Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2087: Light-year distance (16)

Wei Shi heard the noise, frowned and got up and walked to the door.

I just saw Legion One Two Three Four chasing Chu Zheng up.

"Deputy Inspector Liang, do you think about it again? Saving a life is better than building a seven-level float!!"

"Inspector Road is going to save!"

"Deputy Inspector Liang..."

Chu Zheng was not in a good mood, and several people yelled behind him.

Chuzheng turned around: "I'll say it again, I saved it, but it was not saved. The report is just like that, understand?"

Legion One, Two, Three, and Four: "...this...this is a false report, and it was found to be a serious violation of discipline."

"Here are all of us, as long as you are sure, who knows?"


This is wrong!

Chu Zheng continued to brainwash them: "Have I already gone to save Lu Zhaonian?"

Legion One Two Three Four nodded.

"Is Helder not letting go?"

Legion One Two Three Four continued nodding.

"I went to save people, but Helder didn't let them go. Didn't he get out in the end?" Chu Zheng gave the complete logical chain.

Legion One Two Three Four continued nodding.

"Then what's the problem?"

"..." Although you are unreasonable, they don't seem to find anything to refute.

Wei Shi's mouth twitched as he watched Legion One, Two, Three, and Four who were fooled by Chu Zheng to speak.

This person...

It seemed different from what he thought.

Chu Zheng wanted to go to the other side, but suddenly turned around and went to the door of Wei Shi's room: "Did you think about it?"

Wei Shi stepped back two steps, keeping a distance from Chu Zheng: "Can you really leave here?"

"of course."

The girl is confident and determined.

Wei Shi is not sure if what she said is true or false.

"You don't even save your companions, why should I trust you?"

Listening to the meaning of those people just now, Lu Zhaonian didn't plan to save her anymore, how could she take herself away so kindly?

"You are different." Can you compare with Lu Zhaonian? What is he?

Wei Shi frowned slightly: "I am not the same."

"You... look good." Hmm!

Wei Shi: "..."

Wei Shi has seen Lu Zhaonian, even if he hasn't seen him in a few years, there shouldn't be much change. He doesn't look bad, right?


"Have you heard. Just now Deputy Inspector Liang said that he was good-looking, so I said that Deputy Inspector Liang was interested in him."

"Why is Deputy Inspector Liang so superficial?"

"It's not that Deputy Inspector Liang is superficial, it's the person inside. Put it outside. I believe many people will be so superficial."


Chuzheng came out of the room, and the two people who had gathered to discuss together stood up immediately.

Chu Zheng glanced at them, did not speak, and left straight away.

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

Scared to death.

The posture of Deputy Inspector Liang was really scary.


For the people here, the spaceship is indeed the life of the family.

But Chuzheng didn't like it either.

When you put it outside, everyone is broken.

Chuzheng spent money to ask DuPont to spread a message for himself.

Profitable, DuPont went to help Chuzheng run it well.

When he was finished, he suddenly recovered.

What news did she send?

Wouldn't it be for the Alliance army to come over?

Isn't that done?

DuPont slapped his face: "Let you be greedy for money!"

DuPont spent every day in fear, ready to run away at any time.

However, the Union army did not come, and a merchant ship came.

Being able to safely avoid the magnetic field above and land, the merchant ship has not been damaged at all, which proves that this merchant ship is definitely not an ordinary merchant ship.

Everyone: "..."

Nima is so big, can it be an ordinary merchant ship?

Chen Chuan led people to DuPont's steel town. He was a tall man and he was aggressive, and it was scary to watch. People in the town took the initiative to make way for them.

The people at DuPont's station were on alert, and their weapons were all aimed at the incoming people.

As soon as people approached, someone shouted: "Who are you? Come here..."

"Let them in."

The voice of Chu Zheng came from a high place.

DuPont had a guess in his heart, but he didn't expect that he really came to her.

these people……

The gatekeeper did not move and looked in DuPont's direction.

DuPont quickly gestured to them to open the door and let them go.

Chen Chuan led people into the garrison, while the others stayed in the open space, clasping their hands in front of him, standing straight like a sculpture.

Chen Chuan went up alone, and DuPont followed behind.

"Miss, I'm here after receiving your news." Chen Chuan was respectful.

DuPont swallowed. This subordinate is just like that... Isn't she from the Union Army?

Why don't the people below look alike?

"What's the situation outside?"

Chen Chuan: "Only the battleship you were on was attacked. According to the latest news, the route map was changed, and then the records were erased. There are internal responses on the battleship. If it wasn't for you to send the news, we still can't find your location. ."

What happened on the battleship happened too quickly, it was obviously planned.

"Who is the target."

"It should not be you." Chen Chuan said, "It is very likely that it is the road inspector."

"So I was involved?"

"..." Chen Chuan nodded.

"Who are those people?"

Chen Chuan shook his head: "I haven't found it yet."

The other party did everything cleanly without leaving any evidence.

Chu Zheng was thoughtful and dared to do something on the battleship. The opponent was at least a member of the Alliance Army, and his status was not low.

Otherwise...the spy.

But what's the use of activating the undercover in the Alliance Army and getting rid of a Lu Zhaonian?

Lu Zhaonian, an inspector, is not high or low. What reason does he have to work hard to get rid of?

But it has nothing to do with me.

It's not for me!

Chuzheng told Chen Chuan: "Okay, you are ready to go, we leave here."

"Good lady."


After Chu Zheng left, DuPont moved to Chen Chuan step by step.

"That... are you the boss's subordinate?"

Chen Chuan was instructing the people below to do something. Hearing the voice, he turned his head slightly to look at DuPont.

"you are?"

"I'm DuPont." DuPont quickly stretched out his hand: "Hello."

"Hello." Chen Chuan only nodded slightly, and did not reach out.

DuPont used to think that he was a local emperor here, aloof and noble.

But now, compared with people in suits and shoes like Chen Chuan, he is almost like a clown.

DuPont awkwardly retracted his hand: "Well, does the boss still have a hand?"

He doesn't want to stay here.

This is very promising after watching her! !

DuPont has always been a person who knows current affairs.

Only by knowing the current affairs can you live long.

Hold your thighs when they should.

Chen Chuan: "You have to ask Miss."

"Oh..." DuPont hesitated and asked his own question: "Isn't she an inspector? Why did you call her Miss?"

"We are not from the Alliance Army, so naturally we call her Miss."

DuPont: "..."

So who is she?

Chen Chuan didn't chat with DuPont any more, and turned around.

DuPont stood for a few seconds, and chased him in the direction where Chuzheng had left.


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