Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2086: Light-year distance (15)

Wang Zhehao advised Chuzheng to keep pace with the times and not watch the messy dramas before.

Chuzheng ignored it and was very firm in his decision, and would never waver.

[...] I'm so angry that I can't do it, I have to calm down and send her a task!

The King issued a mission, and the two sides really calmed down, after all, Chuzheng blocked it directly.

The King's heart is bitter, but it does not say that it is a strong system.


When Chu Zheng was thinking about it at Wei Shi, he went to buy...redemption for the other captured people in the legion.

What to buy is not what.

it's the same.

[Miss sister, if you are like this, we will have no love! 】

Never loved.

[...] The King is crazy, [Well, we have been working together for so long, don’t you have any conscience? 】

Didn’t you eat it?

[...] Hmm? ? What was eaten... [You scold me! 】

I don't, I am not, don't talk nonsense.


The King has gone offline and disappeared, and if I continue talking to her, sooner or later I will get angry and have a heart attack!

"Deputy Inspector Liang... are you there?" The voice of Legion Two came in from outside the door.

Chu Zheng opened the door and went out: "What's the matter?"

Legion Two cleared his throat: "That... the brother who came back said that Inspector Road is also with Helder!"


"Inspector Lu... Lu Zhaonian." Legion 2 obviously also knew the gossip on the star network, and his voice was weak.

Chu Zheng's expression was serious, and he asked in a cold voice, "What did you just say?"

"Inspector Road..."

"last sentence."

"The brother who came back said that Inspector Road was also in Helder..."

"One more sentence."

"Are you here?"

"Not here."

Chuzheng closed the door with a ‘bang’.

Legion Two: "???"

Legion No. 2 ate behind closed doors, and the other No. 1-3 and No. 4 knocked on the door one after another.

The effect is that Inspector Road is saved.

Chu Zheng was too annoyed: "He is not from the Second Army, what can I do to save!"

"But everyone is in the alliance. See you when you look up and lower your head. There may be cooperation in the future. How can this not be saved?"

Chu Zheng is firm: "I can!"

"Deputy Inspector Liang, we all know that you and Inspector Lu have something...misunderstanding, but we are outside now, we have to unite!" If you don't save it, you will be punished! !

These days I have been with Chuzheng. Although Chuzheng is a bit cold, she is actually very good except for this.

They are on her side in their hearts.

But sane is not enough.

If this is not saved, Inspector Road will die here. If he is not dead, after returning, they will all suffer.

No matter what kind of grudges, they are all comrades-in-arms outside.

There are clear penalties in the rules of the Union Army for comrades-in-arms.

If because of personal grievances, you can't save your comrades, who would dare to give their backs to others?

"Then we will kill him?" Chu Zheng said with a cold face, and put forward a bold and mature idea.

Everyone: "..."

You are so mature.


In the end, Chuzheng still took the money to redeem it. For the sake of helping her spend the money, she just...bear him.

To be honest, Lu Zhaonian has done nothing to harm the original owner except for marrying Liang Nian.

But she was willing to redeem, but Helder was unwilling to let anyone go.

Chu Zheng: "..."

That's not right!

It doesn't matter to me, right?

Legion One Two Three Four: "..."

Why do they have such a hard life, they finally convinced Deputy Inspector Liang to engage in moths again!


Wei Shi can only move around in the room, but the door is open and he can see outside.

In the past two days, he clearly found that there were a lot more people.

It looks like she brought back the people from Helder...

Helder was willing to let go?

Standing at the door, Wei Shi just heard the chatter of the gatekeeper and caught the words Deputy Inspector Liang, Inspector Lu, and Lu Zhaonian.


The two chatters turned to look at Wei Shi.

They came later, and they only knew that this boy was the deputy inspector Liang watching, but they didn't know his origin.

Wei Shi stood inside the door and asked, "Is Lu Zhaonian the one from the Emperor Xinglu family?"

"Yeah, you know?" One of them was curious.

Wei Shi did not answer and asked, "Where is he?"

"Helder there."

Wei Shi frowned, where is Helder? Why hasn't he seen it? However, his actions were limited at the time, and he may be locked up elsewhere.

"What is his relationship with your Deputy Inspector Liang?"

The two looked at each other and smiled without speaking.

They dare not talk nonsense.

This smile fell in Wei Shi's eyes, a little ambiguous for no reason.

Wei Shi couldn't ask more, so she could only go back to the room.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know, I heard that Deputy Inspector Liang came back."

"Deputy Inspector Liang won't look at him, right? This is too good-looking."

"But Deputy Inspector Liang and Inspector Lu are not..."

The whispered discussions between the two of them faintly spread inside.

Wei Shi stared at the void uncertainly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Another day later, Wei Shi saw Chuzheng leaving early.

Listening to people outside discussing it is to save Lu Zhaonian in person.

Wei Shi stood for a moment, then returned to the room blankly.


Helder didn't let anyone go because his daughter had shown Lu Zhaonian.

Helder's daughter looks exactly like him. Thinking about the scene, Chuzheng is a bit... funny.

Calm down, can't laugh, collapse!

The big brother's image can't collapse!

"He is already married outside." Chu Zheng said: "If you marry your daughter again, that would be bigamy."

Bigamy is also illegal in interstellar.

"What are you afraid of, he won't go back anyway." Helder's daughter snorted coldly, "Father, I don't allow you to let him go!"

Helder was extremely fond of his daughter: "Well, listen to you." He gave Chuzheng a helpless expression: "You see, my daughter doesn't want to let him go."

Chuzheng wanted to say if you were mentally retarded?

Lu Zhaonian's dress is an official person. Even if he doesn't know the military rank, there will be someone dressed so strangely and handsomely. Isn't it a common sense?

Do you dare to detain people?

Aren't you afraid that the Lu family will come and destroy you?

Of course, Chuzheng does not remind them of IQ problems.

Seeing Chuzheng on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, they wanted to fulfill their appearance, so they quickly recited the Union Military Regulations to Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Regardless of his military regulations, he won't be saved!

Whoever loves to save will save it!

Am I still afraid of military regulations?

"Then bless you."

Chu Zheng threw down these words, and despite the shock of Legion One, Two, Three and Four, he turned and left.

"Deputy Inspector Liang!!"

Legion One, Two, Three, and Four was shocked and hurried to catch up.


"Don't do this!"

"Inspector Road still has to save!"

"Deputy Inspector Liang!!"

Helder: "???"

Helder's daughter asked blankly: "Father, what is she doing here?"

Helder was equally at a loss: "..." He was not very clear either.