Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2151: Mr. Zombie (10)

The front team didn't mean to go at all. Many people were carrying water bottles and cans to the front to collect water. Zhao Yingjun and Ah Yi also went.

Squatting outside the car, Xiaobow is holding his slingshot, picking up rocks and hitting both sides of the road.

Only Xiaoyu, Chuzheng and Beichi were left in the car.

Chuzheng ate a bit, turned her head to face Bei Chi's straight gaze, she twisted the water, and poured a little with Bei Chi's mouth.


got used to.

She feeds like this all the way.

But does this zombie need to drink water?

Chu Zheng didn't feed Bei Chi. The first reason was that he seemed to be in good spirits, and the second reason was that he was afraid that he could not digest.

But thinking about the appetite of zombies, they dared to eat raw food, and there is probably nothing indigestible.

So now Chuzheng plans to feed him some food.

Chu Zheng asked Xiaoyu for some biscuits, broke them into small pieces, and directly pinched Bei Chi's chin and put it in his mouth.

Seeing Chuzheng's rude appearance, Xiaoyu suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the zombie...


Bei Chi pressed his tongue against the biscuit and wanted to push it out.

"Swallow it down!" Chu Zheng pinched his chin, not allowing him to vomit: "Dare to vomit and kill you!"

Bei Chi: "Ho **** ho ho!!"

I don't know if it is Xiaoyu's illusion, she always feels that Mr. Zombie is very wronged.

No matter what time, the girl will always give birth to unbearable and sympathetic when the other party is showing weakness, Xiaoyu is no exception: "Big brother...does he not like to eat this?"

"Otherwise, eat you?" Chu Zheng turned to look at her.

The little fish shrank to a corner and said weakly, "Let's eat cookies."

She is not delicious!

Bei Chi obviously hates biscuits, and the whole body is filled with resistance, but I don't know if it's afraid of Chuzheng, or what, it really didn't spit it out and swallowed it wholeheartedly.

"It can be eaten." Chu Zheng broke another piece.

Bei Chi: "..."

Bei Chi grinned and suddenly bit towards Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng squinted, and the hand he wanted to pull away stopped there: "You bite it down and try it."

Chuzheng felt that her teeth had touched her skin, and even bitten down, but soon stopped.

Beichi's gray eyes peeped at Chuzheng, like a cat stealing food, peeking at the presence of the shovel officer.

Chu Zheng looked at him expressionlessly, with a gloomy look, obviously an awkward shoveling officer.

As soon as Bei Chi retracted his teeth, he suddenly stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked the back of Chu Zheng's hand.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Hold the grass! Are you a dog? Not too dirty!

"Don't lick it!" Chu Zheng put his finger against his forehead and pushed him away.

"Ho ho!" No eating, no licking, this person is so annoying!

Hmm...people...what is a person?

There was chaos in Bei Chi's mind, and only occasionally some strange words flashed through.

Bei Chi shook his head, sniffed lightly on the back of her hand with the tip of her nose, grinning out her teeth from time to time.

Want to bite...

Good smell...

So hungry...

But she is fierce.

He opened the door of the car and saw this scene. He was scared with an ‘ah’. He grabbed the thing next to him and hit Bei Chi.

"what are you doing?"

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand to block it, and the hit on Chu Zheng's arm was not very painful, but it was still a bit numb.

Supported: "!!!" Why did the boss stop!

When he hit Chuzheng, he was a little flustered. He swallowed, pointed at Beichi, and said incoherently: "I thought he was he..."

"It's okay." Chu Zheng shook his hand.

Staring away at Bei Chi, he still used his nose to sniff Chu Zheng's hand, his teeth appeared from time to time, as if he would bite at any time.

He was surprised and excited, but the big man kept him close.

This... the big guy is indeed a big guy.

He held his heart away and quickly closed the car door.

Sorry, he couldn't bear it.

Isn’t training pets all about familiarizing pets with their own smell? So the boss really keeps that zombie as a pet?


The big guy's hobby is so special.


Zhao Yingjun and Ah Yi brought back water, not a lot. The water storage capacity in the water plant was not large. To distribute to so many people, each person must be limited.

"A little savings is enough for us to drink for two or three days."

The now known way for the virus to spread is to be bitten by these infected zombies, and also to water.

The water outside is basically not drinkable.

Some clean water can still be found now, and then...

Everyone doesn't know what to do, how can they live without water!

"I don't know what to do in the future." Ah Yi sighed.

"Maybe there will be experts at the base who will work out an antidote, so don't worry too much." He said soothingly.

"Then what if you can't study it?" Xiao Gong was puzzled.


"Then you have to find a way to live." The slingshot opened his forehead: "You can't die, right?"

Xiao Gong: "By then, there will be no water. What is the difference between being dead? At that time, it was not as good as a zombie."


Take a deep breath and don't compete with the bear child.

It may be that this topic is too heavy, everyone is reluctant to talk more, and the topic soon changed.

After chatting for a while, he looked strangely in front of the team: "Why don't you leave?"

The last one of them has already received water. Is there anyone in front who hasn't received water?

But didn't everyone enter the car?

Just as the doubts were dispelled, the convoy moved slowly.

But the convoy didn't drive far forward, and suddenly stopped again, and then a hustle and bustle came from the front.

"What's wrong? Met a zombie?" Ah Yi asked nervously.

"It's not like..."

"Brother Kai, look at the sky, isn't it right?" Zhao Yingjun looked at the sky in front of him.

The gray area seemed to be raining.

But on their side, the sun is shining...

"Back to the water plant."


Chu Zheng repeated: "If you don't want to die, go back to the water plant."


Although I don't know why the boss said that, but the boss is definitely right.

They turned around immediately, their car was the last one, and it was easy to turn around. The car in front of them saw them turning around, and the hustle and bustle of unknown conditions in front of them also turned around and followed them.

Someone in the convoy was running from the gap to the back, as if something was chasing them behind.

The last car can turn around and run quickly. The blocked cars can neither turn around nor get out because of the crowd.

The water plant was not far from them, and Chuzheng's car arrived first.

Chu Zheng unfastened Bei Chi's seat belt, dragged him down, and rushed to the human in the car: "Bring useful things and go in."

Others moved quickly, carrying a few backpacks, and soon followed Chuzheng into it.

The water plants are all bungalows connected in a semi-arc shape, but there are different rooms inside.

Chu Zheng picked a room and put Bei Chi in it first.

The people who ran after them also hurried in.

"What are you running?" Someone asked confused when they came in.

"Those people are not all running."

"There are zombies?"

"……do not know."

Everyone looked at each other.