Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2135: King of Pirates (26)

Zhuang Ping thought he would never go back, but he didn't expect to see Chu Zheng again.

It was one evening, and Zhuang Ping heard the guards talking about the return of their fleet, and after a while, he saw Chu Zheng slowly coming in.

"Who are you!" When the pirate found Chuzheng, he yelled, "How did you get in!"


A few pirates, look at me, I look at you, the atmosphere is a bit strange.


Zhuang Ping had seen her do something on the ghost island, with her mysterious and unpredictable ability. Bye bye at this time, Zhuang Ping's mood was particularly calm.


"Island owner." Zhuang Ping, a big man, turned red when he saw Chu Zheng at this time.

"What about the rest?"

"In it." Zhuang Ping quickly found the key from the pirate, went to the cell inside, and released all the people who were still alive.

Those who were captured, except for those who died here, the rest of the men are here.

Women do not know where they are locked up.

"Island owner..."

"Island owner!" Seeing Chu Zheng, the group of people was emotional. They thought they were going to wait here to die or become Ao Biao's slaves. They didn't expect their island owner to come to rescue them.

Worthy of being the messenger of Lord Seagod!

"..." Whatever you think it is!

Chu Zheng woke up a person on the ground: "Where are the others locked up?"

Out of fear, the man pointed in a direction: "The others... are... all locked in there."


Ao Biao has had a good harvest recently, a little bloated, and a lot of luxury in life.

Today, the fleet came back, and Ao Biao was neatly dressed to meet him.

But before they reached the dock, someone rushed over.

"Island owner, island owner!!" The man pointed to the boat at the pier: "No one on board came down!!"

"What?" Ao Biao didn't quite understand.

"The ship docked on its own, but there was no one on board, like...like a ghost ship!" The more the man talked, the more frightened, his body shook like Parkinson's.

They have heard a lot of rumors about ghost ships.

Ao Biao: "Have you seen it before?"

"No...we dare not." If it is really a ghost ship, wouldn't it be a ghost ship? They didn't dare to go up and see when they found no one came down and didn't respond to how they called.

Ao Biao: "..."

As the island owner, Ao Biao cannot be counseled.

His expression sank, and he walked forward with his hands in his hands: "Go and see."

The boat stopped at the pier, and it was quiet. Ao Biao stood in the distance to observe for a while, allowing people to board the boat to see.

Everyone is a little scared and dare not go up.

Ao Biao: "..."

A bunch of waste.

"You follow me up." Ao Biao personally ordered a few people and took them on board.

There was nothing on the boat, they found the **** man in the cabin.

Without Ao Biao's question, someone hurriedly said: "The ghost island...their people have landed on the island!"


The island-wide alarm was sounded, and Ao Biao made the entire island be sealed off. It was bound to find the people on the ghost island.

But they didn't need to look for them at all, they didn't hide their whereabouts at all. After saving Zhuang Pingping, they swaggered all the way to rescue other people on the island.

When Ao Biao received the news, he immediately led people to encircle him.

"I heard that the ghost island has changed to an island owner. I didn't expect it to be so young." Ao Biao looked at the little girl standing in front with a slight contempt on his face, but his heart was wary.

It's not easy for this woman to bring the big island owner and them to the top.

The people on the ghost island said that she was still the messenger of the sea god...

Those who seek life on the sea have the same respect for the Seagod, and Ao Biao is no exception, but he does not believe in a single person and can be the messenger of the Seagod.

Maybe it was this woman's trick to trick these stupid islanders into a circle.

Chu Zheng was too lazy to greet Ao Biao, and went straight to the subject: "You arrested my people and slaughtered my islanders. How does Ao Island Master plan this matter?"

"Hahaha, little island owner, haven't you heard a word? The winner is king, you ghost island, you have no ability, how can you blame me?"


Then hit it.

Chu Zheng glanced at the people brought by Ao Biao. With so many people, it's a bit troublesome. It's not as good as...

Chu Zheng set his sight on Ao Biao.

"Your ghost island is already like that, you might as well stay, I am no worse than ghost island." Ao Biao drew Chu Zheng: "If you want, I can also give you the position of the second island owner, how about?"

Not great, why should I be the second child!

"I prefer to be the island owner."


Ao Biao stared at Chuzheng, and the danger in his eyes made people shudder.

"Little girl film, don't be shameless, you are in my place now..."

Chu Zheng glanced around and said in a cold tone: "It won't be anymore soon."

Ao Biao: "What?"

What nonsense is she talking about? When he was where, and the island was full of his people, she thought she could leave after entering here?

Sure enough, he was still too young to know that there were people outside, and there were days outside.

Ao Biao soon knew if Chu Zheng was talking nonsense.

Ao Biao is a good man, and he is cautious in his actions, not as easy to deal with as the owner of the big island.

Ao Biao still took so many people with him, and it was indeed a bit difficult for Chu Zheng to catch him.

But struggling doesn't mean you can't catch it.

When Ao Biao was pressed by Chuzheng on the ground, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

"If you give me the site, I'll spare your life, how about?" Chu Zheng pinched Ao Biao's neck and threatened.

"What are you guys doing? Let's go together!" Ao Biao turned his head and rebuked the pirates.

"Whoever dares to do it, I will kill him." Chuzheng swept over, and the pirate who just wanted to do it was swept away by that look, his back was inexplicably cold, and they froze in place.

Ao Biao's face was blue and white with anger.

But if they really rushed forward regardless of their own safety, Ao Biao would probably be even more angry.

Chu Zheng: "Why slaughter the ghost island."

Ao Biao sneered, "I don't share the feud with Ghost Island, why not slaughter?"

"What kind of hatred?" Chuzheng asked gossip, but she asked very seriously, and people couldn't tell that she was gossip.

Ao Biao probably felt that Chuzheng had usurped the seat of the big island owner and was not in the same group as the big island owner. This can be told to her.

Ao Biao was weakened last time because he encountered the army of the court, but they would encounter it because of the trap set up by the owner of the big island and deliberately informed the court.

Ao Biao gritted his teeth: "Do you think this hatred is not shared?"

"...Hmm." It was indeed a big feud. "How do you know the situation on the ghost island?"

Why did you choose so well, when the big island owner, the three island owners, fell, and the new island owner took the two island owners out to sea.

"He can plant spies for me, can't I plant spies for him?" Ao Biao sneered.

After finally catching such a chance, how could he let it go?

"You're pretty good." Chu Zheng exaggerated without emotion.

Is there a monthly pass, brothers and sisters! Vote~~