Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2132: The King of Pirates (23)

As Guan Shi said, a merchant ship appeared on the third day.

Chuzheng intercepted the merchant ship, made sure that the cloth inside was correct, and had someone bring the ship's steward.

Like the previous manager, he was terribly scared, and when he came over, he was crying for mercy.

"Don't howl." Chuzheng heard impatiently: "I will do business with you."

In charge: "???"

The manager suspected that he was so scared that he had misheard, otherwise, how could he hear the pirate telling himself that he wanted to do business?

Is human head business?

However, Zheng really took out the silver ticket to buy the cloth on his boat, and the steward had to do it.

"You... don't kill us?" The steward was still trembling.

"If you want to die, I can satisfy you." After all, I am a good person.

"No, no, no!" The steward shook his head into a rattle: "As long as you don't kill us, you will take everything on the ship without money."

Chuzheng photographed the silver ticket, aggressively: "I'm not that kind of person, don't be afraid."

In charge: "..."

I am more afraid of you like this.

How can pirates not rob the ship after robbing the ship, but instead buy it with money?

The steward was holding a thick bank note and dare not say a word.

Chuzheng asked the pirates to carry the cloth onto their ship.

Buqing was originally practicing calligraphy in the room, but when he heard the noise outside, he pushed the door open and went out.

Buqing saw that Chuzheng was on the opposite boat. He thought about it and planned to go down to find her.

But Buqing did not expect to meet people.

Obviously, the other party didn't expect to meet Bu Qing, and first half-dead himself.

After discovering that Bu Qing was not a fierce pirate, but a young and beautiful boy, the man immediately showed hope.

"help me."

It's a girl's voice.

The man was wearing large clothes. He didn't know where it was stolen, and his hair was messed up. At first glance, apart from her short body, she couldn't tell that she was a woman.

Step back two steps lightly and shook his head.

"They will kill me and save me. I will give you a lot of money. I have money." The girl said anxiously.

Bu Qing shook his head harder, and wanted to leave here.

The girl thinks that Buqing is so good-looking, her heart will not be too cold, she burst into tears: "You don't seem to be in the same group with them, you can save me, I don't want to die, as long as you save me, let me do anything. ."

Buqing didn't know how to sneak onto this ship, but it was impossible to save her.

Bu Qing knew exactly what his identity was.

And he was... not that kind.

Bu Qing pointed to the dark place, the girl seemed to understand what he meant, and immediately hid in the dark place.

Step by step lightly gestures, let her wait there.

The girl figured out the meaning of Bu Qing for a long time. There were pirates on the boat. He was very conspicuous and couldn't take her around. Let her hide here first. He went to find a way to lure other pirates away.

Step by step aside the girl, squeezing all the way down, the passing pirates made way for him one after another.

"What's the matter?" A pirate looked strangely behind him: "Any ghost chasing him?"

"Island owner heard that I was careful to be sunk by the sea."


"I miss our island owner." A certain pirate laughed ambiguously.

"Island hosting business."

"Let's make a bet, the owner of the island will definitely coax him first."

"Don't bet."

Here we ran all the way to the opposite boat.

Chuzheng watched him come, and just wanted to ask him how to come: "How..."

Step by step pounced towards Chuzheng's arms, and the rest of the words were all swept away by him.

Chuzheng took advantage of the situation and hugged him and stroked his back: "What's the matter?"


Buqing's finger wrote two words on Chu Zheng's back.

"We are on the boat?"

Step by step nodded.

"Threat you?"

Bu shook his head lightly, not a threat...

"I see." Chuzheng patted his back to soothe him: "Are you scared?"

Buqian: "..." also not.

Buqing's thoughts turned, he nodded quickly and hugged Chuzheng tighter.

"There are people on the boat over there, send someone to find them out." Chu Zheng told the pirates next to him.


The girl who slipped onto the boat was quickly caught over. Seeing her begging for help, Chuzheng was held in her arms by Chuzheng, and there was a weirdness in her heart of seeing a ghost.

The boy did not meet her sight, and moved directly away.

"If you want to kill, hurry up!" The girl was angry that she had misunderstood the wrong person, holding her head up and preparing to die bravely.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Who said she was going to kill her?

Didn't she say that she was going to kill when she came over?

Chu Zheng asked the pirate next to him: "Is it all done?"

"about there."

"Let's go." Chu Zheng directly hugged Bu Qing and walked onto their boat.

Buqing suddenly vacated, subconsciously hugged Chuzheng's neck, and shook his head at Chuzheng in the next second.

I can go by myself.

"Don't move, I'm not responsible for fishing you when you fall into the sea."

Step light: "..."


The King has come out, so it's better to do more tasks, and then make some messy tasks for Chuzheng.

By the time Chu Zheng went back home, her reputation had already spread.

A...pirate who took money to rob.

I have never seen such a strange pirate, so rich, what pirates do, what robberies do, isn’t it good to be a rich businessman?

Unfortunately, this question did not answer them.

But since it didn't hurt people and didn't lose, everyone was curious about this pirate.

At this time, the curious subjects are ready to return to the island.

"Island owner, Miyun is gone."

"If it's gone, it's gone, what's the use of telling me?"

"No, the second island owner is arguing about going back to find Miyun."

The younger brother of the two island masters, how can he tolerate the disappearance of his brother.


No one noticed when Miyun disappeared, but if you think about it, you can infer that it should have been when they landed a few days ago.

Miyun had always wanted to leave. Before, because the owner of the two islands didn't allow him and someone was watching, Miyun couldn't leave.

This time I finally had a chance to run away, where could Miyun stay.

"Let him go." Chu Zheng waved his hand indifferently.

If the second island owner wants to chase, then go chant.

She stopped doing it if she wanted to stop.

Anyway, one more and one less, it has no effect on her.

The owner of the two islands who got the news thankfully sent Chuzheng a good person card.

Chu Zheng: "..."


In order to repay the two island owners with this thank-you card, Chuzheng gave the two island owners an approximate range for Miyun to escape and gave Miyun a possible route.

My grandson ran away. As an elder, I should do something.

It is everyone's responsibility to care for the younger generation.

Miyun, who saw the colorful world in a certain city, sneezed without warning.

Miyun rubbed her nose and whispered: "Who misses me?"

Forget it, he's all out, taking care of so many things.

His good life has just begun.

Miyun had no idea that she was loved by her elders.