Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2134: King of Pirates (25)


The sun was shining brightly, and the workers were carrying the sealed boxes and loading them onto the ship.

A worker stopped breathing, wiping his sweat, and asked: "Is there any stone in it? Why is it so heavy?"

Another worker lowered his voice nervously: "I heard it is silver."

"Silver?" The worker was surprised.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down."

"how do you know?"

"Someone just dropped the box differently and cracked a crack. Someone saw it."

"Whose family lucked this?"

"Then I don't know... OK, let's go."

Two workers carried the boxes on the ship. Behind them, there was a man squatting. Seeing them walking away, the men who went back and forth took a look at the workers, and finally landed on the side where there were a lot of boxes.

The man crouched for a while, got up and leaned over to the box.

The man was still thinking about how to get close to the boxes, and there was a commotion in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

"Go and see."

Two people guarding the box went, and the rest of the people stretched their necks to look over there.

The man did not expect that he was so lucky, so he immediately stepped to the back of the box and pried open a box.

The white silver in the box almost dazzled the man's eyes.

But the man didn't know that in the three-story building behind him, someone was looking at him.

"Island owner, are you sure this is useful?"

"We can't find it, so let them take us there. Why is it useless?"

"But we don't bring many people." The pirate worried: "And the people of Ao Biao are likely to kill us."

"No." Before killing me, didn't I catch them first?


Are you so confident?


All the boxes were loaded on the ship, and the other pirates had already boarded the ship first.

Chuzheng led Buqing, and finally went up.

After a period of meticulous feeding, the juvenile has more meat on his body and his appearance becomes more attractive.


"What are you afraid of? Hold your head up and hold your chest up..." Chu Zheng pinched his waist and lightened his waist.

Step light: "..."

Slaves couldn't walk with their heads upright. They were used to walking lightly, and it was difficult to change them.

Chu Zheng sighed and could only take his time.

Chuzheng and Buqing embarked as a newly married couple on the ship, with the room slightly in the middle.

Step by step, open the window and look out, you can still see the shore from here.

"Like land?" Chu Zheng leaned aside, following Bu Qing's gaze.

This is Buqing's first time on land, and it feels completely different from the island.

There are many novel things on the land that have not been seen, even the air and sunlight seem to be different.

He likes land.


Bu Qing turned his head to look at Chu Zheng, took her hand, and slowly wrote a few words.

——I like the place where you are.

Chu Zheng: "Where you like it, we will live there in the future."

The boy was stunned for a moment, and his fingers crossed Chuzheng's palm.

--May I?

"of course."

The dim light in Buqing's eyes gradually brightened. He probably didn't know what to write. He leaned forward and kissed Chu Zheng's cheek.

The sunlight came in from the window, and the boy was like a luminous body, which made people unable to move his eyes.


The journey was calm and calm, without any danger or pirates.

"Island Lord, do you think Ao Biao and the others are not coming?"

"..." How do I know if he will come! "hold on."

"But this will soon be the best hands-on sea area..."

There may be an official patrol boat further ahead, which is not suitable for hands-on.

Moreover, there are many risks at sea. Ao Biao and the others may not have received the news, or they may have been delayed by something.

In short, the chance of missing is quite high.

If Chuzheng missed it, wouldn't he have to come again? It’s a bit troublesome to think about it because I can’t transport money yet, I have to transport other valuable things.

Two days later.

Chuzheng was teaching to write lightly, and suddenly there was a noise outside.

Step by step subconsciously look outside.

Chu Zheng calmly drank tea: "Concentrate."

Step by step withdrawing his sight, he cleverly finished the last stroke.

He held up the paper and motioned to Chu Zheng to see if he was writing well.

"Not bad." Chuzheng didn't even look at it, anyway, it was just right to praise the card.

Bu Bu put it down happily, and pointed to the outside.

"Want to go out to see?" Chu Zheng put the tea cup down: "Okay, I will show you."

Step light: "..."

He was surprised by the sound outside, and didn't want to see it.

Chuzheng put on BuQing's coat and led him out.

Most people in the corridor outside looked at everyone in confusion, not knowing what happened.

"Pirates! The pirates are coming!!" Finally someone yelled and ran up.

The people in the hallway panicked as soon as they heard it, and went back to the room, and ran away.

Chuzheng glanced at each other with a few pirates hiding in the crowd, and calmly guarded Buqing to go outside.

The merchant ship was surrounded by two pirate ships, and the pirates on the ship, with their weapons in their hands, shouted joyfully over there, trying to come here.

Chu Zheng found a pirate in his team to watch the play... "Are you from Ao Biao?"

Chuzheng appeared silently, and the pirate was startled.

"Yes... It's Ao Biao's flag, his people."

"Okay." Chu Zheng left his step lightly: "You will be responsible for protecting him for a while, one less hair..."

Pirate: "..." Didn't you mean waiting for Aobiao's people to capture them back?

Why doesn't it mean to hear what the island owner said?

What plan to change?

And even if the plan changes, they should deal with Aobiao's people, right?

Obviously they are not.

They are just the first Zheng to protect the step light.

Chuzheng went down alone.

The pirate group is responsible for cheering her on the side.

The sound of fighting on the sea became louder and louder, and the rest of the people hid in the cabin, afraid to appear.

Ao Biao saw that the situation was wrong and wanted to run.

All the pirates evacuated to the ship, and the distance between the ship and the ship widened.

At the moment when they unloaded the rope, Chu Zheng grabbed the rope and jumped onto the other's boat.


The clouds on the horizon were brilliant, as if they were stained red with blood, reflected on the sea, reflecting the shimmering light.


An unknown island in a certain sea area.

Zhuang Ping can't remember how many days he has been arrested here. After being arrested here, he has been working every day and there is almost no time to rest.

Zhuang Ping did not dare to close his eyes.

Every time I close my eyes, I can see my wife and children lying in a pool of blood.

He hates...

But he was incompetent and didn't dare to avenge them, and he didn't even have the courage to follow them.

There were also many people on the island who were arrested here. Zhuang Ping knew it was useless to resist, so he quickly succumbed and worked actively, trying not to provoke the steward here.

Sure enough, after the first few days, he was much better.

But others who were dissatisfied were beaten to death.

Zhuang Ping looked at the people who were thrown in, and waited for the people outside to leave, and then whispered: "Don't resist, be soft, and you will have a chance of revenge if you survive."

"Bah, you think everyone is the same as you!" The man gritted his teeth and cursed.

Zhuang Ping sat back: "You are dead, how can you avenge them?"
