Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2133: King of Pirates (24)

Seeing that they were about to return to the island, the people who went out were very happy, but when they got close to the island, everyone smelled an unpleasant smell of blood. The sea area was full of sharks cruising, and the blood stained the sea.

"what happened?"

"Why is it so quiet on the island?"

At this time, when it is time to cook properly, there should be smoke everywhere on the island, but why is it dead now?

In the past, when they came back, people on the island would see them from afar and greet them at the pier.

But the direction of the pier today is also empty.

When Chuzheng got the news, he asked people to stop the boat first.

"Island owner... there seems to be no one on the island." The small island is full of blood, attracting so many sharks, what does it mean?

Everyone dared not think deeply, except for fear, there was only panic in my heart.

The blazing sun fell on the skin, but everyone felt cold all over.

"What the **** is going on, the people on the island?"

"What shall we stop for? Why not hurry up to the island?"

"I don't have a bottom in my heart..."

Chuzheng asked people to set a small boat down, so she took people over to have a look.

"Island owner, there are sharks..." The boat will be attacked.

"It's okay, you can stay if you are afraid." Chu Zheng's eyebrows were cold and his tone was calm, not as if he was angry because someone did not dare to board the boat.

Some people worry about their relatives on the island and board the boat with Chuzheng.

Step by step hurriedly came, looking anxiously wanting to go down.

"Stop him."

The two pirates immediately stopped Shi Jian, who struggled fiercely, but could not make a sound.

Chu Zheng frowned and looked at him for a few seconds. He returned to the boat and hugged the man from the pirate: "I'll go up and have a look. Come back soon. Be good and wait for me here."

Bu lightly shook his head, he saw...the sea was full of blood.


With so much blood on the sea, what will happen on the island? Taking him up, Chu Zheng was afraid that he would see a psychological shadow.

But step light is very stubborn.

Chu Zheng took a deep breath and leaned over to kiss him.

When the step is slightly relaxed, he stuns with one hand.


The island owner even beats this, it's too **** cruel!

Chu Zheng put Buqian back in his room: "Look at him, if I wake up and I haven't come back, I will faint again."



Buqing had a dream. The dream was full of blood. Buqing couldn't see people clearly, only blood, many, many.

I don't know whose...

Buqing woke up, he breathed air quickly, his heartbeat seemed to jump out of his chest.

This is where?

Stepping lightly across the surroundings, this is Chu Zheng's room...Why is he...

After step light, his neck hurts a little, he stretched out his hand and rubbed it, remembering why he was here.

Where's her?

Step by step opened the quilt and went straight out of the door without having time to wear the shoes.


Pushing the door open, stepping lightly broke into the familiar figure in his pupils.

He made a sudden stop and stood still.

"Wake up?" Chu Zheng glanced from head to toe: "Why don't you wear shoes..."

She just stretched out her hand, turned slightly and ran back to the bed, wrapping herself in a quilt.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chu Zheng stretched out half of his hand and turned a corner and touched his hair.

"Then you will sleep for a while, and I will come over to eat with you later."

Chu Zheng exited from the room.

She came back from the island just now and had to talk to others about the situation.

There was no living mouth on the island. Everyone was dragged to a place not far from the sea. Everyone was cut to death, and blood flowed into the sea.

They probably counted it, but the number is wrong.

One-third of the people who were missing, did not know whether they were taken away or thrown into the sea, and became food for those sharks.

The dead are basically ordinary islanders, and most of the missing are teenagers and pirates.

Chu Zheng felt that those people should still be alive.

Judging from the blood clotting situation, this incident should have happened before they came back.

A flag was also planted on the corpses piled up on the island.

"This seems to be Ao Biao's flag!"

"Ao Biao?" Chu Zheng did not retrieve the name in the memory of the original owner, and no one had heard of it since she came over.

"It's another group of pirates." The pirate explained: "Before and the owner of the big island... well, it was not with them."

Pirates are not only a gang, Ao Biao and the big island owner can be regarded as relatively famous pirates.

And these two also have hatred.

The reason for enmity is nothing more than profit.

Ao Biao crashed into the army two years ago. That battle hurt his vitality. In the past two years, Ao Biao acted much more low-key.

"The people on the island must have been killed by Ao Biao!"

"Has the others been taken away by him?"

"If we don't leave...maybe this thing won't happen."

"Why can Ao Biao find the ghost island?"

Before Ao Biao was greatly injured, he had always wanted to find the location of the ghost island.

But he couldn't find...

How did he find this time? Just when they weren't there...

Everyone in the pirate group seemed excited. Some felt that Chuzheng took them away, causing the current situation and resented Chuzheng.

Especially the people who wanted to save the big island owner before.

Seeing that the people in the pirate group are going to make trouble first, the people who stand at the beginning of Zheng are worried.

"Island owner, what should I do now?"

"Do you know his stronghold?" Chu Zheng was still calm, completely ignoring the people making noise below.

Perhaps Chuzheng's calmness infected them and gave them a bit of peace of mind.

"do not know……"

How could the pirate base camp let the enemy know.

"You can use the elimination method." Chu Zheng said: "First of all, it won't be near the ghost island."


The nearby ghost islands are all familiar with the big island owners. If there is a base camp, it can only be the bottom of the sea.

However, this is clearly impossible.

Chuzheng asked people to bring a map over: "Which line do they usually rob?"

Due to conditions, the routes of merchant ships are basically fixed, even if they are changed, they will be changed on the original routes.

They knew something about their homes, and soon pirates circled them.

"These two lines."

The map is very rudimentary, just look at it, the scope is very large, it is impossible to determine the specific location.


Chuzheng looked at the people who were about to make trouble below: "Go down and tell them that they are gone, and they can't live anymore. If you want revenge, be quiet. If you don't want revenge, just..."

Chu Zheng's tone changed: "Do you see those sharks cute?"

Pirate: "!!!" Not cute!

The pirate immediately passed on Chuzheng's words. The pirates below were quiet for a while, and someone stood up and shouted at the top: "Island Lord, will you really avenge everyone?"

Chuzheng's drooping eyebrows were full of coldness: "I don't need to explain to you what I do. You must be quiet or jump down by yourself."


Can they beat Chuzheng?

The answer is no.

and so……

The bottom gradually calmed down, and everyone looked at the direction of the ghost island, with emotions such as grief, anger, and sorrow in their expressions.

Why did it become like this when I went out and came back once.