Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2074: Light-year distance (3)

Chuzheng was taken for questioning. During the period of her'death', where and everything she experienced must be explained clearly.

Many people came one after another.

Some of them are familiar to the original owner, and some are unfamiliar.

Everyone's first reaction to seeing her was shock.

Shocked that she was still alive...

It takes a long time for everything from body detection to hearing the details.

Chuzheng really didn't do anything, so just tell the truth.

As for how to verify, that is their problem.

"Miss Liang, please wait here for a while." Filo led the people out of the room and went to the conference room to discuss.


After half an hour, Filo hurried back.

"This is a new ID chip for you. Most of the permissions have been re-opened, but some of them will take time to go through the process."

Chuzheng took the things and nodded, indicating that he knew.

Ferro continued: "You also know that it takes time to deal with these things, so we haven't given a specific plan for the time being. We arrange for you a place to stay, and I will notify you when the plan comes out. Do you think this will work?"

"No, I have a place to live."

"I'm confused, the Liang family..." Fero paused in the middle of speaking. He hesitated and said, "Would you like to live in the accommodation we arranged? This is convenient for handing over information..."

Ferro remembered clearly that the person in front of him was Liang Chuzheng who had been with Lu Zhaonian.

But now Lu Zhaonian is going to marry her sister...

She went back and saw, could this be better?

Ferro felt it couldn't be better.

Out of respect and admiration for the "League of Heroes", Filo wanted to cover it up first.

Recently, however, this incident has been reported everywhere, and she might have known it long ago when she arrived at the Imperial City Star...

"I won't go back to Liang's house." Chuzheng reported an address: "If you have any questions, come here to find me."

Ferro was a little surprised. The consumption in that place was not low. Why did she live there just after she came back?

Although Chuzheng came back abruptly, she was not a prisoner.

So Filo has no right to ask where Chuzheng lives.

After Chu Zheng left, Filo rubbed his eyebrows and quickly returned to the meeting room.

"Identity should be okay." In the conference room, everyone was analyzing: "But she said that she went through the wormhole... This is a bit unrealistic. The fighter she was driving at the time could not pass through the wormhole safely."

"Some wormholes are inherently unstable. In the past, spacecraft passed through the wormhole safely. This only shows that she is lucky."

This is true, a lot of information can be found.

Everyone discussed in a low voice with the people around them, and after a while someone raised their hands to speak.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Someone successively agreed with this view.

Some people object, but the minority obeys the majority, so the objection is invalid.

After several hours of discussion, all issues were voted on by a show of hands, and finally agreed to restore Chuzheng's reputation. The bill was submitted and implemented after approval.


When the first Zheng came out, the sky was dark outside. Compared to the bustling downtown area, the Union Army Office looked quite secluded.

Chu Zheng was not in the mood to appreciate the night view, and went straight back to his residence.

The congestion caused in the daytime is no longer there at this time, and the suspended vehicle returns to its foothold unimpeded.

In the next two days, Chuzheng never went out, only used Xingwang to learn about the situation of Emperor Duxing.

Ferro of the Union Army Office has contacted Chuzheng several times, mainly to determine some process problems and confirm some details.

Finally, Ferro notified Chuzheng that the application had been approved.

To restore her honor and status, compensation will be awarded later.

There is no statement about the military rank, and there should be new appointments later.

After all, a ‘Alliance Hero’ position cannot be too low, and promotion is a must.

They will hold a press conference there, and they need her to attend.

After Chuzheng listened to a bunch of nonsense in Filo Lori: "Do you decide the time for the press conference?"

"...If you have a definite time, we will also arrange it reasonably."

"The day after tomorrow." Chu Zheng gave time: "Twelve noon."

"Okay, I will arrange." Ferro agreed, feeling something was wrong, but Ferro didn't think of it for a while.

Until the day of the press conference, Ferro reacted to something wrong.

Today is the wedding day of the Lu family!

And at noon...

This is the press conference to restore her identity and let everyone know that she is not dead, and all the signals from the capital city will jump to the press conference.

Filo glanced at Chuzheng, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He had the most contact with Chu Zheng these days, but she never asked about the Liang family and Lu family.

Ferro didn't believe she didn't know.

Behaving so calmly, Ferro almost thought she had amnesia.

But at this moment, Ferro knew that this young man could become an independent commander, and that's it.

Today's Lu's wedding... I'm afraid it won't go so smoothly.

Of course, this is none of Filo's business. His task is to arrange today's press conference.


Liang family.

"Niannian." The exquisitely dressed woman entered the door holding the crystal crown, her well-maintained face showed no wrinkles: "Look, what is this?"

The girl in the room saw what was in the woman's hand, her eyes lit up: "This is not the one I saw last time..."

"Zhao Nian was sent by someone."

"Sent from Zhaonian?" The girl said cheerfully, "Mom, you can put it on for me."

"Look at you, you are almost going to be the master of the house. Why is this temperamental? When you go to the Lu's house in the future, it's not like you are in your own house. You have to restrain yourself." The woman sneered, but she smiled .

The girl stuck her tongue out: "I'm just happy."

The woman shook her head, holding the crystal crown and fixing it on the girl's head: "Sure enough, it matches our thoughts..."

Liang Nian looked at the person in the mirror, her face flushed, and the white wedding dress was laid behind her. She is the most beautiful princess today.

In the interstellar age, there is not so much attention to detail, and the wedding format is much simpler.

When the man picks up someone at the woman's house, he can go directly to the wedding scene.

Lu Zhaonian looks gentle, and his self-cultivation suit makes him stand tall, with gold wire glasses framed on the bridge of his nose, and the eyes under the lenses look modest and gentle.

However, Lu Zhaonian didn't seem to be very happy at this time, just maintaining proper etiquette.

Liang Nian snuggled next to him, her face flushed and her eyes full of happiness.

After today, everyone will know that she is Lu Zhaonian's wife.

Those who regard Lu Zhaonian as the lover of their dreams can only envy her.

"Zhaonian, congratulations." A man strode forward with a smile on his face: "Miss Liang is so beautiful, Zhaonian is very lucky."

Lu Zhaonian nodded in greetings and greeted the man.

Liang Nian had never seen this person, just smiled and did not speak.

The man suddenly said: "Zhao Nian, you don't know yet."