Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2010: Faithful Dog Guard (18)

Shui Xin Ge has been very happy recently, and everyone who serves it will be rewarded. It is also dedicated to serving this Miss Rou.

Zhen Rou's fetus is not stable, so she needs to be healthy, avoid more and get more exposure to the sun.

The sun was good today, and the maids crowded Zhen Rou to bask in the sun.

Zhen Rou touched her unprotruding belly, a little smile appeared on her face, with a denominator of brilliance.

But there were too many calculations in her eyes, and the maternal glory was soon obscured.

"Miss Rou, your Royal Highness is worried about you. He sends people to check your pulse every day and sends you so many good things. It shows how much your Royal Highness loves you."

The maid is flattering Zhen Rou.

Zhen Rou smiled: "Just your sweet mouth, I'll pick a piece of jewelry that I like, and I will reward you."

The maid was overjoyed: "Thank you, Miss Rou."

The name Miss Rou made Zhen Rou uncomfortable, her eyes darkened by two points.

"Let's go outside for a walk."

The maid quickly helped Zhen Rou to walk outside.

As soon as I left the courtyard, I saw several people coming here carrying things.

Zhen Rou couldn't help noticing because the box he carried looked a little expensive.

Usually, people who come here are sending things to Shuixin Pavilion...

So Zhen Rou naturally stood there waiting for them.

"I have seen Miss Rou."

The people carrying things stopped and bowed.

Zhen Rou nodded: "What are you lifting?"

"Miss Huirou, it's ginseng, bird's nest, deer antler..." The next person read a list of good things.

"Miss Rou, your Highness must have sent it to you." The maid immediately joined in: "Your Highness is Miss Pain Rou."

Long Sun Heng did send a lot of good things, and Zhen Rou didn't think too much, and said along with the maid.

"Your Highness, please worry about it, please carry your things in and pass them some money."

The next sentence was addressed to the maid.

However, the few servants looked at each other, even a little scared.

However, he had to answer under pressure, "Miss Rou...this...not from your Highness."

"Not from your Highness?" Zhen Rou wondered: "Who gave it from?"

"..." The people hesitated: "It's... the prince and concubine, let us send it to the kitchen."

The expression on Zhen Rou's face almost didn't catch on, her face seemed to be slapped twice, and it was so hot.

What did she just say? !

Zhen Rou turned her head and glared at the maid.

If she didn't start by the side, how could she be born without asking? !

The maid was stunned, her body trembling slightly, she dared not look at Zhen Rou.

How did she know that this was not given by His Highness...

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, a few people hurriedly bowed and ran away carrying things.

Zhen Rou later heard that those things were used to feed the chickens.

At that time, Zhen Rou was drinking the bird's nest and overturned the bowl when she heard it.

What she took to feed the chickens, now she is actually eating.

What is she?

Is it the same as a chicken? !

"Get out! Get out!"

The maids quit in a panic, leaving Zhen Rou to vent alone in the room.


the other side.

Yingxiang was finally happy when he heard the news.

"Have you been relieved?"

"Quiet!" Yingxiang felt wrong after speaking, "Miss, aren't you angry?" Zhen Rou relied on her pregnancy and began to show off again.

"Why am I angry?"

"She... she she..." Yingxiang had been around for a long time, but she didn't have a reason to come.

Chuzheng's tone was light: "A person who is not important is not worthy of me being angry." With that effort, it is better to tease my card.

Yingxiang: "..."

Yingxiang stared at the person in front of her blankly.

Miss has really changed.

Next, what Zhen Rou ate, Chu Zheng bought something to give to the chicken, and Zhen Rou was so angry that she almost moved her fetus.

Changsun Heng heard the wind and ran over to ask Chu Zheng for trouble.

Chu Zheng ignored him. When he turned his head and waited for Chang Sun Heng to be alone, he beat him up.

When everyone discovered Changsun Heng the next day, they were almost not scared to death.

Changsunheng's head was swollen into a pig's head.

"Miss, you haven't seen the Third Highness like that... I don't know who is so courageous."

Chuzheng calmly drank tea, straightening his back slightly.

it is me!

Everyone is responsible for destroying harm for the people, no thanks.


Changsun Heng was beaten, causing another turmoil in the house.

Chang Sun Heng let people find the murderer, but they didn't even know when Chang Sun Heng was beaten, and where they could catch the murderer.

I don't know how this matter spread to the outside world, even Yan Qin sent someone to ask.

Chu Zheng replied perfunctorily. Yan Qin saw that she was fine, so he didn't ask more.

After all, the son-in-law of Changsun Heng... No, brother-in-law, he doesn't like it either.

Chang Sun Heng naturally found nothing in the end, and he was so angry that he didn't sleep for a few days-it hurts.

"Miss." Shi Yi took the initiative to appear in front of Chu Zheng: "Master Yan, I helped you hide it, but I hope that next time there will be such a thing, Miss can let me do it."


Chu Zheng looked at him up and down.

Shi Yi looked normal, and he didn't see where it was blackened.

But there must be a problem...

Chu Zheng continued to say in Shi Yi's slightly puzzled eyes, "You don't need to do this kind of thing, it's not necessary."

Shi Yi: "The purpose of my existence is to protect the young lady."

"The meaning of your existence is for me."

Only two words are missing, but the meaning is completely different.

Although Shi Yi was a little strange in her heart, she was calm on the face: "If the lady doesn't need me, you can talk to Master Yan..."

"I need you." Chu Zheng was afraid that Shi Yi would say anything more, and quickly waved his hand: "You are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission. Okay, let's go down."

Teacher Yi: "..."

Chuzheng breathed a sigh of relief after driving off Shiyi.

Find a chance...

Chu Zheng made a fist secretly.


Changsun Heng was beaten into a pig head, and the house was calm for a few days.

In the middle of the night, Chuzheng heard the movement. He couldn't see anything because of the black lights. Yingxiang would come in occasionally in the middle of the night to take a look, but she was familiar with the movement, not like this...

Someone stepped into her yard!

Chu Zheng lay still.

Shi Yi should be outside, but Shi Yi did not appear to solve it until someone pried open the door of her room.

Chu Zheng: "..."

It really is unreliable!

It's better to rely on yourself than on anyone!

There was a distance from her bed when she entered the room, and there was a screen in the middle. Chu Zheng got up quietly, wrapped the quilt in a human shape, and then flashed into the dark...

No, what am I hiding?

Am I **** afraid of not winning?

Chu Zheng thought about it this way, grabbed the jacket next to him, draped it on his body, and went directly around the screen.

Outside the screen, three dark shadows were cautiously poking in. Chu Zheng suddenly appeared behind the screen, and the other party was taken aback.

I go!

Three people deal with such a weak little girl like me, yes! So worthy of me!

Chu Zheng glanced over them: "You don't understand the rules when you break into someone's boudoir in the middle of the night."