

"Boss, look, I said these people don't have a good thing." Little brother No.1 fanned the flames beside him.

The younger brother No. 2 echoed: "Yes, boss, we saved her, and she is not grateful at all. She still looked at us so much as if we were bullying her."

Chu Zheng: "..."

You can shut up!

Chuzheng was in a bad mood, and didn't say anything on the way back. Finally, he swiped two thank-you cards from the two stray cats who were alone.

The two stray cats looked miserable, Chuzheng asked them to take these two back first, and take care of them.

At the beginning of the day, Zheng just came over, and was surrounded by the cat boss.

"Boss, several brothers have disappeared recently."


The cat boss hurriedly said the matter again.

The cat I saw two days ago can't be found in the past two days.

"I suspect it was taken by those people."

"Yes, yes, I saw someone sneaky before."

"Some people are just hateful. They can't tolerate us stray cats, and they have to catch us to some stray cat shelter."

"I feel like I have lost my soul in a cage, I don't want to go there!"

The cat babbled and dissed the humans all over.

After all, stray cats are not the same as pet cats. They are not born to be raised well. They may be driven away and bullied by others...

"Where is the missing place?"

"Zhongqing Road over there."

"They are all missing over there?"

The cat boss nodded: "The brothers are all around there."

Chuzheng's small claws rubbed the ground: "Go and have a look at night."


Into the night.

Chuzheng squatted in an alley, and the other cats scattered out, and he would report back when he had news.

But after squatting for a few days, no one caught it, but a few more cats were missing.

This piece is very big, even if there is a cat watching it, there will inevitably be some omissions.

"Boss Boss..."

An orange cat hurried back, panting and said, "I saw someone sneaking!"

Chuzheng flicked his tail: "Where?" I want to see who **** my little brother!


The orange cat led the way, and Chuzheng soon saw that the sneaky person was a girl.

The girl was holding the cat food, bending over, looking through a pile of clutter, and her mouth kept calling.

The girl didn't find the cat, she put the cat food in the corner disappointedly, and left with a sigh.

The girl seemed to have only come to feed the stray cats, and there was nothing weird about it.

The orange cat was embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Chuzheng.

Just when Chuzheng was about to leave, a little cat emerged from the pile of debris just now. It carefully looked around to make sure that there was no one, and came out to get to the cat food.

When the cat rushed out, a girl emerged from the darkness, and held the cat with the bag in her hand.


The kitten was caught, struggling and screaming.

The girl covered her bag and left in a hurry.

This girl is not alone with the one who just fed her. Instead of walking outside the main road, she chooses those alleys that are not easy to walk.

Chuzheng immediately asked Orange Cat to call other cats over, and stopped the girl in an alley.

Suddenly there are so many cats, the girls are not scared, they just wander in place.

Chu Zheng sat on the wall next to him, condescendingly looking at the girl below.

The girl's face was pale, her eyes were dull, her lips kept opening and closing, but there was no sound.

It looks very weird.

The girl didn't have much fighting power, so Chuzheng knocked people on the ground in two or three strokes. After being tied up, the girl still looked sluggish.

Chuzheng couldn't handle this situation, so she sent a text message to Shang Qi and asked him to send a bodyguard over.

Today Shang Qi has a job, and Chu Zheng didn't plan to let him come by himself.

Anyway, the bodyguards around him have some understanding of her behavior, so it's the same for them to deal with it.

But Chu Zheng didn't expect that Shang Qihui would come in person.

He was still wearing formal attire, as if he had just stepped off the stage, walking in from the entrance of the alley, the dark and shabby alley, he felt like he walked out of the red carpet.

Chu Zheng jumped into Shang Qi's arms from the side.

Shang Qi hugged her, half as if helpless, half as if she was petting, "What's wrong with you?"