Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2020: Faithful Dog Guard (28)

This group of people finally chose to ask for money.

But the name given out was not well known, and Chu Zheng didn't know who it was.

Chuzheng took out a porcelain bottle and put it on the ground: "Drink this, and you can go out with the silver ticket."

"what is this?"

"Poison." Chu Zheng took it for granted: "You don't think I will let you go like this, do you?"


"Don't worry, you can't die." Chuzheng gave them a booster: "As long as you go out and don't talk nonsense, you will be fine."

Several people hesitated.


The long sword was unsheathed and placed on one of the people's necks. The man fell short and sat on the ground again.

The voice of the woman holding the sword was cold and severe: "If you don't drink it, you will die."

Several people felt a fierce aura at the same time, especially the one held by the sword.


Several people drank the so-called "poison" one after another. The taste... is hard to say, but thinking about the poison, it shouldn't taste too good, so I can only accept the taste.

In order to convince a few people, Chuzheng also asked Yin Xian to perform for them on the spot, making sure that several people were frightened and planned to let them go.

"Miss Yan, this is not right..."

Shi Yi stopped Chu Zheng.

Everyone: "..." It's all right! !

"Don't worry, they won't talk nonsense."

Several people nodded like smashing garlic, and their lives were held in other people's hands.

Several people finally escaped from the clutches and disappeared very quickly.

There were a few fewer people in the secret room, and it seemed quite empty.

Shi Yi looked at Chu Zheng, did not speak, and the atmosphere was a little strange. No matter how nervous Yingxiang was, he felt that something was wrong at this time.

"I... I'll go out and have a look first." Yingxiang slipped away with an excuse.

The long sword in Chu Zheng's hand pulled out a sword flower in the air, and then handed it to Master Yi.

Chu Zheng was very fast when he was drawing the sword. When Shi Yi found out, she had already pressed the sword on someone's neck.

Shi Yi took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to hold the sword, but Chu Zheng did not let go.

"Miss Yan?" Shi Yi called.

Chuzheng loosened his fingers slightly, and Shi Yi only felt a little itchy in his palm, as if he was scratched.

Chuzheng retreated without incident and walked outside the secret room.

"What about these things?" The dragon robe was still scattered on the ground.

Chu Zheng looked back and said casually, "Throw it there."

Teacher Yi: "???" Are you sure?

Obviously Chuzheng is certain, she has already gone out.


Searching people in Yan's Mansion took longer than others. The leader said several times that he was leaving, but the lieutenant next to him repeatedly said and waited, and no one came back.

However, until the end, nothing happened.

"Since you have completed the investigation, it will not delay you from continuing to search." Yan Qin made a please gesture.

"Shang Shuling stayed." The leading general greeted people to leave, and the huge mansion quickly became empty.

Yan Qin stood with his sleeves together for a while, then he fell the door and wandered inside.


Chu Zheng didn't know the name that was confessed, but Yan Qin knew it. It was from the prime minister's side.

I thought it was because there was an accident on the prime minister's side, and they were afraid that Yan Qin would take the opportunity to serve them in one pot.

Even if Yan Qin gets away in the end, he can hold him for a while and buy them time.

Yan Qin did not expect them to be so courageous.

Today, if it weren't for Chuzheng's sight, something might really happen.

Yan Qin looked at Chuzheng, "What do you want to do a big favor to Brother today?"

Chuzheng made a single finger.

Shi Yi was so far away, not knowing what the two people were talking about, only to see Chu Zheng suddenly pointed at him.

"No, change one." Shi Yi is not his servant, he can't give someone to her.


I only need him!

Chuzheng retracted his hand: "Nothing I want."

Yan Qin watched Chu Zheng leave and sighed slightly.

"Master Yan."

"Shi Yi, what do you think of Xiaochu?"

Shi Yi didn't know Yan Qin's intentions, and said in a proper manner: "Miss Yan is very good."

"is it?"


Yan Qin: "What do you want to do after taking revenge?"

Shi Yi: "I don't know." He hadn't thought about that far.

Yan Qin seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He took a picture of Shi Yi's shoulder and took someone to deal with the next thing.


Chuzheng took advantage of the middle of the night and went out to get rid of the few people, lest they would turn back.

The emperor turned over to find the prime minister.

In the end, there was no one, and it stopped.

The whole city was shrouded in an extremely calm repression, just like the eve of a storm.

The prime minister has been missing for too long, so there are so many things to do, the emperor can't let the prime minister's position hang for so long.

Soon one person was promoted to the position of prime minister.

But the prime minister of this generation hasn't been sitting for two days, and the people are gone.


Like the prime minister, it was not inexplicable, no one knew when it was gone, and even a ghost was not found.

This can scare many people.

There was speculation whether it was haunted.

Things are too weird. This statement has been recognized by many people, making people panic, for fear that the next person to disappear inexplicably is himself.

In order to soothe people's hearts, the emperor specially invited Taoist priests to do it.

If people are with Yan Qin, there is no use to find Taoist priests.

Everyone can tell that Yan Qin was finally proud of this incident.

But everyone has no evidence.

Yan Qin's home searched thoroughly and found nothing.

Seeing that Yan Qin's power grew stronger and stronger, everyone had no choice.

Those who cannot stand on the opposite side can only choose to join forces.

The emperor sits on pins and needles in the court every day, and when he sees Yan Qin, his eyes are dizzy, and he wants people to drag him out and chop him.

However, in a short time, Yan Qin had already taken the opportunity to change everything that could be changed, and there was no ability to resist her anymore.

In today's court, who can stop Yan Qin?

If Yan Qin really rises and replaces the throne, who is his opponent?

Both the courtiers and the emperor had to bow their heads.

But what made the important task stunned was that after this Shang Shuling took power, the first thing he did was to disclose the prime minister's criminal evidence.

Everyone: "???"

If you don't strike while the iron is hot, why did you start to find the prime minister? !


Chuzheng didn't care about what was going on outside, she wondered how to get the good guy card.

This is the most important thing.

Stunned? Medicine?


so hard.

Chu Zheng lay weakly on the table, staring at the fruit plate in a daze.

No way!

Can't wait and die!

Chuzheng patted the table and got up, frightening Yingxiang on the other side.

"Miss... what's wrong?"

"Where is the teacher?"

"Master Shi Yi seems to be not in the house, and the slave and maidservant haven't seen him for several days..." There was no one in the room and no one saw him in the past few days to deliver things.

I thought I was doing things for adults.

Chu Zheng: "..."

The balloon that was just blown up was pierced before it even flew.