Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2008: Faithful Dog Guard (16)

Mrs. Zuo and her husband were childhood sweethearts, and they had a marriage contract since they were young.

The two grew up together and got married at the age of marriage. Everything was perfect.

But after getting married, Mrs. Zuo found that his husband was not as perfect as she thought.

The deviation in personality is not a big deal, and what makes the general wife even more unbearable is that Mr. Zuo began to wander around the flowers a year after marriage.

Those once pledged each other have become a cloud of smoke.

Three wives and four concubines are normal in this era.

So let people say that they only say that Mrs. Huizuo has a small capacity and does not have the generosity of acting as a mistress.

And the people in the Zuo family really said so.

Even her family members persuaded her.

As the main house, you should divide your worries and solve problems for your husband, instead of making trouble on such trivial matters.

But Mrs. Zuo knew from an early age that she would spend her life with her bamboo horse and gave him all her love.

She thought that her husband would really love her for the rest of his life as he said.


In just one year, he was out there.

Every time Mrs. Zuo looked for him, he coaxed from the beginning to become impatient at the back, and in the end there was nothing but cold words.

The Zhuma brother in her mind became completely non-facial.

Forget it, it didn't take long for Lord Zuo to marry a concubine.

Because of the disparity between the two, Mr. Zuo loved the concubine very much.

When Chu Zheng heard this, he could only sigh from the bottom of his heart that the original owner and Mrs. Zuo were really difficult sisters.

In addition to the different reasons for marriage, the latter is simply pasted and copied.

Master Zuo had a bad temper after drinking. Mrs. Zuo was beaten by Master Zuo several times because of collisions.

She didn't dare to say anything about it, so she could only buy medicine secretly.

But Mrs. Zuo later discovered that Master Zuo did not treat everyone like this.

He was with that little concubine, which would never be the case.

Only she...

Only when facing her would he show that side.

Master Zuo and the little concubine are getting more and more excessive. The little concubine wants to replace her, trying to destroy her reputation in the Zuo family.

Mrs. Zuo knew that the concubine did this thing today.

She didn't know if Chuzheng did not make a move, she would be beaten to death, or if there was something else waiting for her...

And that Mrs. Zuo, with a good status, was the cousin of the imperial concubine who hosted a palace banquet some time ago.

It is probably because of the imperial concubine's accident that the other party dared to be so arrogant.

"Three princes, I want to ask you to help my sister." Madam Lin red eyes: "If this goes on, she will definitely die."

"What can I help her?" Chu Zheng leaned against the wall in a cold tone: "Kill Lord Zuo?"

Mrs. Lin's heart beats wildly, where does she mean this! !

Mrs. Lin looked around in a panic, remembering that this is Chuzheng's shop, and then settled: "I want to ask the three princes to show my sister a clear road..."

"Bright road?"

Mrs. Lin nodded.

She doesn't know why, but thinks that the third prince and concubine can save her little sister...

Chu Zheng thought for a while: "Heli."

Mrs. Lin's face changed slightly: "I'm afraid it won't be easy..."

Heli such a thing, it is a common thing to put it now, maybe after finishing the formalities, we can go together to make a bunch.

But this is the ancient feudal age when women were in a disadvantaged position.

What is Heli to them?

Some people would rather die than take the divorce paper.

In their deep-rooted thoughts, once a woman is divorced, she will have no face to meet people and will be poked in the backbone.

"Then I can't help it."

Either stop or die.

Of course there are other ways, but for a stranger, Chuzheng felt that he didn't have to do that.

[...] The King wanted to persuade, but after thinking carefully that Chuzheng's method should not be a serious method, it finally chose to shut up.

Don't lose big because of small!

What Miss Sister does is not done by anyone at all.

"Hey... I just want the three princes to help and persuade her not to let her go to a dead end."

Madam Lin actually didn't think so much.

She felt that the three princes and concubines had a sense of open-mindedness. Although there were not many words, they always gave people a sense of conviction.

Maybe she persuaded Mrs. Zuo to be effective.

Chu Zheng thought about the thank you card that Mrs. Zuo gave, and finally reluctantly agreed to Mrs. Lin's request.


In the room, Mrs. Zuo had already dealt with the injury, her eyes were red and swollen, and there were no more tears at this time.

"The Three Princesses..."

When Chu Zheng came in, Mrs. Zuo immediately got up and saluted cautiously.

"Okay, sit down."

Chu Zheng waved his hand.

Madam Zuo hesitated and didn't dare to move, and finally Madam Lin helped her sit down.

"The three princes are cold and warm, don't be afraid."

Chu Zheng: "..." My heart is also cold, really! !

Madam Lin simply said a few words, to the effect that she told Chu Zheng about her.

Mrs. Zuo only smiled bitterly, and was not angry because Mrs. Lin took the initiative.

Chu Zheng pulled off the stool and sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea: "Do you still like him?"

"How can I not like it?" Mrs. Zuo held her handkerchief, her fingertips turned blue and white because of the force.

The person has been in her memory since she remembered.

He was involved in all important things in her life.

"Do you like him because of love or instinct?"

Mrs. Zuo looked at Chu Zheng.

The latter sips the tea slowly, calm as if she was just an observer and did not speak just now.

Mrs. Left kept pressing her fingers.

Is it because of love... or is it because of instinct?

she does not know……

She could not tell.

Maybe she really just likes that person instinctively. He is the only person in her life who needs to like.

She regarded him as everything.

"If you can't leave him, then dominate him, even if he is afraid of you, afraid of you, he dare not leave you."

Mrs. Lin: "!!!"

What are the three princes talking about!

She didn't think so! !

Mrs. Zuo also stared at the woman in front of her in a daze.

Where does Chuzheng become an emotional mentor, of course how simple it is.

She put down the tea cup and said slowly: "If you can't sit on the chair that is in his heart, he will sit on the chair that is right."

Chu Zheng paused, and met Mrs. Zuo's sight: "I have liked him for so many years, so I have to take the same one?"

This is what Chu Zheng said.

It's her business to listen or not.

"You can rest here and leave anytime." Chu Zheng got up and said, "I'm leaving now."

After returning to her senses, Mrs. Lin quickly got up to send Chuzheng.

"You solve those two people by yourself." Chu Zheng remembered that there were two others: "Shi Yi, where did you shut it down?"

"Back wood room."

Mrs. Lin didn't see anyone, only heard voices.

"Thank you three princes..."


Chuzheng left with his hands, Madam Lin stood there, and for a while, she went up with her heart, accompanied by Madam Zuo.